Publications of E. Sturm
All genres
Journal Article (225)
Journal Article
690, A76 (2024)
VLTI/GRAVITY interferometric measurements of the innermost dust structure sizes around active galactic nuclei. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2.
Journal Article
689, A263 (2024)
GATOS: missing molecular gas in the outflow of NGC 5728 revealed by JWST. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 3.
Journal Article
687, A298 (2024)
Four-of-a-kind? Comprehensive atmospheric characterisation of the HR 8799 planets with VLTI/GRAVITY. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 4.
Journal Article
686, A258 (2024)
High contrast at short separation with VLTI/GRAVITY: Bringing Gaia companions to light. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 5.
Journal Article
530 (4), pp. 3740 - 3751 (2024)
Using the motion of S2 to constrain vector clouds around Sgr A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 6.
Journal Article
685, L9 (2024)
Astrometric detection of a Neptune-mass candidate planet in the nearest M-dwarf binary system GJ65 with VLTI/GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
Journal Article
684, A200 (2024)
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey XIII. Tracing the time-variable asymmetric disk structure in the inner AU of the Herbig star HD 98922. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 8.
Journal Article
684, A167 (2024)
The size-luminosity relation of local active galactic nuclei from interferometric observations of the broad-line region. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 9.
Journal Article
684, A43 (2024)
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey: XII. The hot gas disk component in Herbig Ae/Be stars. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 10.
Journal Article
684, A52 (2024)
Broad-line region geometry from multiple emission lines in a single-epoch spectrum. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 11.
Journal Article
682, A165 (2024)
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - XI. Imaging the hot gas emission around the Herbig Ae star HD58647. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 12.
Journal Article
681, A115 (2024)
Polarization analysis of the VLTI and GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 13.
Journal Article
960 (2), 126 (2024)
First Results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Powerful Quasar-driven Galactic Scale Outflow at z=3. The Astrophysical Journal 14.
Journal Article
627 (8003) (2024)
A dynamical measure of the black hole mass in a quasar 11 billion years ago. NATURE 15.
Journal Article
8 (9), pp. 1181 - 1194 (2024)
Detailed study of a rare hyperluminous rotating disk in an Einstein ring 10 billion years ago. NATURE ASTRONOMY 16.
Journal Article
The cool brown dwarf Gliese 229 B is a close binary. NATURE (2024)
Journal Article
166 (6), 257 (2023)
First VLTI/GRAVITY Observations of HIP 65426 b: Evidence for a Low or Moderate Orbital Eccentricity. The Astronomical Journal 18.
Journal Article
956 (2), 99 (2023)
TRAO Survey of Nearby Filamentary Molecular Clouds, the Universal Nursery of Stars (TRAO-FUNS). III. Filaments and Dense Cores in the NGC 2068 and NGC 2071 Regions of Orion B. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
Journal Article
955 (2), 92 (2023)
First Results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization Cone, Clumpy Star Formation, and Shocks in a z = 3 Extremely Red Quasar Host. The Astrophysical Journal 20.
Journal Article
955 (1), 85 (2023)
Erratum: Confronting a Thin Disk-wind Launching Mechanism of Broad-line Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei with GRAVITY Observations of Quasar 3C 273. The Astrophysical Journal