Publications of A. Verma
All genres
Journal Article (16)
Journal Article
379 (4), pp. 1343 - 1351 (2007)
The discovery of a massive supercluster at z = 0.9 in the UKIDSS deep eXtragalactic survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2.
Journal Article
377 (3), pp. 1024 - 1042 (2007)
Lyman-break galaxies at z ~ 5 – I. First significant stellar mass assembly in galaxies that are not simply z ~ 3 LBGs at higher redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 3.
Journal Article
125, pp. 11 - 14 (2006)
The SINS survey: rotation curves and dynamical evolution of distant galaxies with SINFONI. The ESO Messenger 4.
Journal Article
439 (7104), pp. 786 - 789 (2006)
The rapid formation of a large rotating disk galaxy three billion years after the Big Bang. Nature 5.
Journal Article
645 (2 Part 1), pp. 1062 - 1075 (2006)
SINFONI integral field spectroscopy of z ~ 2 UV-selected galaxies: rotation curves and dynamical evolution. The Astrophysical Journal 6.
Journal Article
131 (5), pp. 2383 - 2393 (2006)
Anglo-australian telescope imaging and microslit spectroscopy in the southern Hubble deep field. Astronomical Journal 7.
Journal Article
119 (1-4), pp. 355 - 407 (2005)
Obscured activity: AGN, quasars, starbursts and ULIGs observed by the infrared space observatory. Space Science Reviews 8.
Journal Article
351 (4), pp. 1290 - 1306 (2004)
The European Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS): the final band-merged catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9.
Journal Article
127 (6), pp. 3075 - 3088 (2004)
The nature of the mid-infrared population from optical identifications of the ELAIS-S1 sample. The Astronomical Journal 10.
Journal Article
349 (2), pp. 518 - 526 (2004)
The environments of hyperluminous infrared galaxies at 0.44
Journal Article
403, pp. 829 - 846 (2003)
A mid-infrared spectroscopic survey of starburst galaxies: Excitation and abundances. Astronomy & Astrophysics 12.
Journal Article
335 (4), pp. 1163 - 1175 (2002)
Submillimetre observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13.
Journal Article
393 (3), pp. 821 - 841 (2002)
Mid-infrared line diagnostics of active galaxies - A spectroscopic AGN survey with ISO-SWS. Astronomy & Astrophysics 14.
Journal Article
335 (3), pp. 574 - 592 (2002)
Observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies with the Infrared Space Observatory: implications for the origin of their extreme luminosities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 15.
Journal Article
332 (3), pp. 549 - 574 (2002)
Observations of the Hubble deep field south with the Infrared space observatory - II. Associations and star formation rates. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 16.
Journal Article
329 (3), pp. 605 - 619 (2002)
Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Conference Paper (5)
Conference Paper
Young galaxies in the early universe: the physical properties of luminous z~5 LBGs derived from their rest-frame UV to visible SEDs. In: At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, pp. 75 - 82 (Eds. Afonso, J.; Ferguson, H.C.; Mobasher, B.; Norris, R.). At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, Sintra, Portugal, October 09, 2006 - October 13, 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2007)
Conference Paper
Hyperluminous infrared galaxies. In: The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos, pp. 229 - 230 (Eds. Armus, L.; Reach, W.T.). The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos, Pasadena, CA, USA, November 09, 2004 - November 12, 2004. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2006)
Conference Paper
A MIR spectroscopic survey of starburst galaxies. In: Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, pp. 263 - 270 (Eds. Gry; C.; Peschke; S.B.; Matagne et al.). Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, Sigüenza (Spain), June 24, 2002 - June 27, 2003. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Conference Paper
ISO photometry of hyperluminous infrared galaxies: implications for the origin of their extreme luminosities. In: Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, pp. 301 - 304 (Eds. Gry; C.; Peschke; S.B.; Matagne et al.). Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, Sigüenza (Spain), June 24, 2002 - June 27, 2003. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)