Publications of Emily Wisnioski
All genres
Journal Article (39)
Journal Article
892 (1), 1 (2020)
The regulation of galaxy growth along the size–mass relation by star formation, as traced by Hα in KMOS3D galaxies at 0.7 ≲ z ≲ 2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
Journal Article
886 (2), 124 (2019)
The KMOS3D Survey: Data release and final survey paper. The Astrophysical Journal 3.
Journal Article
875 (1), 21, pp. 1 - 26 (2019)
The KMOS3D Survey: Demographics and Properties of Galactic Outflows at z = 0.6–2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
Journal Article
870 (2), 130 (2019)
Millimeter Mapping at z~1: Dust-obscured bulge building and disk growth. The Astrophysical Journal 5.
Journal Article
174, pp. 28 - 33 (2018)
Witnessing the Early Growth and Life Cycle of Galaxies with KMOS3D. The Messenger 6.
Journal Article
855 (2), 97 (2018)
The KMOS3D survey: rotating compact star-forming galaxies and the decomposition of integrated line widths. The Astrophysical Journal 7.
Journal Article
474 (3), pp. 4151 - 4168 (2018)
The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: final data release and the metallicity of UV-luminous galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 8.
Journal Article
474 (1), pp. 522 - 535 (2018)
The connection between the peaks in velocity dispersion and star-forming clumps of turbulent galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9.
Journal Article
472 (2), pp. 1879 - 1896 (2017)
A unified model for age–velocity dispersion relations in Local Group galaxies: disentangling ISM turbulence and latent dynamical heating. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
Journal Article
842 (2), 121, pp. 1 - 22 (2017)
The evolution of the Tully–Fisher relation between z ~ 2.3 and z ~ 0.9 with KMOS3D. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
Journal Article
841 (2), L25 (2017)
Rotating starburst cores in massive galaxies at z = 2.5. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 12.
Journal Article
841 (1), L6 (2017)
KMOS3D reveals low-level star formation activity in massive quiescent galaxies at 0.7 < z < 2.7*. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 13.
Journal Article
840 (2), 92, pp. 1 - 24 (2017)
Falling Outer Rotation Curves of Star-forming Galaxies at 0.6 lesssim z lesssim 2.6 Probed with KMOS3D and SINS/zC-SINF. The Astrophysical Journal 14.
Journal Article
467 (1), pp. 239 - 258 (2017)
Integrated and resolved dust attenuation in clumpy star-forming galaxies at 0.07 < z < 0.14. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 15.
Journal Article
839 (1), L5 (2017)
Connecting clump sizes in turbulent disk galaxies to instability theory. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 16.
Journal Article
543 (7645), pp. 397 - 401 (2017)
Strongly baryon-dominated disk galaxies at the peak of galaxy formation ten billion years ago. Nature 17.
Journal Article
835 (2), 153, pp. 1 - 37 (2017)
Galaxy environment in the 3D-HST fields: witnessing the onset of satellite quenching at z ~ 1–2. The Astrophysical Journal 18.
Journal Article
834 (2), 135, pp. 1 - 10 (2017)
Bulge-forming galaxies with an extended rotating disk at z ~ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
Journal Article
464 (1), pp. 491 - 507 (2017)
DYNAMO-HST survey: clumps in nearby massive turbulent discs and the effects of clump clustering on kiloparsec scale measurements of clumps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 20.
Journal Article
831 (2), 149, pp. 1 - 22 (2016)
KMOS3D: Dynamical constraints on the mass budget in early star-forming disks. The Astrophysical Journal