Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von Th. Henning

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Gieser, C.; Beuther, H.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Francis, L.; van Gelder, M. L.; Tychoniec, L.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Perotti, G.; Garatti, A.; Ray, T. P. et al.: Erratum: JOYS: Disentangling the warm and cold material in the high-mass IRAS 23385+6053 cluster ( vol 679, A108, 2023). ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685, C5 (2024)
Bouchet, P.; Gastaud, R.; Coulais, A.; Barlow, M. J.; Fransson, C.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Larsson, J.; Temim, T.; Jones, O. C.; Hirschauer, A. S. et al.: JWST MIRI Imager Observations of Supernova SN 1987A. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 965 (1), 51 (2024)
Fransson, C.; Barlow, M. J.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Larsson, J.; Jones, O. C.; Sargent, B.; Meixner, M.; Bouchet, P.; Temim, T.; Wright, G. S. et al.: Emission lines due to ionizing radiation from a compact object in the remnant of Supernova 1987A. SCIENCE 383 (6685), S. 898 - 903 (2024)
Sadavoy, S. I.; Stephens, I. W.; Myers, P. C.; Looney, L.; Tobin, J.; Kwon, W.; Commerçon, B.; Segura-Cox, D.; Henning, T.; Hennebelle, P.: Dust polarization toward embedded protostars in Ophiuchus with ALMA. III. Survey overview. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 245 (1), 2 (2019)
Clément, D.; Mutschke, H.; Klein, R.; Jäger, C.; Dorschner, J.; Sturm, E.; Henning, T.: Detection of silicon nitride particles in extreme carbon stars. The Astrophysical Journal 621 (2), S. 985 - 990 (2005)