Konferenzbeitrag (584)

Ntormousi, E.; Fierlinger, K.; Burkert, A.; Heitsch, F.: Formation of cold filaments from colliding superbubbles. In: Supernova Environmental Impacts ( IAU Symposium 296 ), S. 282 - 286 (Hg. Ray, A. K.; McCray, R.). 296th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Calcutta, India, 07. Januar 2013 - 11. Januar 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Opitsch, M.; Fabricius, M.; Saglia, R.; Bender, R.; Williams, M.: Detailed stellar and gaseous kinematics of M31. In: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU Symposium 309), S. 334 - 334 (Hg. Ziegler, B. L.; Combes, F.; Dannerbauer, H.; Verdugo, M.). 309th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, 07. Juli 2014 - 11. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Remus, R.-S.; Dolag, K.; Bachmann, L. K.; Beck, A. M.; Burkert, A.; Hirschmann, M.; Teklu, A.: Disk galaxies in the magneticum pathfinder simulations. In: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU Symposium 309), S. 145 - 148 (Hg. Ziegler, B. L.; Combes, F.; Dannerbauer, H.; Verdugo, M.). 309th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, 07. Juli 2014 - 11. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Saha, K.; Gerhard, O.: Rotation of classical bulges during secular evolution of barred galaxies. In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVIII IAU General Assembly, 2012, S. 329 - 329 (Hg. Montmerle, T.). XXVIII IAU General Assembly, Beijing, 20. August 2012 - 31. August 2012. (2014)
Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Ballone, A.; Alig, C.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fritz, T.: Hydrodynamical simulations of G2 interpreted as a diffuse gas cloud. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 324 - 326 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Sharples, R.; Bender, R.; Agudo Berbel, A.; Bennett, R.; Bezawada, N.; Castillo, R.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clark, P.; Davidson, G.; Davies, R. et al.; Davies, R.; Dubbeldam, M.; Fairley, A.; Finger, G.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Genzel, R.; Haefner, R.; Hess, A.; Jung, I.; Lewis, I.; Montgomery, D.; Murray, J.; Muschielok, B.; Pirard, J.; Ramsay, S.; Rees, P.; Richter, J.; Robertson, D.; Robson, I.; Rolt, S.; Saglia, R.; Saviane, I.; Schlichter, J.; Schmidtobreik, L.; Segovia, A.; Smette, A.; Tecza, M.; Todd, S.; Wegner, M.; Wiezorrek, E.: Performance of the K-band multi-object spectrograph (KMOS) on the ESO VLT. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 91470W, S. 1 - 9 (Hg. Ramsay, S. K.; McLean, I. S.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Montreal, Canada, 22. Juni 2014 - 26. Juni 2014. (2014)
Snigula, J. M.; Drory, N.; Fabricius, M.; Landriau, M.; Montesano, F.; Hill, G. J.; Gebhardt, K.; Cornell, M. E.: Cure-WISE: HETDEX data reduction with Astro-WISE. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII, S. 447 - 450 (Hg. Manset, N.; Forshay, P.). Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 29. September 2013 - 03. Oktober 2013. (2014)
Teklu, A.; Remus, R.-S.; Dolag, K.; Burkert, A.: The angular momentum dichotomy. In: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU Symposium 309), S. 349 - 349 (Hg. Ziegler, B. L.; Combes, F.; Dannerbauer, H.; Verdugo, M.). 309th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, 07. Juli 2014 - 11. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Tuttle, S. E.; Hill, G. J.; Lee, H.; Vattiat, B.; Noyola, E.; Drory, N.; Cornell, M.; Peterson, T.; Chonis, T.; Allen, R. et al.; Dalton, G.; DePoy, D.; Edmonston, D.; Fabricius, M.; Haynes, D.; Kelz, A.; Landriau, M.; Lesser, M.; Leach, B.; Marshall, J.; Murphy, J.; Perry, D.; Prochaska, T.; Ramsey, J.; Savage, R.: The construction, alignment, and installation of the VIRUS spectrograph. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 91470R, S. 1 - 13 (Hg. Ramsay, S. K.; McLean, I. S.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Montreal, Canada, 22. Juni 2014 - 26. Juni 2014. (2014)
Williams, M. J.; Bureau, M.; Kuntschner, H.: Secular evolution in action: central values and radial trends in boxy bulges. In: Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, S. 153 - 156 (Hg. Seigar, M. S.; Treuthardt, P.). Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas, USA, 12. August 2013 - 16. August 2013. (2014)
Wilman, D.; Bender, R.; Davies, R. L.; Mendel, J. T.; Chan, J.; Beifiori, A.; Houghton, R.; Saglia, R.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Wuyts, S. et al.; van Dokkum, P.; Cappellar, M.; Stott, J.; Smith, R.; Fossati, M.; Kulkarni, S.; Seitz, S.; Fabricius, M.; Sharples, R.; Brammer, G.; Nelson, E.; Momcheva, I.; Wegner, M.; Lewis, I.: KMOS clusters and VIRIAL GTO surveys. In: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU Symposium 309), S. 293 - 294 (Hg. Ziegler, B. L.; Combes, F.; Dannerbauer, H.; Verdugo, M.). 309th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, 07. Juli 2014 - 11. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Young, J. S.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Haniff, C. A.; Buscher, D. F.; Schartmann, M.; Chiavassa, A.; Elvis, M.: Simulated MROI imaging of AGN dust tori and stellar surfaces. In: Resolving The Future Of Astronomy With Long-Baseline Interferometry, S. 289 - 295 (Hg. Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Guzik, J. A.; Stencel, R. E.). Resolving The Future Of Astronomy With Long-Baseline Interferometry, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 28. März 2011 - 31. März 2011. (2014)
Alatalo, K.; Nyland, K. E.; Graves, G.; Deustua, S.; Wrobel, J.; Young, L. M.; Davis, T. A.; Bureau, M.; Bayet, E.; Blitz, L. et al.; Bois, M.; Bournaud, F.; Cappellari, M.; Davies, R. L.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Emsellem, E.; Khochfar, S.; Krajnovic, D.; Kuntschner, H.; Martín, S.; McDermid, R. M.; Morganti, R.; Naab, T.; Sarzi, M.; Scott, N.; Serra, P.; Weijmans, A.: AGN feedback driven molecular outflow in NGC 1266. In: Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales ( IAU Symposium 290 ), S. 175 - 176 (Hg. Zhang, C.; Belloni, T.; Méndez, M.; Zhang, S.). 290th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China, 20. August 2012 - 24. August 2012. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2013)
Arnaboldi, M.; Longobardi, A.; Gerhard, O.; Okamura, S.: The planetary nebulae luminosity function and distances to the Virgo, Hydra I, and Coma clusters. In: Advancing the Physics of Cosmic Distances ( IAU Symposium 289 ), S. 287 - 291 (Hg. De Grijs, R.). 289th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China, 27. August 2012 - 31. August 2012. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2013)
Barry, J. A.; Galvin, A. B.; Popecki, M.; Klecker, B.; Kucharek, H.; Simunac, K.; Farrugia, C. J.; Luhmann, J. G.; Jian, L. K.: Analysis of suprathermal proton events observed by STEREO/PLASTIC focusing on the observation of bow shock/magnetospheric events. In: Solar Wind 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference, S. 382 - 385 (Hg. Zank, G. P.; Borovsky, J.; Bruno, R.; Cirtain, J.; Cranmer, S. et al.). Thirteenth International Solar Wind Conference, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, 17. Juni 2012 - 22. Juni 2012. (2013)
Birkby, J.L.; Cappetta, M.; Cruz, P.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Ivanyuk, O.; Mustill, A.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Pinfield, D.J.; Sipőcz, B.; Kovács, G. et al.; Saglia, R.; Pavlenko, Y.; and the RoPACS collaboration: WTS-2 b: Too close for comfort? In: Hot Planets and Cool Stars, 01004, S. 1 - 6 (Hg. Saglia, R.). Hot Planets and Cool Stars, Garching, Germany, 12. November 2012 - 16. November 2012. (2013)
Bois, M.; Emsellem, E.; Bournaud, F.; Alatalo, K.; Blitz, L.; Bureau, M.; Cappellari, M.; Davies, R. L.; Davis, T. A.; de Zeeuw, P. T. et al.; Duc, P.-A.; Khochfar, S.; Krajnović, D.; Kuntschner, H.; Lablanche, P.-Y.; McDermid, R. M.; Morganti, R.; Naab, T.; Oosterloo, T.; Sarzi, M.; Scott, N.; Serra, P.; Weijmans, A.-M.; Young, L. M.: Simulations of binary galaxy mergers and the link with fast rotators, slow rotators, and kinematically distinct cores. In: Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe, S. 97 - 100 (Hg. Sun, W.-H.; Xu, K. C.; Scoville, N. Z.; Sanders, D. B.). Galaxy Mergers in an Evolving Universe, Hualien, Taiwan, 23. Oktober 2011 - 28. Oktober 2011. (2013)
Brucalassi, A.; Grupp, F.; Lang, F.; Wang, L.; Franik, C.; Kellerm, H.; Hu, S. M.; Hopp, U.; Bender, R.: Pressure and temperature stabilization of an existing Échelle spectrograph IV. In: Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI, 88641H, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. Shaklan, S.). Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI, San Diego, CA, USA, 26. August 2013 - 29. August 2013. (2013)
Brucalassi, A.; Pasquini, L.; Ruiz, M. T.; Bonifacio, P.; Lovis, C.; Saglia, R.; Melo, C.; Biazzo, K.; Randich, S.; Bedin, L.: Solar stars and planets in open clusters. In: New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets, S. 121 - 130 (Hg. Chavez, M.; Bertone, E.; Vega, O.; De la Luz, V.). New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics III: A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 12. März 2012 - 16. März 2012. (2013)
Cappetta, M.; Saglia, R. P.; Birkby, J.L.; Koppenhoefer, J.; Pinfield, D.J.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Cruz, P.; Kovács, G.; Sipőcz, B.; and the RoPACS collaboration: WTS1 b: The first planet detected in the WFCAM Transit Survey - an inflated hot-Jupiter in a 3.35 day orbit around a late F-star. In: Hot Planets and Cool Stars, 01003, S. 1 - 5 (Hg. Saglia, R.). Hot Planets and Cool Stars, Garching, Germany, 12. November 2012 - 16. November 2012. (2013)
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