Publikationen von P. Erwin
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Konferenzbeitrag (25)
GOYA Ks-selected galaxy catalog 0 < z < 5. In: First Light Science with the GTC, S. 165 - 166 (Hg. Guzmán, R.; Packham, C.; Espinosa, J.M. R.; Torres-Peimbert, S.). First Light Science with the GTC, Miami, Florida, USA, 28. Juni 2006 - 30. Juni 2006. UNAM, Mexico, DF (MEX) (2007)
Colors of intermediate z bulges in the GOYA survey. In: First Light Science with the GTC, S. 169 - 169 (Hg. Guzmán, R.; Packham, C.; Espinosa, J.M. R.; Torres-Peimbert, S.). First Light Science with the GTC, Miami, Florida, USA, 28. Juni 2006 - 30. Juni 2006. UNAM, Mexico, DF (MEX) (2007)
GOYA survey: mergers up to z = 1 in B- and Ks-selected samples. In: First Light Science with the GTC, S. 172 - 172 (Hg. Guzmán, R.; Packham, C.; Espinosa, J.M. R.; Torres-Peimbert, S.). First Light Science with the GTC, Miami, Florida, USA, 28. Juni 2006 - 30. Juni 2006. UNAM, Mexico, DF (MEX) (2007)
The edges of the stellar populations of early type spirals as probed by their radial brightness profiles. In: Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies ( IAU Symposium 241 ), S. 495 - 496 (Hg. Vazdekis, A.; Peletier, R.). 241th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, La Palma, Tenerife, Spain, 10. Dezember 2006 - 16. Dezember 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)
Finding double-barred galaxies with HST. In: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, S. 117 - 117 (Hg. Combes, F.; Palous, J.). 235th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, Czech Republic, 14. August 2006 - 17. August 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2007)