Publications of Dieter Lutz
All genres
Journal Article (368)
Journal Article
940 (1), L7 (2023)
First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Turbulent times in the life of a z ∼ 3 extremely red quasar revealed by NIRSpec IFU. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 42.
Journal Article
669, A14 (2022)
Toward measuring supermassive black hole masses with interferometric observations of the dust continuum. Astronomy and Astrophysics 43.
Journal Article
189, pp. 17 - 22 (2022)
The GRAVITY+ Project: Towards all-sky, faint-science, high-contrast near-infrared interferometry at the VLTI. The Messenger 44.
Journal Article
665, L8 (2022)
Kiloparsec view of a typical star-forming galaxy when the Universe was similar to 1 Gyr old - II. Regular rotating disk and evidence for baryon dominance on galactic scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics 45.
Journal Article
665, A75 (2022)
First light for GRAVITY Wide - Large separation fringe tracking for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 46.
Journal Article
664, L5 (2022)
A tentative ∼1000 km s−1 offset between the [CII] 158 m and Lyα line emission in a star-forming galaxy at z = 7.2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 47.
Journal Article
926 (1), 60 (2022)
Galactic winds across the gas-rich merger sequence. I. Highly ionized N V and O VI outflows in the QUEST quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 48.
Journal Article
657, A82 (2022)
Deep images of the Galactic center with GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 49.
Journal Article
657, L12 (2022)
Mass distribution in the Galactic Center based on interferometric astrometry of multiple stellar orbits. Astronomy and Astrophysics 50.
Journal Article
188, pp. 20 - 25 (2022)
The core of the matter — Spatially resolving active galactic nuclei with GRAVITY. The Messenger 51.
Journal Article
509 (3), pp. 4457 - 4479 (2021)
Multiphase outflows in post-starburst E+A galaxies – I. General sample properties and the prevalence of obscured starbursts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 52.
Journal Article
922 (2), 143 (2021)
Rotation curves in z ∼ 1–2 star-forming disks: comparison of dark matter fractions and disk properties for different fitting methods. The Astrophysical Journal 53.
Journal Article
655, A73 (2021)
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - VII. The inner dusty disks of T Tauri stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 54.
Journal Article
654, A85 (2021)
A geometric distance to the supermassive black Hole of NGC 3783. Astronomy and Astrophysics 55.
Journal Article
654, L2 (2021)
The mass of beta Pictoris c from beta Pictoris b orbital motion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 56.
Journal Article
654, A22 (2021)
Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A(*) with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR, and Chandra observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 57.
Journal Article
652, A57 (2021)
GRAVITY K-band spectroscopy of HD 206893 B - Brown dwarf or exoplanet. Astronomy and Astrophysics 58.
Journal Article
649, A31 (2021)
Kiloparsec view of a typical star-forming galaxy when the Universe was ∼1 Gyr old - I. Properties of outflow, halo, and interstellar medium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 59.
Journal Article
648, A117 (2021)
The central parsec of NGC 3783: a rotating broad emission line region, asymmetric hot dust structure, and compact coronal line region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 60.
Journal Article
647, A59 (2021)
Improved GRAVITY astrometric accuracy from modeling optical aberrations. Astronomy and Astrophysics