Publikationen von Günther Hasinger

Konferenzbeitrag (93)

Magnier, E.; Prins, S.; van Paradijs, J.; Lewin, W. H. G.; Hasinger, G.; Pietsch, W.; Supper, R.; Trümper, J.: X-ray, optical, & radio observations of M31 SNRS (a progress report). In: New horizon of x-ray astronomy - first results from ASCA, S. 475 - 476 (Hg. Makino Ohashi T., F.). International Conference on X-ray Astronomy, Tokyo, Japan, 08. März 1994 - 11. März 1994. Universal Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo (1994)
Magnier, E.; Prins, S.; van Paradijs, J.; Lewin, W. H. G.; Hasinger, G.; Pietsch, W.; Supper, R.; Trümper, J.: Old SNRS in M31. In: New horizon of x-ray astronomy - first results from ASCA, S. 473 - 474 (Hg. Makino Ohashi T., F.). International Conference on X-ray Astronomy, Tokyo, Japan, 08. März 1994 - 11. März 1994. Universal Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo (1994)
Verbunt, F.; Johnston, H.; Hasinger, G.; Belloni, T.; Bunk, W.: The low-luminosity X-ray sources in globular clusters. Evolutionary Links in the Zoo of Interacting Binaries, Monteporzio, Italy, 21. Juni 1993 - 24. Juni 1993. Evolutionary Links in the Zoo of Interacting Binaries, S. 249 - 257 (1994)
Hasinger, G.: ROSAT deep surveys. In: X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-Ray Background: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, S. 321 - 331 (Hg. Brinkmann, W.; Trümper, J.). X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-Ray Background, Garching, Germany, 04. November 1991 - 08. November 1991. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany (1992)
Schaeidt, S. G.; Hasinger, G.; Trümper, J.: Time variability of extragalactic sources in the ecliptic pole regions. In: X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-Ray Background: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, S. 191 - 194 (Hg. Brinkmann, W.; Trümper, J.). X-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-Ray Background, Garching, Germany, 04. November 1991 - 08. November 1991. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany (1992)

Bericht (1)

Research 2005-2006: a book of highlights. (2007), 159 S.