Zeitschriftenartikel (2304)

Montalto, M.; Riffeser, A.; Hopp, U.; Wilke, S.; Carraro, G.: The comet 17P/Holmes 2007 outburst: the early motion of the outburst material. Astronomy & Astrophysics 479 (3), S. L45 - L49 (2008)
Noordermeer, E.; Merrifield, M. R.; Coccato, L.; Arnaboldi, M.; Capaccioli, M.; Douglas, N. G.; Freeman, K. C.; Gerhard, O.; Kuijken, K.; De Lorenzi, F. et al.; Napolitano, N. R.; Romanowsky, A. J.: Testing the nature of S0 galaxies using planetary nebula kinematics in NGC 1023. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 384 (3), S. 943 - 952 (2008)
Arnaboldi, M.; Doherty, M.; Gerhard, O.; Ciardullo, R.; Aguerri, J. A. L.; Feldmeier, J. J.; Freeman, K. C.; Jacoby, G. H.: Expansion velocities and core masses of bright planetary nebulae in the Virgo Cluster. The Astrophysical Journal 674 (1), S. L17 - L20 (2008)
Delva, M.; Zhang, T. L.; Volwerk, M.; Magnes, W.; Russell, C. T.; Wei, H. Y.: First upstream proton cyclotron wave observations at Venus. Geophysical Research Letters 35 (3), L03105 (2008)
Gabasch, A.; Goranova, Y.; Hopp, U.; Noll, S.; Pannella, M.: A deep i-selected multiwaveband galaxy catalogue in the COSMOS field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 383 (4), S. 1319 - 1335 (2008)
Meneux, B.; Guzzo, L.; Garilli, B.; Le Fèvre, O.; Pollo, A.; Blaizot, J.; De Lucia, G.; Bolzonella, M.; Lamareille, F.; Pozzetti, L. et al.; Cappi, A.; Iovino, A.; Marinoni, C.; McCracken, H. J.; de la Torre, S.; Bottini, D.; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; Picat, J. P.; Scaramella, R.; Scodeggio, M.; Tresse, L.; Vettolani, G.; Zanichelli, A.; Abbas, U.; Adami, C.; Arnouts, S.; Bardelli, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Charlot, S.; Ciliegi, P.; Contini, T.; Cucciati, O.; Foucaud, S.; Franzetti, P.; Gavignaud, I.; Ilbert, O.; Marano, B.; Mazure, A.; Merighi, R.; Paltani, S.; Pellò, R.; Radovich, M.; Vergani, D.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.: The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS): the dependence of clustering on galaxy stellar mass at z ~ 1. Astronomy & Astrophysics 478 (2), S. 299 - 310 (2008)
Valenti, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Taubenberger, S.; Stanishev, V.; Agnoletto, I.; Sauer, D.; Cappellaro, E.; Pastorello, A.; Benetti, S.; Riffeser, A. et al.; Hopp, U.; Navasardyan, H.; Tsvetkov, D.; Lorenzi, V.; Patat, F.; Turatto, M.; Barbon, R.; Ciroi, S.; Di Mille, F.; Frandsen, S.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Laursen, P.; Mazzali, P. A.: The Carbon-rich type Ic SN 2007gr: the photospheric phase. The Astrophysical Journal 673 (2), S. L155 - L158 (2008)
Chen, L.-J.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Puhl-Quinn, P. A.; Yang, H.; Bessho, N.; Imada, S.; Mühlbachler, S.; Daly, P. W.; Lefebvre, B.; Khotyaintsev, Y. et al.; Vaivads, A.; Fazakerley, A.; Georgescu, E.: Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands. Nature Physics 4 (1), S. 19 - 23 (2008)
Elsner, F.; Feulner, G.; Hopp, U.: The impact of Spitzer infrared data on stellar mass estimates - and a revised galaxy stellar mass function at 0 < z < 5. Astronomy & Astrophysics 477 (2), S. 503 - 512 (2008)
Erwin, P.; Pohlen, M.; Beckman, J. E.: The outer disks of early-type galaxies - I. Surface-brightness profiles of barred galaxies. Astronomical Journal 135 (1), S. 20 - 54 (2008)
Escoubet, C. P.; Berchem, J.; Bosqued, J. M.; Trattner, K. J.; Taylor, M. G. G. T.; Pitout, F.; Vallat, C.; Laasko, H.; Masson, A.; Dunlop, M. et al.; Rème, H.; Dandouras, I.; Fazakerley, A.: Two sources of magnetosheath ions observed by Cluster in the mid-altitude polar cusp. Advances in Space Research 41 (10), S. 1528 - 1536 (2008)
Förster, M.; Haaland, S. E.; Paschmann, G.; Quinn, J. M.; Torbert, R. B.; Vaith, H.; Kletzing, C. A.: High-latitude plasma convection during Northward IMF as derived from in-situ magnetospheric cluster EDI measurements. Annales Geophysicae 26 (9), S. 2685 - 2700 (2008)
Förster, M.; Rentz, S.; Köhler, W.; Liu, H.; Haaland, S. E.: IMF dependence of high-latitude thermospheric wind pattern derived from CHAMP cross-track measurements. Annales Geophysicae 26 (6), S. 1581 - 1595 (2008)
Frieman, J. A.; Bassett, B.; Becker, A.; Choi, C.; Cinabro, D.; DeJongh, F.; Depoy, D. L.; Dilday, B.; Doi, M.; Garnavich, P. M. et al.; Hogan, C. J.; Holtzman, J.; Im, M.; Jha, S.; Kessler, R.; Konishi, K.; Lampeitl, H.; Marriner, J.; Marshall, J. L.; McGinnis, D.; Miknaitis, G.; Nichol, R. C.; Prieto, J. L.; Riess, A. G.; Richmond, M. W.; Romani, R.; Sako, M.; Schneider, D. P.; Smith, M.; Takanashi, N.; Tokita, K.; van der Heyden, K.; Yasuda, N.; Zheng, C.; Adelman-McCarthy, J.; Annis, J.; Assef, R. J.; Barentine, J.; Bender, R.; Blandford, R. D.; Boroski, W. N.; Bremer, M.; Brewington, H.; Collins, C. A.; Crotts, A.; Dembicky, J.; Eastman, J.; Edge, A.; Edmondson, E.; Elson, E.; Eyler, M. E.; Filippenko, A. V.; Foley, R. J.; Frank, S.; Goobar, A.; Gueth, T.; Gunn, J. E.; Harvanek, M.; Hopp, U.; Ihara, Y.; Ivezic, Z.; Kahn, S.; Kaplan, J.; Kent, S.; Ketzeback, W.; Kleman, S. J.; Kollatschny, W.; Kron, R. G.; Krzesinski, J.; Lamenti, D.; Leloudas, G.; Lin, H.; Long, D. C.; Lucey, J.; Lupton, R. H.; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; McMillan, R. J.; Mendez, J.; Morgan, C. W.; Morokuma, T.; Nitta, A.; Ostman, L.; Pan, K.; Rockosi, C. M.; Romer, A. K.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Saurage, G.; Schlesinger, K.; Snedden, S. A.; Sollerman, J.; Stoughton, C.; Stritzinger, M.; SubbaRao, M.; Tucker, D.; Vaisanen, P.; Watson, L. C.; Watters, S.; Wheeler, J. C.; Yanny, B.; York, D.: The sloan digital sky survey-II supernova survey: technical summary. Astronomical Journal 135 (1), S. 338 - 347 (2008)
Haaland, S.; Paschmann, G.; Förster, M.; Quinn, J.; Torbert, R.; Vaith, H.; Puhl-Quinn, P.; Kletzing, C.: Plasma convection in the magnetotail lobes: statistical results from cluster EDI measurements. Annales Geophysicae 26 (8), S. 2371 - 2382 (2008)
Nilsson, H.; Waara, M.; Marghitu, O.; Yamauchi, M.; Lundin, R.; Rème, H.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Dandouras, I.; Lucek, E.; Kistler, L. M. et al.; Klecker, B.; Carlson, C. W.; Bavassano-Cattaneo, M. B.; Korth, A.: An assessment of the role of the centrifugal acceleration mechanism in high altitude polar cap oxygen ion outflow. Annales Geophysicae 26 (1), S. 145 - 157 (2008)
Nilsson, H.; Waara, M.; Marghitu, O.; Yamauchi, M.; Lundin, R.; Rème, H.; Sauvaud, J.-A.; Dandouras, I.; Lucek, E.; Kistler, L. .. et al.; Klecker, B.; Carlson, C. W.; Bavassano-Cattaneo, M. B.; Korth, A.: Transients in oxygen outflow above the polar cap as observed by the cluster spacecraft. Annales Geophysicae 26 (11), S. 3365 - 3373 (2008)
Runov, A.; Voronkov, I.; Asano, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Fujimoto, M.; Nakamura, R.; Takada, T.; Volwerk, M.; Vörös, Z.; Meurant, M. et al.; Fazakerley, A.; Rème, H.; Balogh, A.: Structure of the near-Earth plasma sheet during tailward flows. Annales Geophysicae 26 (3), S. 709 - 724 (2008)
Snekvik, K.; Nakamura, R.; Østgaard, N.; Haaland, S.; Retinò, A.: The Hall current system revealed as a statistical significant pattern during fast flows. Annales Geophysicae 26 (11), S. 3429 - 3437 (2008)
Sparke, L. S.; van Moorsel, G.; Erwin, P.; Wehner, E. M. H.: NGC 2655: from inner polar ring to outer shells and tails. Astronomical Journal 135 (1), S. 99 - 111 (2008)
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