Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von C. Bodendorf

Zeitschriftenartikel (47)

Bose, B.; Carrilho, P.; Marinucci, M.; Moretti, C.; Pietroni, M.; Carella, E.; Piga, L.; Wright, B. S.; Vernizzi, F.; Carbone, C. et al.: Euclid preparation - XLIV. Modelling spectroscopic clustering on mildly nonlinear scales in beyond-ΛCDM models. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 689, A275 (2024)
Aussel, B.; Kruk, S.; Walmsley, M.; Huertas-Company, M.; Castellano, M.; Conselice, C. J.; Veneri, M. D.; Dominguez Sanchez, H.; Duc, P.-A.; Knapen, J. H. et al.: Euclid preparation XLIII. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with machine learning. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 689, A274 (2024)
Kashlinsky, A.; Arendt, R. G.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Atrio-Barandela, F.; Scaramella, R.; Strauss, M. A.; Altieri, B.; Amara, A.; Andreon, S.; Auricchio, N. et al.: Euclid preparation XLVI. The near-infrared background dipole experiment with Euclid. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 689, A294 (2024)
Cagliari, M. S.; Granett, B. R.; Guzzo, L.; Bethermin, M.; Bolzonella, M.; de la Torre, S.; Monaco, P.; Moresco, M.; Percival, W. J.; Scarlata, C. et al.: Euclid: Testing photometric selection of emission-line galaxy targets. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 689, A166 (2024)
Pezzotta, A.; Moretti, C.; Zennaro, M.; Moradinezhad Dizgah, A.; Crocce, M.; Sefusatti, E.; Ferrero, I.; Pardede, K.; Eggemeier, A.; Barreira, A. et al.: Euclid preparation XLI. Galaxy power spectrum modelling in real space. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 687, A216 (2024)
Jelic-Cizmek, G.; Sorrenti, F.; Lepori, F.; Bonvin, C.; Camera, S.; Castander, F. J.; Durrer, R.; Fosalba, P.; Kunz, M.; Lombriser, L. et al.: Euclid preparation: XL. Impact of magnification on spectroscopic galaxy clustering. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685, A167 (2024)
Castro, T.; Borgani, S.; Costanzi, M.; Dakin, J.; Dolag, K.; Fumagalli, A.; Ragagnin, A.; Saro, A.; Le Brun, A. M. C.; Aghanim, N. et al.: Euclid preparation XXXIX. The effect of baryons on the halo mass function. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685, A109 (2024)
Lesci, G. F.; Sereno, M.; Radovich, M.; Castignani, G.; Bisigello, L.; Marulli, F.; Moscardini, L.; Baumont, L.; Covone, G.; Farrens, S. et al.: Euclid preparation XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with Euclid and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 684, A139 (2024)
Fumagalli, A.; Saro, A.; Borgani, S.; Castro, T.; Costanzi, M.; Monaco, P.; Munari, E.; Sefusatti, E.; Le Brun, A. M. C.; Aghanim, N. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXXV. Covariance model validation for the two-point correlation function of galaxy clusters. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 683, A253 (2024)
Giocoli, C.; Meneghetti, M.; Rasia, E.; Borgani, S.; Despali, G.; Lesci, G. F.; Marulli, F.; Moscardini, L.; Sereno, M.; Cui, W. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXXII. Evaluating the weak-lensing cluster mass biases using the Three Hundred Project hydrodynamical simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A67 (2024)
Leuzzi, L.; Meneghetti, M.; Angora, G.; Metcalf, R. B.; Moscardini, L.; Rosati, P.; Bergamini, P.; Calura, F.; Clément, B.; Gavazzi, R. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy-galaxy strong-lensing events. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A68 (2024)
Paltani, S.; Coupon, J.; Hartley, W. G.; Alvarez-Ayllon, A.; Dubath, F.; Mohr, J. J.; Schirmer, M.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Desprez, G.; Ilbert, O. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXXI. The effect of the variations in photometric passbands on photometric-redshift accuracy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A66 (2024)
Signor, T.; Rodighiero, G.; Bisigello, L.; Bolzonella, M.; Caputi, K. I.; Daddi, E.; De Lucia, G.; Enia, A.; Gabarra, L.; Gruppioni, C. et al.: Euclid: Identifying the reddest high-redshift galaxies in the Euclid Deep Fields with gradient-boosted trees. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685 (2024)
Gabarra, L.; Mancini, C.; Muñoz, L. R.; Rodighiero, G.; Sirignano, C.; Scodeggio, M.; Talia, M.; Dusini, S.; Gillard, W.; Granett, B. R. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXX. Performance assessment of the NISP red grism through spectroscopic simulations for the wide and deep surveys. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A34 (2023)
Paterson, K.; Schirmer, M.; Copin, Y.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Gillard, W.; Soto, L. A. G.; Guzzo, L.; Hoekstra, H.; Kitching, T.; Paltani, S. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXVII. A UV-NIR spectral atlas of compact planetary nebulae for wavelength calibration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674, A172 (2023)
Schirmer, M.; Thürmer, K.; Bras, B.; Cropper, M.; Martin-Fleitas, J.; Goueffon, Y.; Kohley, R.; Mora, A.; Portaluppi, M.; Racca, G. D. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXIX. Water ice in spacecraft Part I: The physics of ice formation and contamination. Astronomy and Astrophysics 675, A142 (2023)
Bisigello, L.; Conselice, C.J.; Baes, M.; Bolzonella, M.; Brescia, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cucciati, O.; Humphrey, A.; Hunt, L. K.; Maraston, C. et al.: Euclid preparation – XXIII. Derivation of galaxy physical properties with deep machine learning using mock fluxes and H-band images. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520 (3), S. 3529 - 3548 (2023)
Bretonnière, H.; Kuchner, U.; Huertas-Company, M.; Merlin, E.; Castellano, M.; Tuccillo, D.; Buitrago, F.; Conselice, C. J.; Boucaud, A.; Häußler, B. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXVI. The Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards structural parameters for billions of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A102 (2023)
Merlin, E.; Castellano, M.; Bretonnière, H.; Huertas-Company, M.; Kuchner, U.; Tuccillo, D.; Buitrago, F.; Peterson, J. R.; Conselice, C. J.; Caro, F. et al.: Euclid preparation - XXV. The Euclid Morphology Challenge: Towards model-fitting photometry for billions of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A101 (2023)
Naidoo, K.; Johnston, H.; Joachimi, B.; van den Busch, J. L.; Hildebrandt, H.; Ilbert, O.; Lahav, O.; Aghanim, N.; Altieri, B.; Amara, A. et al.: Euclid: Calibrating photometric redshifts with spectroscopic cross-correlations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A149 (2023)