Publikationen von Jochen Greiner

Konferenzbeitrag (126)

Meegan, C.; Bhat, P. N.; Bissaldi, E.; Briggs, M.; Connaughton, V.; Diehl, R.; Fishman, G.; Greiner, J.; Hoover, A. S.; van der Horst, A. et al.; von Kienlin, A.; Kippen, R. M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lichti, G.; Paciesas, W.; Preece, R.; Steinle, H.; Wallace, M. S.; Wilson-Hodge, C.: On-orbit performance of the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. In: Gamma-Ray Bursts, S. 7 - 11 (Hg. Meegan, C.; Kouveliotou, C.; Gehrels, N.). 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 20. Oktober 2008 - 23. Oktober 2008. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2009)
Rossi, A.; Klose, S.; Ferrero, P.; Kann, D. A.; Schulze, S.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Greiner, J.; Schady, P.: GRB 080514B: the first high-energy AGILE burst with optical/NIR afterglow. In: Gamma-Ray Bursts, S. 58 - 60 (Hg. Meegan, C.; Kouveliotou, C.; Gehrels, N.). 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 20. Oktober 2008 - 23. Oktober 2008. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2009)
Stefanescu, A.; Kanbach, G.; Slowikowska, A.; Greiner, J.; McBreen, S.; Sala, G.: Very fast optical flaring from a possible new galactic magnetar. In: Gamma-Ray Bursts, S. 491 - 496 (Hg. Meegan, C.; Kouveliotou, C.; Gehrels, N.). 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 20. Oktober 2008 - 23. Oktober 2008. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2009)
Updike, A. C.; Hartmann, D. H.; Greiner, J.; Klose, S.: Extinction trends in GRB host galaxies. In: Gamma-Ray Bursts, S. 257 - 259 (Hg. Meegan, C.; Kouveliotou, C.; Gehrels, N.). 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 20. Oktober 2008 - 23. Oktober 2008. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2009)
Zoglauer, A.; Andritschke, R.; Boggs, S. E.; Diehl, R.; Greiner, J.; Hartmann, D. H.; Kanbach, G.; Wunderer, C. B.: Nuclear astrophysics capabilities of the GRIPS telescope. 6th International Conference on Astronomy with Radioactivities, Ringberg Castle, Kreuth, Germany, 07. Januar 2008 - 10. Januar 2008. Astronomy with Radioactivities. VI - Proceedings of International Workshop Held at Ringberg Castle of Max Planck Gesellschaft, S. 431 - 435 (2008)
Ferrero, P.; Kann, D. A.; Greiner, J.; Rykoff, E. S.; Mikuz, H.; Dintinjana, B.; Skvarc, J.; Malesani, D.; Schulze, S.; Filgas, R. et al.; Rossi, A.: A rapid response to GRB 070411. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 257 - 260 (2008)
Greiner, J.: GRIPS—gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy. In: Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 620 - 623 (Hg. Galassi, M.; Palmer, D.; Fenimore, E.). Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2008)
Günster, S.; Ristau, D.; Greiner, J.; Tafelmaier, C.: Comparison of measured and calculated performance of a 7-channel astronomical instrument. In: Advances in Optical Thin Films III, S. 71011V-1 - 71011V-11 (Hg. Kaiser, N.; Lequime, M.; Macleod, H.A.). Advances in Optical Thin Films III, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 02. September 2008. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2008)
Hoover, A. S.; Kippen, R. M.; Wallace, M. S.; Pendleton, G. N.; Fishman, G. J.; Meegan, C. A.; Kouveliotou, C.; Wilson-Hodge, C. A.; Bissaldi, E.; Diehl, R. et al.; Greiner, J.; Lichti, G. G.; Kienlin, A. v.; Steinle, H.; Bhat, P. N.; Briggs, M. S.; Connaughton, V.; Paciesas, W. S.; Preece, R. D.: GLAST burst monitor instrument simulation and modeling. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 565 - 568 (2008)
Küpcü Yoldas, A.; Krühler, T.; Greiner, J.; Yoldas, A.; Clemens, C.; Szokoly, G.; Primak, N.; Klose, S.: First results of GROND. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 227 - 231 (2008)
Meegan, C.; Bhat, N.; Bissaldi, E.; Briggs, M.; Connaughton, V.; Diehl, R.; Fishman, G.; Greiner, J.; Kienlin, A. v.; Kippen, R. M. et al.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lichti, G.; Paciesas, W.; Preece, R.; Steinle, H.; Wilson-Hodge, C.: GLAST burst monitor instrument simulation and modeling. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 573 - 576 (2008)
Rossi, A.; Kann, D. A.; Schulze, S.; Ferrero, P.; Filgas, R.; Klose, S.; Clemens, C.; Küpcü Yoldas, A.; Krühler, T.; Yoldas, A. et al.; Greiner, J.: Dark bursts in the Swift era. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 05. November 2007 - 09. November 2007. Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference, S. 327 - 330 (2008)
Sala, G.; Greiner, J.; Bottacini, E.; Haberl, F.: XMM-Newton observations of XTE J1817-330 and XTE J1856+053. In: Astrophysics of Compact Objects, S. 325 - 327 (Hg. Yuan, Y.F.; Li, X.D.; Lai, D.). International Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects, Huangshan City, China, 01. Juli 2007 - 07. Juli 2007. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2008)
Sala, G.; Greiner, J.; Primak, N.: Looking for black-holes in X-ray binaries with XMM-Newton: XTE J1817-330 and XTE J1856+053. In: Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe, S. 183 - 188 (Hg. Chakrabarti, S.K.; Majumdar, A.S.). 2nd Kolkata Conference on Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe and the Satellite Meeting on Black Holes, Neutron Stars and Gamma-Ray Bursts, Kolkata, India, 10. Februar 2008 - 17. Februar 2008. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2008)
Stiele, H.; Pietsch, W.; Haberl, F.; Barnard, R.; Burwitz, V.; Freyberg, M.; Greiner, J.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Hernanz, M.; Kolb, U. et al.; Kong, A.; Plucinsky, P.; Reig, P.; Sasaki, M.; Sala, G.; Shaw Greening, L.; Stella, L.; Williams, B.: A deep XMM-Newton survey of M 31. In: Proceedings of the ESAC Faculty Workshop on X-rays from Nearby Galaxies, S. 23 - 27 (Hg. Carpano, S.; Ehle, M.; Pietsch, W.). ESAC Faculty Workshop on X-rays from Nearby Galaxies, Madrid, Spain, 05. September 2007 - 07. September 2007. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching b. München (2008)
Sala, G.; Greiner, J.; Bottacini, E.; Haberl, F.: The black-hole candidate XTE J1817-330 as seen by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL. Conference on the Multi-Messenger Approach to High Energy Gamma-Ray Sources, Barcelona, Spain, 04. Juli 2006 - 07. Juli 2006. Astrophysics and Space Science 309 (1-4), S. 315 - 319 (2007)
Ajello, M.; Greiner, J.; Rau, A.; Kanbach, G.; Strong, A. W.; Tueller, J.; Markwardt, C. B.; Mushotzky, R. F.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Gehrels, N.: Application of maximum likelihood method to the Swift/BAT hard X-ray survey: preliminary results. In: At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, S. 163 - 166 (Hg. Afonso, J.; Ferguson, H.C.; Mobasher, B.; Norris, R.). At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, Sintra, Portugal, 09. Oktober 2006 - 13. Oktober 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2007)
Bhat, P. N.; Briggs, M.; Connaughton, V.; Diehl, R.; Fishman, G.; Greiner, J.; Kippen, R. M.; Kienlin, A. v.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lichti, G. et al.; Meegan, C.; Paciesas, W.; Persyn, S.; Preece, R.; Steinle, H.; Wilson-Hodge, C.: GLAST burst monitor signal processing system. In: The First GLAST Symposium, S. 524 - 525 (Hg. Ritz, S.; Michelson, P.; Meegan, C.). The First GLAST Symposium, Stanford, California, USA, 05. Februar 2007 - 08. Februar 2007. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2007)
Briggs, M. S.; Connaughton, V.; Paciesas, W.; Preece, R.; Meegan, C. A.; Fishman, G.; Kouveliotou, C.; Wilson-Hodge, C.; Diehl, R.; Greiner, J. et al.; Kienlin, A. v.; Lichti, G.; Steinle, H.; Kippen, R. M.: GLAST burst monitor on-board triggering, locations and event classification. In: The First GLAST Symposium, S. 450 - 451 (Hg. Ritz, S.; Michelson, P.; Meegan, C.). The First GLAST Symposium, Stanford, California, USA, 05. Februar 2007 - 08. Februar 2007. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2007)
Hoover, A. S.; Klimenko, A.; Kippen, R. M.; Wallace, M. S.; Pendleton, G. N.; Meegan, C. A.; Fishman, G. J.; Wilson-Hodge, C. A.; Kouveliotou, C.; Lichti, G. G. et al.; Kienlin, A. v.; Steinle, H.; Diehl, R.; Greiner, J.; Preece, R. D.; Connaughton, V.; Briggs, M. S.; Paciesas, W. S.; Bhat, P. N.: Validation of the GLAST burst monitor instrument response simulation software. In: The First GLAST Symposium, S. 552 - 553 (Hg. Ritz, S.; Michelson, P.; Meegan, C.). The First GLAST Symposium, Stanford, California, USA, 05. Februar 2007 - 08. Februar 2007. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, USA (2007)
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