Konferenzbeitrag (119)
Keck absorption-line spectroscopy of galactic winds in massive infrared-luminous galaxies. In: The Emergence of Cosmic Structure, S. 195 - 198 (Hg. Holt, S. S.; Reynolds, C. S.). The Emergence of Cosmic Structure: Thirteenth Astrophysics Conference, College Park, USA, 07. Oktober 2002 - 09. Oktober 2002. American Institute of Physics, Melville (2003)
The radial distribution of SNRs in nearby galaxies. In: 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, S. 2639 - 2642 (Hg. Kajita; T.; Y., A.; Matsubara; Y. et al.). 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, Tsukuba, Japan, 31. Juli 2003 - 07. August 2003. Universal Academy Press, Tokyo (2003)
: Calibration of the spectrometer aboard the INTEGRAL satellite. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 1132 - 1143 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Scientific expectations from the INTAGRAL spectrometer SPI. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 1113 - 1119 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Ώm and σ8 from the abundance and clustering of REFLEX clusters of galaxies. In: Matter and Energy in Clusters of Galaxies, S. 97 - 105 (Hg. Bowyer, S.; Hwang, C.-Y.). Matter and Energy in Clusters of Galaxies, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 23. April 2002 - 27. April 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2003)
Large-scale structure and observational constraints on structure formation scenarios from X-ray clusters of galaxies. In: Workshop on Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, S. 161 - 166 (Hg. Ohashi; Takaya; Y., Y. N.). Workshop on Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Shuzenji, Japan, 29. Oktober 2002 - 31. Oktober 2002. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Shuzenji, Japan (2003)
: B-MINE, the balloon-borne microcalorimeter nuclear line explorer. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 905 - 912 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
A proposal to do fast X-ray timing with XEUS. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 414 - 420 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
A new estimate of the extragalactic gamma-ray background from EGRET data. In: 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, S. 2687 - 2690 (Hg. Kajita; T.; Y., A.; Matsubara; Y. et al.). 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, Tsukuba, Japan, 31. Juli 2003 - 07. August 2003. Universal Academy Press, Tokyo (2003)
Evaluation of models for diffuse continuum gamma rays in EGRET range. In: 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, S. 2309 - 2312 (Hg. Kajita; T.; Y., A.; Matsubara; Y. et al.). 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference - ICRC 2003 -, Tsukuba, Japan, 31. Juli 2003 - 07. August 2003. Universal Academy Press, Tokyo (2003)
: pnCCDs on XMM-Newton-42 month in orbit. Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detect ors: New Developments on Radiation Detectors, Elmau, Germany, 11. Oktober 2003. Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detect ors: New Developments on Radiation Detectors, S. 386 - 400 (2003)
The ROSETTA Lander anchoring system. In: 10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, S. 239 - 254 (Hg. Harris, R.A.). 10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, San Sebastian, Spain, 24. September 2002 - 26. September 2002. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
A fast readout using switched current techniques for a DEPFET-pixel vertex detector at TESLA. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Kailua-Kona, USA, 21. September 2003. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors, S. 257 - 264 (2003)
On the photosperic emission of neutron stars. In: From X-ray Binaries to Gamma-Ray Brusts, S. 183 - 190 (Hg. van den Heuvel, E. P. J.; Kaper, L...; Rol, E.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.). From X-ray Binaries to Gamma-Ray Brusts, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 06. Juni 2001 - 08. Juni 2001. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2003)
NGC 4051: Time variability in Chandra X-ray spectra. In: Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, S. 133 - 134 (Hg. Collin, S.; Combes, F.; Shlosman, I.). Active Galactic Nuclei : from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, Paris-Meudon, 23. Juli 2002 - 27. Juli 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2003)
: The XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue. X-Ray Surveys, in the Light of New Observatories, Santander, Spain, 04. September 2002 - 06. September 2002. Astronomische Nachrichten 324 (1-2), S. 89 - 92 (2003)
XMM observations of GX 339-4 and LMC X-1: EPIC data analysis. In: New Views on MICROQUASARS, S. 49 - 51 (Hg. Durouchoux, P.; Fuchs, Y.; Rodriguez, J.). Proceedings of the Fourth Microquasar Workshop, Cargèse, France, 27. Mai 2002 - 01. Juni 2002. Center for Space Physics, Kolkata, India (2003)
Evolution of the timing properties of Cyg X-1. In: New Views on MICROQUASARS, S. 27 - 31 (Hg. Durouchoux, P.; Fuchs, Y.; Rodriguez, J.). Proceedings of the Fourth Microquasar Workshop, Cargèse, France, 27. Mai 2002 - 01. Juni 2002. Center for space physics, Kolkata, India (2003)
: Imaging with the coded aperture gamma-ray spectrometer SPI aboard INTEGRAL. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 1269 - 1280 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
A spectral analysis of 155 Seyfert 1 type AGN. The Multiwavelength View on AGN, Lijiang, China, 30. Juli 2002 - 04. August 2002. China-Germany workshop on The Multiwavelength View on AGN, S. 42 - 45 (2003)