Test Facility
The developed in-house and manufactured parts, assemblies, experiments, spectrometer, telescopes etc. can be tested in the test laboratory of the Institute. They can be tested on vibration, thermal loads and under thermal vacuum conditions.
The aim is to simulate loads occurring in reality, such as loads during take-off, during operation in the orbit or during transportation.

1 out of 7 contamination shields of the instrument eROSITA in the thermal vacuum Chamber II
During the test the specimens are controlled as good as possible by corresponding sensors, control and data acquisition systems and safety facilities.

Engineering model of the lense-adapterring 1 for space mission EUCLID on the vibration test facility

e-Box Radiators flight models for eROSITA space telescope in a thermal-vacuum-chamber for outgassing

One of seven Mirror Assembly flight models for eROSITA in a thermal-vacuum-chamber for thermal cycling

One of seven Mirror Assembly flight models for eROSITA in preparation for vibration test

Experiment Apparature flight model of Plasma Kristall-4 experiment 4 (PK-4) in preparation for Vibration Test

Experiment Apparature flight model of Plasma Kristall-4 experiment 4 (PK-4) in a thermal chamber for thermal test