Publikationen von A. von Kienlin
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Zeitschriftenartikel (168)
115, A12307, S. 1 - 14 (2010)
Associations between Fermi gamma‐ray burst monitor terrestrial gamma ray flashes and sferics from the world wide lightning location network. Journal of Geophysical Research A - Space Physics 102.
725 (1), S. 225 - 241 (2010)
Time-resolved spectroscopy of the three brightest and hardest short gamma-ray bursts observed with the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The Astrophysical Journal 103.
723 (2), S. 1082 - 1096 (2010)
Fermi large area telescope constraints on the gamma-ray opacity of the universe. The Astrophysical Journal 104.
115, A07323, S. 1 - 14 (2010)
First results on terrestrial gamma ray flashes from the Fermi gamma‐ray burst monitor. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105.
716 (2), S. 1178 - 1190 (2010)
Fermi observations of GRB 090510: a short-hard gamma-ray burst with an additional, hard power-law component from 10 keV TO GeV energies. The Astrophysical Journal 106.
712 (1), S. 558 - 564 (2010)
Fermi detection of delayed GeV emission from the short gamma-ray burst 081024B. The Astrophysical Journal 107.
712 (1), S. 761 - 761 (2010)
Magnetar twists: Fermi/gamma-ray burst monitor detection of SGR J1550-5418 (2010, ApJ, 710, 1335) - ERRATUM. The Astrophysical Journal 108.
403 (1), S. 342 - 352 (2010)
A new analysis of the short-duration, hard-spectrum GRB 051103, a possible extragalactic soft gamma repeater giant flare. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 109.
711 (1), S. L1 - L6 (2010)
Discovery of a new soft gamma repeater: SGR J0418 + 5729. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 110.
710 (2), S. 1335 - 1342 (2010)
Magnetar twists: Fermi/gamma-ray burst monitor detection of SGR J1550-5418. The Astrophysical Journal 111.
707 (1), S. 580 - 592 (2009)
Fermi observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 080825C. The Astrophysical Journal 112.
706 (1), S. L138 - L144 (2009)
Fermi observations of GRB 090902B: a distinct spectral component in the prompt and delayed emission. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 113.
462 (7271), S. 331 - 334 (2009)
A limit on the variation of the speed of light arising from quantum gravity effects. Nature 114.
702 (1), S. 791 - 804 (2009)
The Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The Astrophysical Journal 115.
24 (1-3), S. 47 - 88 (2009)
Ground-based calibration and characterization of the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor detectors. Experimental Astronomy 116.
696 (1), S. L74 - L78 (2009)
Strong bursts from the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1547.0–5408 observed with the INTEGRAL/SPI anti-coincidence shield. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 117.
498 (1), S. 89 - 94 (2009)
The redshift and afterglow of the extremely energetic gamma-ray burst GRB 080916C. Astronomy & Astrophysics 118.
323 (5922), S. 1688 - 1693 (2009)
Fermi observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 080916C. Science 119.
Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS). ESA's Cosmic Vision 2007: Astrophysics Mission Proposals, S. 91 - 120 (2009)
486 (3), S. 721 - 734 (2008)
INTEGRAL observations of the blazar Mrk 421 in outburst: results of a multi-wavelength campaign. Astronomy & Astrophysics