Publikationen von David Wilman

Zeitschriftenartikel (72)

Wilman, D.; Zibetti, S.; Budavári, T.: A multiscale approach to environment and its influence on the colour distribution of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 406 (3), S. 1701 - 1720 (2010)
Finoguenov, A.; Connelly, J. L.; Parker, L. C.; Wilman, D. J.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Saglia, R. P.; Balogh, M. L.; Bower, R. G.; McGee, S. L.: The roadmap for unification in galaxy group selection - I. A search for extended X-ray emission in the CNOC2 survey. The Astrophysical Journal 704 (1), S. 564 - 575 (2009)
Balogh, M. L.; McGee, S. L.; Wilman, D.; Bower, R. G.; Hau, G.; Morris, S. L.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Oemler, A.; Parker, L.; Gwyn, S.: The colour of galaxies in distant groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 398 (2), S. 754 - 768 (2009)
Hou, A.; Parker, L. C.; Harris, W. E.; Wilman, D. J.: Statistical tools for classifying galaxy group dynamics. The Astrophysical Journal 702 (2), S. 1199 - 1210 (2009)
Gerssen, J.; Wilman, D. J.; Christensen, L.; Bower, R. G.; Wild, V.: Highly ionized gas on galaxy scales: mapping the interacting Seyfert galaxy LEDA 135736. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters 393 (1), S. L45 - L49 (2009)
Wilman, D. J.; Oemler, A.; Mulchaey, J. S.; McGee, S. L.; Balogh, M. L.; Bower, R. G.: Morphological composition of z ~ 0.4 groups: the site of S0 formation. The Astrophysical Journal 692 (1), S. 298 - 308 (2009)
McGee, S. L.; Balogh, M. L.; Henderson, R. D. E.; Wilman, D. J.; Bower, R. G.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Oemler, A.: Evolution in the discs and bulges of group galaxies since z= 0.4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 387 (4), S. 1605 - 1621 (2008)
Balogh, M. L.; Wilman, D.; Henderson, R. D. E.; Bower, R. G.; Gilbank, D.; Whitaker, R.; Morris, S. L.; Hau, G.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Oemler, A. et al.: The stellar mass content of distant galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 374 (3), S. 1169 - 1180 (2007)
Gerssen, J.; Christensen, L.; Wilman, D.; Bower, R.: Mapping the properties of SDSS galaxies with the VIMOS IFU. The ESO Messenger 126, S. 2 - 4 (2006)
Wilman, D. J.; Balogh, M. L.; Bower, R. G.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Oemler, Jr, A.; Carlberg, R. G.; Morris, S. L.; Whitaker, R. J.: Galaxy groups at 0.3 ≤z≤ 0.55 – I. Group properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 358 (1), S. 71 - 87 (2005)
Wilman, D. J.; Balogh, M. L.; Bower, R. G.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Oemler, Jr, A.; Carlberg, R. G.; Eke, V. R.; Lewis, I.; Morris, S. L.; Whitaker, R. J.: Galaxy groups at 0.3 ≤z≤ 0.55 – II. Evolution to z~ 0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 358 (1), S. 88 - 100 (2005)
Nakata, F.; Bower, R. G.; Balogh, M. L.; Wilman, D. J.: The evolution of [O II] emission from cluster galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 357 (2), S. 679 - 686 (2005)

Konferenzbeitrag (10)

Houghton, R. C. W.; Davies, R. L.; Bender, R.; Beifiori, A.; Chan, J.; Cappellari, M.; Galametz, A.; Lewis, I.; Mendel, J. T.; Prichard, L. et al.: The KMOS GTO cluster program: absorption line spectroscopy of cluster galaxies at z∼1.5. In: Multi-Object Spectroscopy in the Next Decade: Big Questions, Large Surveys, and Wide Fields, S. 281 - 285 (Hg. Skillen, I.; Balcells, M.; Trager, S. C.). Multi-Object Spectroscopy in the Next Decade: Big Questions, Large Surveys, and Wide Fields, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, 02. März 2015 - 06. März 2015. (2016)
Davies, R. L.; Beifiori, A.; Bender, R.; Cappellari, M.; Chan, J.; Houghton, R.; Mendel, T.; Saglia, R.; Sharples, R.; Stott, J. et al.: The KMOS galaxy clusters project. In: Galaxies Masses as Constraints of Formation Models (IAU Symposium 311), S. 110 - 115 (Hg. Cappellari, M.; Courteau, S.). 311th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Oxford, United Kingdom, 21. Juli 2014 - 25. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2015)
Kulkarni, S.; Wilman, D.; Erwin, P.; Koppenhöfer, J.; Gutierrez, L.; Beckman, J.; Saglia, R.; Bender, R.: Hα surface brightness profiles of star-forming galaxies and dependence on halo mass using the HAGGIS Survey. In: Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, S. 255 - 258 (Hg. Seigar, M. S.; Treuthardt, P.). Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas, USA, 12. August 2013 - 16. August 2013. (2014)
Wilman, D.; Bender, R.; Davies, R. L.; Mendel, J. T.; Chan, J.; Beifiori, A.; Houghton, R.; Saglia, R.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Wuyts, S. et al.: KMOS clusters and VIRIAL GTO surveys. In: Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU Symposium 309), S. 293 - 294 (Hg. Ziegler, B. L.; Combes, F.; Dannerbauer, H.; Verdugo, M.). 309th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria, 07. Juli 2014 - 11. Juli 2014. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Wilman, D. J.; Erwin, P.; De Lucia, G.; Fontanot, F.; Monaco, P.: The origin of the morphology–density relation. 2010 Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting - 2010 JENAM, Lisbon, Portugal, 06. September 2010 - 10. September 2010. Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 Years later - Proceedings of Symposium 2 of JENAM 2010, S. 215 - 220 (2011)
Gerssen, J.; Wilman, D.; Christensen, L.: Mapping star forming & AGN galaxies. In: Hunting for the Dark: the Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation, S. 241 - 242 (Hg. Debattista, V. P.; Popescu, C. C.). Hunting for the Dark, Malta, 19. Oktober 2009 - 23. Oktober 2009. (2010)
Wilman, D.; Zibetti, S.; Budavári, T.: A multiscale approach to environment. In: Hunting for the Dark: the Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation, S. 323 - 326 (Hg. Debattista, V. P.; Popescu, C. C.). Hunting for the Dark, Malta, 19. Oktober 2009 - 23. Oktober 2009. (2010)
Wilman, D. J.; Pierini, D.; Tyler, K.; McGee, S. L.; Oemler, A.; Morris, S. L.; Balogh, M. L.; Bower, R. G.; Mulchaey, J. S.: Galaxies die in groups: an IRAC autopsy. In: Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, S. 340 - 343 (Hg. Kodama, T.; Yamada, T.; Aoki, K.). Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Shonan Village Center, Hayama, Japan, 11. Dezember 2007 - 16. Dezember 2007. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2008)