Publications of Jürgen Schreiber
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
117, pp. 17 - 24 (2004)
First light of SINFONI at the VLT. The ESO Messenger 2.
Journal Article
113, pp. 17 - 25 (2003)
The universe in 3D: First observations with SPIFFI, the infrared integral field spectrometer for the VLT. The ESO Messenger Conference Paper (7)
Conference Paper
SINFONI data reduction software. Conference on Integral Field Spectroscopy, Durham, England, July 04, 2005 - July 08, 2005. Integral Field Spectroscopy: Techniques and Data Production, pp. 398 - 400 (2006)
Conference Paper
First results from SPIFFI. I: The Galactic Center. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, March 22, 2003 - March 23, 2003. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, pp. 88 - 01 (2004)
Conference Paper
Characterization of high and low-stressed Ge:Ga array cameras for Herschels's PACS instrument. In: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, pp. 437 - 447 (Ed. Mather, J. C.). Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 21, 2004 - June 25, 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Conference Paper
First results from SPIFFI, II: The luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 an the luminous sub-millimeter galaxy SMMJ 14011+0252. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, March 22, 2003 - March 23, 2003. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, pp. 120 - 123 (2004)
Conference Paper
Data reduction software for the VLT integral field spectrometer SPIFFI. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, pp. 380 - 383 (Eds. Ochsenbein, F.; Allen, M. G.; Egret, D.). Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII, Strasbourg, France, October 12, 2003 - October 15, 2003. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2004)
Conference Paper
SINFONI: integral field spectroscopy at 50-milli-arcsecond resolution with the ESO VLT. In: Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes, pp. 1548 - 1561 (Eds. Iye, M.; Moorwood, A. F. M.). Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based, Waikoloa, August 25, 2002 - August 28, 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Conference Paper
SPIFFI image slicer: high-precision optics at cryogenic temperatures. In: Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy, pp. 375 - 383 (Eds. Atad-Ettedgui, E.; D'Odorico, S.). Specialized Optical Developments in Astronomy, Waikoloa, August 25, 2002 - August 26, 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)