Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von T. Paumard

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Foschi, A.; Abuter, R.; Dayem, K. A. E.; Aimar, N.; Amaro-Seoane, P.; Amorim, A.; Berger, J.P.; Bonnet, H.; Bourdarot, G.; Brandner, W. et al.; Davies, R.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Defrère, D.; Dexter, J.; Drescher, A.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Garcia, P.J.V.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Gomes, T.; Haubois, X.; Heißel, G.; Henning, T.; Jochum, L.; Jocou, L.; Kaufer, A.; Kreidberg, L.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrère, V.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Léna, P.; Lutz, D.; Mang, F.; Millour, F.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rabien, S.; Ribeiro, D. C.; Sadun Bordoni, M.; Scheithauer, S.; Shangguan, J.; Shimizu, T.; Stadler, J.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Subroweit, M.; Tacconi, L. J.; Vincent, F.; Fellenberg, S. v.; Woillez, J.: Using the motion of S2 to constrain vector clouds around Sgr A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (4), S. 3740 - 3751 (2024)
Hamaus, N.; Paumard, T.; Mueller, T.; Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Trippe, S.; Genzel, R.: Prospects for testing the nature of Sgr A*'s near-infrared flares on the basis of current very large telescope—and future very large telescope interferometer—observations. The Astrophysical Journal 692 (1), S. 902 - 916 (2009)
Maness, H.; Martins, F.; Trippe, S.; Genzel, R.; Graham, J. R.; Sheehy, C.; Salaris, M.; Gillessen, S.; Alexander, T.; Paumard, T. et al.; Ott, T.; Abuter, R.; Eisenhauer, F.: Evidence for a long‐standing top‐heavy initial mass function in the central parsec of the galaxy. Astrophysical Journal 669 (2 Part 1), S. 1024 - 1041 (2007)
Martins, F.; Genzel, R.; Hillier, D. J.; Eisenhauer, F.; Paumard, T.; Gillessen, S.; Ott, T.; Trippe, S.: Stellar and wind properties of massive stars in the central parsec of the galaxy. Astronomy & Astrophysics 468 (1), S. 233 - 254 (2007)
Trippe, S.; Paumard, T.; Ott, T.; Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Martins, F.; Genzel, R.: A polarized infrared flare from Sagittarius A* and the signatures of orbiting plasma hotspots. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 375 (3), S. 764 - 772 (2007)
Martins, F.; Trippe, S.; Paumard, T.; Ott, T.; Genzel, R.; Rauw, G.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.; Maness, H.; Abuter, R.: GCIRS 16SW: a massive eclipsing binary in the galactic center. Astrophysical Journal 649 (2 Part 2), S. L103 - L106 (2006)
Beloborodov, A. M.; Levin, Y.; Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R.; Paumard, T.; Gillessen, S.; Ott, T.: Clockwise stellar disk and the dark mass in the galactic center. Astrophysical Journal 648 (1 Part 1), S. 405 - 410 (2006)
Paumard, T.; Genzel, R.; Martins, F.; Nayakshin, S.; Beloborodov, A. M.; Levin, Y.; Trippe, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.; Gillessen, S. et al.; Abuter, R.; Cuadra, J.; Alexander, T.; Sternberg, A.: The two young star disks in the central parsec of the galaxy: properties, dynamics and formation. The Astrophysical Journal 643 (2 Part 1), S. 1011 - 1035 (2006)
Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Quataert, E.; Genzel, R.; Paumard, T.; Trippe, S.; Ott, T.; Abuter, R.; Eckart, A.; Lagage, P. O. et al.; Lehnert, M. D.; Tacconi, L. J.; Martins, F.: Variations in the spectral slope of Sagittarius A* during a near-infrared flare. Astrophysical Journal 640 (2 Part 2), S. L163 - L166 (2006)
Trippe, S.; Martins, F.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Abuter, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Eckart, A.; Schödel, R.: GCIRS34W: an irregular variable in the galactic centre. Astronomy & Astrophysics 448 (1), S. 305 - 311 (2006)
Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R.; Alexander, T.; Abuter, R.; Paumard, T.; Ott, T.; Gilbert, A.; Gillessen, S.; Horrobin, M.; Trippe, S. et al.; Bonnet, H.; Dumas, C.; Hubin, N.; Kaufer, A.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Monnet, G.; Ströbele, S.; Szeifert, T.; Eckart, A.; Schödel, R.; Zucker, S.: SINFONI in the galactic center: young stars and infrared flares in the central light-month. The Astrophysical Journal 628 (1 Part 1), S. 246 - 259 (2005)

Konferenzbeitrag (15)

Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Rabien, S.; Eckart, A.; Léna, P.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Paumard, T.; Brandner, W.: GRAVITY: the AO-assisted, two-object beam-combiner instrument for the VLTI. In: The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation, S. 431 - 444 (Hg. Richichi, A.; Delplancke, F.; Paresce, F.; Chelli, A.). The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation, Garching, Germany, 04. April 2005 - 08. April 2005. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2008)
Paumard, T.; Müller, T.; Genzel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.: Observing the flares of Sgr A* with the very large telescope interferometer. In: The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, S. 1075 - 1077 (Hg. Kleinert, H.; Jantzen, R.T.). The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity - MG11, Berlin, Germany, 23. Juli 2006 - 29. Juli 2006. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2008)
Paumard, T.; Perrin, G.; Eckart, A.; Genzel, R.; Léna, P.; Schödel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Müller, T.; Gillessen, S.: Scientific prospects for VLTI in the galactic centre: getting to the Schwarzschild radius. In: The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation, S. 313 - 317 (Hg. Richichi, A.; Delplancke, F.; Paresce, F.; Chelli, A.). The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation Instrumentation, Garching, Germany, 04. April 2005 - 08. April 2005. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2008)
Trippe, S.; Paumard, T.; Gillessen, S.; Ott, T.; Eisenhauer, F.; Martins, F.; Genzel, R.: Near-infrared observations of Sagittarius A*. In: The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, S. 1104 - 1106 (Hg. Kleinert, H.; Jantzen, R.T.). The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity - MG11, Berlin, Germany, 23. Juli 2006 - 29. Juli 2006. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2008)
Martins, F.; Genzel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Paumard, T.; Ott, T.; Trippe, S.; Gillessen, S.: Stellar and wind properties of massive stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy. In: Highlights of Astronomy, S. 207 - 207 (Hg. van der Hucht; A., K.). IAU XXVI General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006-08. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)
Martins, F.; Genzel, R.; Paumard, T.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.; Trippe, S.; Abuter, R.; Gillessen, S.; Maness, H.: Stellar populations in the galactic center with SINFONI. In: Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy, S. 229 - 233 (Hg. Kissler-Patig, M.; Walsh, J.R.; Roth, M.M.). Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy, Garching, Germany, 10. Oktober 2005 - 14. Oktober 2005. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2007)
Gillessen, S.; Perin, G.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Eisenhauer, F.; Rabien, S.; Eckart, A.; Lena, P.; Genzel, R.; Paumard, T. et al.; Hippler, S.: GRAVITY - the adaptive optics assisted, two object beam combiner for the VLTI. In: Advances in Stellar Interferometry, S. 626811-1 - 626811-9 (Hg. Monnier, J. D.; Schöller, M.; Danchi, W. C.). Advances in Stellar Interferometry, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25. Mai 2006 - 30. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Quataert, E.; Genzel, R.; Paumard, T.; Trippe, S.; Ott, T.; Abuter, R.; Eckart, A.; Lagage, P. O. et al.; Lehnert, M. D.; Tacconi, L. J.; Martins, F.: Variations in the spectral slope of Sgr A* during a NIR flare. Galactic Center Workshop 2006—From the Center of the Milky Way to Nearby Low-Luminosity Galactic Nuclei, Bad Honnef, Germany, 18. April 2006 - 22. April 2006. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 54, S. 411 - 419 (2006)
Haubois, X.; Eisenhauer, F.; Perrin, G.; Rabien, S.; Eckart, A.; Lena, P.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Paumard, T.; Brandner, W.: GRAVITY: probing space-time and faint objects in the infrared. Visions for Infrared Astronomy, Paris, France, 20. März 2006 - 22. März 2006. Visions for Infrared Astronomy - Proceedings of the conference, S. 351 - 354 (2006)
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