
Publications of Marta Obolentseva

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Neufeld, D. A.; Welty, D. E.; Ivlev, A. V.; Caselli, P.; Edenhofer, G.; Indriolo, N.; Obolentseva, M.; Silsbee, K.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Wolfire, M. G.: The Densities in Diffuse and Translucent Molecular Clouds: Estimates from Observations of C2 and from Three-dimensional Extinction Maps. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 973 (2), 143 (2024)
Journal Article
Obolentseva, M.; Ivlev, A. V.; Silsbee, K.; Neufeld, D. A.; Caselli, P.; Edenhofer, G.; Indriolo, N.; Bisbas, T. G.; Lomeli, D.: Reevaluation of the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate in Diffuse Clouds. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 973 (2), 142 (2024)
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