Publications of Kishalay De
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
683, A223 (2024)
1100 days in the life of the supernova 2018ibb: The best pair-instability supernova candidate, to date. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2.
Journal Article
464 (1), pp. 840 - 849 (2017)
The puzzling orbital period evolution of the LMXB AX J1745.6−2901. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 3.
Journal Article
337 (4-5), pp. 512 - 517 (2016)
High ionisation absorption in low mass X-ray binaries. Astronomische Nachrichten Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
The puzzling orbital period evolution of the LMXB AX J1745.6-2901. In: The X-ray Universe 2017: Proceedings of the conference held 6-9 June, 2017 in Rome, Italy, p. 317 (Eds. Ness, J.-U.; Migliari, S.). The X-ray Universe 2017, Rome, Italy, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. EAS Publication Division, Nordwijk (2017)