Publications of L. Wörner

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Laut, I.; Räth, C.; Wörner, L.; Nosenko, V.; Zhdanov, S. K.; Schablinski, J.; Block, D.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.: Network analysis of three-dimensional complex plasma clusters in a rotating electric field. Physical Review E 89 (2), 023104, pp. 1 - 9 (2014)
Journal Article
Wörner, L.; Ivlev, A. V.; Couëdel, L.; Huber, P.; Schwabe, M.; Hagl, T.; Mikikian, M.; Boufendi, L.; Skvortsov, A.; Lipaev, A. M. et al.: The effect of a direct current field on the microparticle charge in the plasma afterglow. Physics of Plasmas 20 (12), 123702, pp. 1 - 6 (2013)
Journal Article
Wörner, L.; Räth, C.; Nosenko, V.; Zhdanov, S. K.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.; Schablinski, J.; Block, D.: String structures in driven 3D complex-plasma clusters. Europhysics Letters 100 (3), 35001, pp. p1 - p6 (2012)
Journal Article
Wörner, L.; Kovacevic, E.; Berndt, J.; Thomas, H. M.; Thoma, M. H.; Boufendi, L.; Morfill, G. E.: The formation and transport phenomena of nanometre-sized particles in a dc plasma. New Journal of Physics 14 (2), 023024, pp. 1 - 10 (2012)
Journal Article
Wörner, L.; Nosenko, V.; Ivlev, A. V.; Zhdanov, S. K.; Thomas, H. M.; Morfill, G. E.; Kroll, M.; Schablinski, J.; Block, D.: Effect of rotating electric field on 3D complex (dusty) plasma. Physics of Plasmas 18 (6), 063706, pp. 1 - 9 (2011)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Wörner, L.: Tuning the interaction potential in complex plasmas. Dissertation, 130 pp., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2012)