Publikationen von L. J. Tacconi
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Zeitschriftenartikel (328)
643 (2 Part 1), S. 707 - 723 (2006)
A deep Hubble space telescope H-band imaging survey of massive gas-rich mergers. The Astrophysical Journal 302.
642 (1 Part 1), S. 81 - 86 (2006)
Mid-infrared Spitzer spectra of X-ray-selected Type 2 QSOs: QSO2s are not ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 303.
640 (2 Part 2), S. L163 - L166 (2006)
Variations in the spectral slope of Sagittarius A* during a near-infrared flare. Astrophysical Journal 304.
640 (1 Part 1), S. 228 - 240 (2006)
High-resolution millimeter imaging of submillimeter galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 305.
638 (2 Part 1), S. 745 - 758 (2006)
Dynamical properties of ultraluminous infrared galaxies. I. Mass ratio conditions for ULIRG activity in interacting pairs. Astrophysical Journal 306.
122, S. 28 - 31 (2005)
The dynamics and evolution of luminous galaxy mergers: ISAAC spectroscopy of ULIRGs. The ESO Messenger 307.
442 (2), S. 479 - 493 (2005)
Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) - III. The warped LINER NGC 3718. Astronomy & Astrophysics 308.
632 (1 Part 2), S. L13 - L16 (2005)
Millimeter observations of obscured spitzer 24 μm sources. The Astrophysical Journal 309.
629 (1 Part 2), S. L21 - L23 (2005)
Silicate emissions in active galaxies: from LINERs to QSOs. The Astrophysical Journal 310.
625 (2), S. L83 - L86 (2005)
Mid-Infrared spectroscopy of two luminous submillimeter galaxies at z ~ 2.8. The Astrophysical Journal 311.
359 (3), S. 1165 - 1183 (2005)
An interferometric CO survey of luminous submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 312.
613, S. L113 - L116 (2004)
A compact starburst core in the dusty Lyman break galaxy Westphal-MD11. The Astrophysical Journal 313.
613 (2), S. 781 - 793 (2004)
The nuclear gas dynamics and star formation of Markarian 231. The Astrophysical Journal 314.
117, S. 17 - 24 (2004)
First light of SINFONI at the VLT. The ESO Messenger 315.
606, S. 664 - 682 (2004)
The faint counterparts of MAMBO millimeter sources near the new technology telescope Deep Field. The Astrophysical Journal 316.
605, S. L109 - L112 (2004)
SPIFFI observations of the starburst SMM J14011+0252: already old, fat, and rich by z = 2.565. The Astrophysical Journal 317.
604 (1), S. 125 - 140 (2004)
Molecular gas in the lensed Lyman break galaxy cB58. The Astrophysical Journal 318.
602, S. 148 - 161 (2004)
The nuclear gasdynamics and star formation of NGC 7469. The Astrophysical Journal 319.
113, S. 17 - 25 (2003)
The universe in 3D: First observations with SPIFFI, the infrared integral field spectrometer for the VLT. The ESO Messenger 320.
584 (2), S. 633 - 642 (2003)
Spatially resolved millimeter interferometry of SMM J02399- 0136: A very massive galaxy at z=2.8. The Astrophysical Journal