Publications of R. Hartmann
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Probing eV-scale axions with CAST. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (2), 008, pp. 1 - 15 (2009)
Journal Article
7, pp. 117 - 129 (1997)
Silicon drift detectors with on-chip electronics for X-ray spectroscopy. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 3.
Journal Article
7 (Colloque C2), pp. 21 - 29 (1997)
High resolution, high speed detectors with integrated JFET electronics. Journal de Physique IV Conference Paper (15)
Conference Paper
eROSITA. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, pp. 668617-1 - 668617-9 (Ed. Siegmund, O.H.W.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, San Diego, CA, USA, August 26, 2007 - August 27, 2007. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2007)
Conference Paper
Background studies of the pn-CCD detector of CAST. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, pp. 554 - 558 (Eds. Axenides, M.; Fanourakis, G.; Vergados, J.). 6th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, Rhodes, Greece, September 11, 2006 - September 16, 2006. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2007)
Conference Paper
Next generation of pnCCDs for X-ray spectroscopy and imaging. 10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors, Wildbad Kreuth, Germany, June 12, 2005 - June 16, 2005. New Developments in Radiation Detectors, pp. 141 - 148 (2006)
Conference Paper
Analysis of the charge collection process in pnCCDs. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy II, pp. 62760D-1 - 62760D-11 (Eds. Dorn, D. A.; Holland, A. D.). High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy II, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 24, 2006 - May 27, 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Conference Paper
565 (1), pp. 251 - 257 (2006)
pnCCD for photon detection from near-infrared to X-rays. International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Bonn, Germany, September 05, 2005 - September 08, 2005. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 9.
Conference Paper
56 (Suppl. C), pp. C203 - C209 (2006)
Search for solar axions: the CAST experiment at CERN. Conference of the Advanced-Studies-Institute on Symmetries and Spin/Workshop on Hadron Structure and Hadron Spectroscopy, Prag, Czech Republic, July 27, 2005 - August 05, 2005. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 10.
Conference Paper
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): an update. 8th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Seattle, WA, September 05, 2003 - September 09, 2003. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Undeground Physics, pp. 41 - 44 (2005)
Conference Paper
The Dark Universe Observatory (DUO)- telescope concept. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, pp. 837 - 848 (Eds. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 21, 2004 - June 24, 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Conference Paper
DUO - the Dark Universe Observatory. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, pp. 209 - 221 (Eds. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 21, 2004 - June 24, 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Conference Paper
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): status and prospects. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, pp. 402 - 407 (Eds. Spooner, N. J.C.; Kudryavtsev, V.). 4th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, York, UK, September 02, 2002 - September 06, 2002. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2003)
Conference Paper
Concept of the ROSITA X-ray camera. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, pp. 849 - 856 (Eds. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, August 24, 2002 - August 28, 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Conference Paper
Overview of the calibration and the performance of the PN-CCD camera. In: EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, pp. 215 - 219 (Eds. Siegmund, O.H.W.; Flanagan, K.A.). EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 21, 1999 - July 23, 1999. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (1999)
Conference Paper
The quantum efficiency of the XMM pn-CCD camera. In: EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, pp. 703 - 713 (Eds. Siegmund, O.H.W.; Flanagan, K.A.). EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 21, 1999 - July 23, 1999. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (1999)
Conference Paper
The PN-CCD detector for XMM and ABRIXAS. In: EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, pp. 192 - 203 (Eds. Siegmund, O.H.W.; Flanagan, K.A.). EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 21, 1999 - July 23, 1999. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (1999)
Conference Paper
A 36 cm² large monolythic pn-CCD X-ray detector for the European XMM Satellite Mission. In: Workshop Proceedings: 1997 IEEE Workshop on Charge-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image Sensors, pp. R19-1 - R19-4. IEEE Workshop on Charge-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image Sensors, Bruges, Belgium, June 05, 1997 - June 07, 1997. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Bruges, Belgium (1997)