Publications of K. Nandra
All genres
Journal Article (181)
Journal Article
523, A66, pp. 1 - 22 (2010)
The WIRCAM deep infrared cluster survey - I. Groups and clusters at z ≳ 1.1. Astronomy & Astrophysics Conference Paper (45)
Conference Paper
12181. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation,, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 17, 2022 - July 23, 2022. (2022)
SRG/eROSITA status and operations during the first four all-sky surveys. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 183.
Conference Paper
12181. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation,, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 17, 2022 - July 23, 2022. (2022)
Arcus - Exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies and stars. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 184.
Conference Paper
12181. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation,, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 17, 2022 - July 23, 2022. (2022)
The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission - eXTP: an update on its scientific cases, mission profile and development status. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 185.
Conference Paper
11444, 114445B . Conference on Space Telescopes and Instrumentation - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray / SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, ELECTR NETWORK, December 14, 2020 - December 18, 2020. (2020)
Status of the follow-up x-ray telescope onboard the Einstein Probe satellite. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 186.
Conference Paper
11444, 114440T . Conference on Space Telescopes and Instrumentation - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray / SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Conference, ELECTR NETWORK, December 14, 2020 - December 18, 2020. (2020)
Development status of the wide field imager instrument for Athena. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 187.
Conference Paper
11118, 111180Y (Ed. Siegmund, O. H. W.). Conference on UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXI held at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, August 11, 2019 - August 13, 2019. (2019)
Status of the wide field imager instrument for Athena. In: UV, X-RAY, AND GAMMA-RAY SPACE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY XXI, Vol. 188.
Conference Paper
11118, 111180Y (Ed. Siegmund, O. H. W.). Conference on UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XXI held at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, August 11, 2019 - August 13, 2019. (2019)
Arcus: the soft x-ray grating explorer. In: UV, X-RAY, AND GAMMA-RAY SPACE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY XXI, Vol. 189.
Conference Paper
Development of the Wide Field Imager instrument for ATHENA. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 106991F, pp. 1 - 12 (Eds. Den Herder, J.-W. A.; Nikzad, S.; Nakazawa, K.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Austin, Texas, United States, June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018. (2018)
Conference Paper
eROSITA mated with SRG. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 106995H, pp. 1 - 6 (Eds. Den Herder, J.-W. A.; Nikzad, S.; Nakazawa, K.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Austin, Texas, United States, June 10, 2018 - June 15, 2018. (2018)
Conference Paper
Identification of relativistic broadening of the Iron Kα line in AGN X-ray spectra observed with Chandra. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 253 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
New models for the CLUMPY AGN obscurer. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 255 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
The Compton-thick Growth of Supermassive Black Holes constrained. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 48 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
The relativistic Fe Kα line in Seyfert 1 galaxies. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 137 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
The wide-field imager instrument for Athena. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XX, 103970V, pp. 1 - 12 (Ed. Siegmund, O. H.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XX, San Diego, Calif., USA, August 06, 2017 - August 08, 2017. (2017)
Conference Paper
Reverberation Mapping Quasars: X-ray and broadband SED properties. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 147 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
The puzzling orbital period evolution of the LMXB AX J1745.6-2901. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 317 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
The Wide Field Imager for Athena. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 24 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
AllWISE counterparts to ROSAT and XMMSlew surveys done using NWAY (An accurate algorithm to pair sources simultaneously between N catalogs). In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 199 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)
Conference Paper
Arcus: exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies, and stars. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XX, 103970Q, pp. 1 - 12 (Ed. Siegmund, O. H.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XX, San Diego, Calif., USA, August 06, 2017 - August 08, 2017. (2017)