Publikationen von D. Lutz

Konferenzbeitrag (56)

Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Genzel, R.; Spoon, H.W.W.; Maiolino, R.: Constraints on AGN unification from mid-infrared spectroscopy of a large sample of local AGN. In: The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos, S. 204 - 205 (Hg. Armus, L.; Reach, W.T.). The Spitzer Space Telescope: New Views of the Cosmos, Pasadena, CA, USA, 09. November 2004 - 12. November 2004. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2006)
Bertoldi, F.; Carilli, C. L.; Voss, H.; Owen, F.; Lutz, D.; Dannerbauer, H.; Menten, K. M.; Holdaway, M. A.: Star formation and AGN in the early universe: quasars in the MAMBO deep field survey. In: Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, S. 100 - 105 (Hg. Renzini Bender R., A.). ESO Workshop on multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, Venice, Italy, 13. Oktober 2003 - 16. Oktober 2003. Springer, Berlin [et al.] (2005)
Dannerbauer, H.; Lehnert, M. D.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L.; Bertoldi, F.; Carilli, C.; Genzel, R.; Menten, K. M.: The faint counterparts of MAMBO 1.1 mm sources near the NTT deep field. In: Proceedings of the dusty and molecular universe, S. 277 - 278 (Hg. Battrick, B.). Tthe dusty and molecular universe, Paris, France, 27. Oktober 2004 - 29. Oktober 2004. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands (2005)
Genzel, R.; Baker, A. J.; Ivison, R. J.; Bertoldi, F.; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Cox, P.; Davies, R. I.; Eisenhauer, F.; Frayer, D. T. et al.; Greve, T.; Lehnert, M. D.; Lutz, D.; Nesvadba, N.; Neri, R.; Omont, A.; Seitz, S.; Smail, I.; Tacconi, L. J.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N. A.; Bender, R.: Submillimeter galaxies as tracers of mass assembly at large M. In: Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, S. 113 - 118 (Hg. Renzini Bender R., A.). ESO Workshop on multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, Venice, Italy, 13. Oktober 2003 - 16. Oktober 2003. Springer, Berlin [et al.] (2005)
Horrobin, M.; Eisenhauer, F.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Iserlohe, C.; Schreiber, J.; Schegerer, A.; Lutz, D. et al.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.: First results from SPIFFI. I: The Galactic Center. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, 22. März 2003 - 23. März 2003. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, S. 88 - 01 (2004)
Baker, A. J.; Tacconi, L. J.; Genzel, R.; Lehnert, M. D.; Lutz, D.: The first detection of molecular gas in a Lyman Break galaxy. In: The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies, S. 338 - 341 (Hg. Aalto, S.; Huttemeister, S.; Pedlar, A.). The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies, Marstrand, Sweden, 24. Juni 2003 - 27. Juni 2003. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2004)
Eisenhauer, F.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Iserlohe, C.; Schreiber, J.; Horrobin, M.; Schegerer, A.; Baker, A. J. et al.; Bender, R.; Davies, R.; Lehnert, M.; Lutz, D.; Nesvadba, N.; Seitz, S.; Tacconi, L. J.: First results from SPIFFI, II: The luminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 an the luminous sub-millimeter galaxy SMMJ 14011+0252. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, 22. März 2003 - 23. März 2003. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, S. 120 - 123 (2004)
Lutz, D.: MID-infrared observations of galaxies. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 16, S. 167 - 172 (2003)
Feuchtgruber, H.; Katterloher, R. O.; Jakob, G.; Lutz, D.; Barl, L.; Bauer, O. H.; Becher, K.; Beintema, D. A.; Boonstra, A. J.; Boxhoorn, D. R. et al.; Coté, J.; Czempiel, S.; van Dijkhuizen, C.; de Graauw, T.; Drapatz, S.; Evers, J.; Frericks, M.; Genzel, R.; Glas, M.; de Groene, P.; Haerendel, G.; Haser, L.; Heras, A. M.; Horinga, W.; van der Hucht, K. A.; van der Hulst, T.; Huygen, R.; Jacobs, H.; Kamm, N.; Kampermann, T.; Kester, D. J. M.; Koornneef, J.; Kunze, D.; Lahuis, F.; Lamers, H. J. G. L. M.; Leech, K.; van der Lei, S.; van der Linden, R.; Luinge, W.; Melzner, F.; Morris, P. W.; Ploeger, G. R.; Price, S. D.; Roelfsema, P. R.; Salama, A.; Schaeidt, S. G.; Sijm, N.; Spakmann, J.; Späth, H.; Steinmayer, M.; Stöcker, J.; Sturm, E.; Valentijn, E. A.; Vandenbussche, B.; Waelkens, C.; Wesselius, P. R.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Wijnbergen, J. J.; Wildeman, K.; Young, E.: The ground-based calibration of SWS. In: The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, S. 67 - 72 (Hg. Metcalfe; L.; Salama; A.; Peschke et al.). The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, 05. Februar 2001 - 09. Februar 2001. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Sternberg, A.: M 82: starburst Rossetta stone. In: A Massive Star Odyssey: From Main Sequence to Supernova: Proceedings of the 212th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, S. 523 - 530 (Hg. Van der Hucht, K.; Herrero, A.; Esteban, C.). A Massive Star Odyssey: From Main Sequence to Supernova, Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, 24. Juni 2002 - 28. Juni 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Franscisco (2003)
Gallo, L. C.; Boller, T.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.: An XMM-Newton observation of Mrk 1014: An AGN dominated ULIRG and evidence for a broadened F K line. In: Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, S. 503 - 504 (Hg. Collin, S.; Combes, F.; Shlosman, I.). Active Galactic Nuclei : from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, Paris-Meudon, 23. Juli 2002 - 27. Juli 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2003)
Genzel, R.; Tacconi, L. J.; Barden, M.; Lehnert, M. D.; Lutz, D.; Rigopoulou, D.; Thatte, N.: Studying the dynamics of star forming and IR luminous with infrared spectroscopy. In: The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift: Proceedings of the ESO/USM München Workshop, S. 74 - 84 (Hg. Bender, R.; Renzini, A.). The mass of galaxies at low and high redshift, Venice, Italy, 24. Oktober 2001 - 26. Oktober 2001. Springer, Berlin (2003)
Kester, D. J. M.; Beintema, D. A.; Lutz, D.: SWS fringes and models. In: The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, S. 375 - 378 (Hg. Metcalfe; L.; Salama; A.; Peschke et al.). The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, 05. Februar 2001 - 09. Februar 2001. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Lutz, D.: ISO spectroscopy of bright galactic nuclei. In: Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, S. 251 - 256 (Hg. Gry; C.; Peschke; S.B.; Matagne et al.). Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, Sigüenza (Spain), 24. Juni 2002 - 27. Juni 2003. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Rigopoulou, D.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Moorwood, A. F. M.: An ISO-SWS survey of molecular hydrogen in Starburst and Seifert galaxies. In: Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, S. 539 - 540 (Hg. Collin, S.; Combes, F.; Shlosman, I.). Active Galactic Nuclei : from Central Engine to Host Galaxy, Paris-Meudon, 23. Juli 2002 - 27. Juli 2002. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2003)
Shipman, R. F.; Morris, P. W.; Beintema, D. A.; Boxhoorn, D. R.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Heras, A. M.; Huygen, R.; Kester, D. J. M.; Lahuis, F.; Leech, K. et al.; Lorente, R.; Lutz, D.; Roelfsema, P. R.; Salama, A.; Schaeidt, S. G.; Valentijn, E. A.; Vandenbussche, B.; Wieprecht, E.: SWS in-flight calibration. In: The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, S. 107 - 111 (Hg. Metcalfe; L.; Salama; A.; Peschke et al.). The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, 05. Februar 2001 - 09. Februar 2001. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Vandenbussche, B.; Morris, P. W.; Valentijn, E. A.; Beintema, D. A.; Boxhoorn, D. R.; Decin, L.; de Graauw, T.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Heras, A. M.; Lahuis, F. et al.; Lorente, R.; Lutz, D.; Roelfsema, P. R.; Salama, A.; Shipman, R. F.; Van Malderen, R.; Wieprecht, E.: The relative spectral response calibration of the ISO-SWS. In: The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, S. 455 - 458 (Hg. Metcalfe; L.; Salama; A.; Peschke et al.). The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, 05. Februar 2001 - 09. Februar 2001. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Verma, A.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Sternberg, A.; Genzel, R.: A MIR spectroscopic survey of starburst galaxies. In: Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, S. 263 - 270 (Hg. Gry; C.; Peschke; S.B.; Matagne et al.). Exploiting the ISO Data Archive: Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, Sigüenza (Spain), 24. Juni 2002 - 27. Juni 2003. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Wieprecht, E.; Vandenbussche, B.; Boxhoorn, D. R.; Kester, D. J. M.; Lahuis, F.; Bauer, O. H.; Beintema, D. A.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Heras, A. M.; Huygen, R. et al.; Kunze, D.; Leech, K.; Lorente, R.; Lutz, D.; Morris, P. W.; Roelfsema, P. R.; Salama, A.; Shipman, R. F.; Sturm, E.; Sym, N.; Valentijn, E. A.; Wiezorrek, E.: The ISO SWS data analysis software systems. In: The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, S. 285 - 288 (Hg. Metcalfe; L.; Salama; A.; Peschke et al.). The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain, 05. Februar 2001 - 09. Februar 2001. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk (2003)
Dannerbauer, H.; Bertoldi, F.; Carilli, C.; Lehnert, M.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L.; Genzel, R.: Identification of MAMBO mm sources in the NTT deep field. In: Where's the Matter?: Tracing Bright and Dark Matter with the New Generation of Large-Scale Surveys, S. 108 - 109 (Hg. Tresse, L.; Treyer, M.). Where's the Matter? : Tracing Bright and Dark Matter with the New Generation of Large-Scale Surveys, Marseille, France, 25. Juni 2001 - 29. Juni 2001. Frontier Group, Paris (2002)
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