Publikationen von R. Andritschke

Konferenzbeitrag (62)

Zoglauer, A.; Bloser, P. F.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.: Expected line sensitivity of the MEGA telescope. 5th International Conference on Astronomy with Radioactivities, Clemson, SC, USA, 2005-09. Astronomy with Radioactivities. V, S. 624 - 628 (2006)
Meidinger, N.; Andritschke, R.; Hartmann, R.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Lutz, G.; Strüder, L.: pnCCD for photon detection from near-infrared to X-rays. International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging, Bonn, Germany, 05. September 2005 - 08. September 2005. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 565 (1), S. 251 - 257 (2006)
Andritschke, R.; Zoglauer, A.; Kanbach, G.; Bloser, P. F.; Schopper, F.: The Compton and pair creation telescope MEGA. Workshop on Focusing Telescopes in Nuclear Astrophysics, Bonifacio, France, 12. September 2005 - 15. September 2005. Experimental Astronomy 20 (1-3), S. 395 - 403 (2006)
Bloser, P. F.; Ryan, J. M.; McConnell, M. L.; Macri, J. R.; Bravar, U.; Kanbach, G.; Andritschke, R.; Ajello, M.; Zoglauer, A.; Hunter, S. D. et al.; Phlips, B. F.; Wulf, E. A.; Hartmann, D. H.; Miller, R. S.; Paciesas, W. S.; Zych, A. D.; Kippen, R. M.; Vestrand, T.; Cherry, M. L.; Guzik, T. G.; Stacy, J. G.; Wefel, J. P.; Reglero, V.; Di Cocco, G.; Cravens, J. P.: The MEGA project for medium energy gamma-ray astronomy. Frascati Workshop on Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Vulcano Island, Italy, 23. Mai 2005 - 28. Mai 2005. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophsysics 6 (Suppl. 1), S. 388 - 392 (2006)
Kanbach, G.; Andritschke, R.; Zoglauer, A.; Ajello, M.; McConnell, M. L.; Macri, J. R.; Ryan, J. M.; Bloser, P.; Hunter, S.; DiCocco, G. et al.; Kurfess, J.; Reglero, V.: Development and calibration of the tracking Compton/Pair telescope MEGA. 5th International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Hiroshima, Japan, 14. Juni 2004 - 17. Juni 2004. Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, S. 310 - 322 (2005)
Bloser, P. F.; Ryan, J. M.; McConnell, M. L.; Macri, J. R.; Bravar, U.; Kanbach, G.; Andritschke, R.; Ajello, M.; Zoglauer, A.; Hunter, S. D. et al.; Phlips, B. F.; Wulf, E. A.; Hartmann, D. H.; Miller, R. S.; Paciesas, W. S.; Zych, A. D.; Kippen, R. M.; Vestrand, T.; Cherry, M. L.; Guzik, T. G.; Stacy, J. G.; Wefel, J. P.; Reglero, V.; Di Cocco, G.; Cravens, J. P.: MEGA: a medium-energy gamma-ray astronomy mission concept. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV, S. 589804-1 - 589804-12 (Hg. Siegmund, O.H.W.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV, San Diego, CA, USA, 01. August 2005 - 03. August 2005. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2005)
Meidinger, N.; Andritschke, R.; Dennerl, K.; Haelker, O.; Hasinger, G.; Hartmann, R.; Hartner, G.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Kimmel, N. et al.; Soltau, H.; Strueder, L.: First measurements with DUO/ROSITA pnCCDs. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV, S. 58980W-1 - 58980W-9 (Hg. Siegmund, O.H.W.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV, San Diego, CA, USA, 01. August 2005 - 03. August 2005. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2005)
Andritschke, R.; Zoglauer, A.; Kanbach, G.; Schrey, F.; Bloser, P. F.; Hunter, S.; Marci, J.; Miller, R.; Litvinenko, V.; Ahmed, M. et al.; Donchev, A.: The calibration setup of the MEGA prototype at the high intensity γ-ray source. Astronomy with Radioactivities IV and Filling the Sensitivity Gap in MeV Astronomy, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 26. Mai 2003 - 30. Mai 2003. New Astronomy Reviews (1-4), S. 281 - 285 (2004)
Kanbach, G.; Andritschke, R.; Schopper, F.; Schönfelder, V.; Zoglauer, A.; Bloser, P. F.; Hunter, S. D.; Ryan, J. A.; McConnell, M.; Reglero, V. et al.; DiCocco, G.; Knödlseder, J.: The MEGA project. Astronomy with Radioactivities IV and Filling the Sensitivity Gap in MeV Astronomy, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 26. Mai 2003 - 30. Mai 2003. New Astronomy Reviews (1-4), S. 275 - 280 (2004)
Zoglauer, A.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.: Data analysis for the MEGA prototype. Astronomy with Radioactivities IV and Filling the Sensitivity Gap in MeV Astronomy, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 26. Mai 2003 - 30. Mai 2003. New Astronomy Reviews (1-4), S. 231 - 235 (2004)
Andritschke, R.; Zoglauer, A.; Kanbach, G.; Schönfelder, V.; Schrey, F.; Schopper, F.; Bloser, P. F.; Hunter, S. D.; Macri, J.; Miller, R. S. et al.; Litvinenko, V. N.; Pinayev, I. V.: Calibration of the MEGA prototype. In: INTEGRAL Science Workshop, S. 761 - 764 (Hg. Battrick, B.). Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop, Munich, Germany, 16. Februar 2004 - 20. Februar 2004. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands (2004)
Ryan, J. M.; Andritschke, R.; Bloser, P.; Cravens, J.; Cherry, M.; DiCocco, G.; Guzik, T. G.; Hartmann, D. H.; Hunter, S.; Kanbach, G. et al.; Kippen, R. M.; Kurfess, J.; Macri, J. R.; McConnell, M. L.; Miller, R. S.; Paciesas, W.; Philps, B.; Reglero, V.; Stacy, J. G.; Strickman, M.; Vestrand, W. T.; Wefel, J. P.; Wulf, E.; Zoglauer, A.; Zych, A. D.: MEGA: the next generation medium energy gamma-ray telescope. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, S. 977 - 988 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 24. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Zoglauer, A.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.: Image reconstruction for the MEGA telescop. In: INTEGRAL Science Workshop, S. 917 - 920 (Hg. Battrick, B.). Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop, Munich, Germany, 16. Februar 2004 - 27. März 2004. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands (2004)
Zoglauer, A.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.; Bloser, P. F.; Litvinenko, V. N.: Polarization measurements with the MEGA telescope. In: INTEGRAL Science Workshop, S. 921 - 924 (Hg. Battrick, B.). Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop, Munich, Germany, 16. Februar 2004 - 20. Februar 2004. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands (2004)
Bloser, P.; Schopper, F.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.; Zoglauer, A.; Lechner, P.: Development of silicon strip detectors for a medium energy gamma-ray telescope. Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors: New Developments on Radiation Detectors, Elmau, Germany, 11. Oktober 2003. Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors: New Developments on Radiation Detectors, S. 220 - 228 (2003)
Kanbach, G.; Andritschke, R.; Bloser, P. F.; Schopper, F.; Schönfelder, V.; Zoglauer, A.; MEGA Collaboration: Concept study for the next generation medium energy gamma-ray astronomy mission - MEGA. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 1209 - 1220 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Bloser, P. F.; Andritschke, R.; Kanbach, G.; Schönfelder, V.; Schopper, F.; Zoglauer, A.: The MEGA advanced Compton telescope project. Astronomy with Radioactivities III: Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Ringberg Castle of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 2001-05. New Astronomy Reviews 46 (8-10), S. 611 - 616 (2002)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Andritschke, R.: Aufbau und Eichung der Kalorimeter für das Gammateleskop MEGA. Diplom, Technische Universität München , München, Germany (2000)

Forschungspapier (1)

Rau, A.; Meidinger, N.; Nandra, K.; Porro, M.; Barret, D.; Santangelo, A.; Schmid, L.; Strüder, L.; Tenzer, C.; Wilms, J. et al.; Amoros, C.; Andritschke, R.; Aschauer, F.; Bähr, A.; Günther, B.; Fürmetz, M.; Ott, B.; Perinati, E.; Rambaud , D.; Reiffers, J.; Treis, J.; Kienlin, A. v.; Weidenspointner, G.: The wide field imager (WFI) for Athena+. The hot and energetic universe (2013), 9 S.
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