Publikationen von T. Ott

Konferenzbeitrag (72)

Horrobin, M.; Eisenhauer, F.; Tecza, M.; Thatte, N.; Genzel, R.; Abuter, R.; Iserlohe, C.; Schreiber, J.; Schegerer, A.; Lutz, D. et al.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.: First results from SPIFFI. I: The Galactic Center. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, 22. März 2003 - 23. März 2003. Euro 3D Science Workshop Proceedings, S. 88 - 01 (2004)
Davies, R.; Tacconi, L.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Rabien, S.: Using adaptive optics to probe the dynamics and star formation in active galactic nuclei. In: Advancements in adaptive optics, S. 473 - 482 (Hg. Bonaccini Calia, D.; Ellerbroek, B. L.; Ragazzoni, R.). Advancements in adaptive optics, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 25. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Moultaka, J.; Eckart, A.; Viehmann, T.; Mouawad, N.; Straubmeier, C.; Ott, T.: Dust embedded sources at the Galactic Center – 2 to 4 micron spectroscopy in the central parsec. In: The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies: Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt Symposium, S. 295 - 298 (Hg. Pfalzner, S.; Kramer, C.; Straubmeier Heithausen A., C.). The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies, Zermatt, Switzerland, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. Springer, Berlin (2004)
Rabien, S.; Davies, R. I.; Ott, T.; Li, J.; Abuter, R.; Kellner, S.; Neumann, U.: Test performance of the PARSEC laser system. In: Advancements in adaptive optics, S. 981 - 988 (Hg. Bonaccini Calia, D.; Ellerbroek, B. L.; Ragazzoni, R.). Advancements in adaptive optics, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 25. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Bonaccini, D.; Allaert, E.; Araujo, C.; Brunetto, E.; Buzzoni, B.; Comin, M.; Cullum, M.; Davies, R.; Dichirico, C.; Dierickx, P. et al.; Dimmler, M.; Duchateau, M.; Egedal, C.; Hackenberg, W.; Hippler, S.; Kellner, S.; van Kesteren, A.; Koch, F.; Neumann, U.; Ott, T.; Quattri, M.; Quentin, J.; Rabien, S.; Tamai, R.; Tapia, M.; Tarenghi, M.: The VLT laser guide star facility. In: Adaptive Optical System Technologies II, S. 381 - 392 (Hg. Wizinowich, P. L.; Bonaccini, D.). Adaptive Optical System Technologies II, Waikoloa, 22. August 2002 - 26. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Davies, R.; Ott, T.; Li, J.; Rabien, S.; Neumann, U.; Hippler, S.; Bonaccini, D.; Hackenberg, W.: Operational issues for PARSEC, the VLT laser. In: Adaptive Optical System Technologies II, S. 402 - 411 (Hg. Wizinowich, P. L.; Bonaccini, D.). Adaptive Optical System Technologies II, Waikoloa, 22. August 2002 - 26. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Eckart, A.; Moultaka, J.; Viehmann, T.; Straubmeier, C.; Mouawad, N.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.: New MIR excess sources north of the IRS 13 complex. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 08. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 521 - 526 (2003)
Eckart, A.; Moultaka, J.; Viehmann, T.; Straubmeier, C.; Mouawad, N.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.; Baganoff, F. K.; Morris, M. R.: Monitoring Sagittarius A* in the MIR with the VLT. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 15. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 557 - 561 (2003)
Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.; Eckart, A.: The galactic center black hole. In: Texas in Tuscany, S. 221 - 233 (Hg. Bandiera, B.; Maiolino, R.; Mannucci, F.). Proceedings of XXI Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Florence, Italy, 09. Dezember 2002 - 13. Dezember 2002. World Scientific, Singapore, USA (2003)
Mouawad, N.; Eckart, A.; Pfalzner, S.; Moultaka, J.; Straubmeier, C.; Spurzem, R.; Schödel, R.; Ott, T.: Stellar orbits at the center of the Milky Way. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 08. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 315 - 319 (2003)
Mouawad, N.; Eckart, A.; Pfalzner, S.; Straubmeier, C.; Spurzem, R.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.: Star close to the massive black hole at center of the Milky Way. In: Galaxies and Chaos, S. 302 - 309 (Hg. Contopoulos, G.; Voglis, N.). Galaxies and Chaos, Athens, 16. September 2002 - 19. September 2002. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)
Moultaka, J.; Eckart, A.; Viehman, T.; Mouawad, N.; Straubmeier, C.; Ott, T.: Dust embedded sources at the Galactic Center MIR spectroscopy and imaging in the central parsec. In: Scientific Highlights 2003, S. 271 - 274 (Hg. Guthathakurta, P.). Scientific Highlights 2003, Bordeaux, France, 16. Juni 2003 - 20. Juni 2003. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France (2003)
Ott, T.; Genzel, R.; Eckhardt, A.; Schödel, R.: Stellar dynamics in the galactic center: 1000 stars in 100 nights. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 08. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 543 - 549 (2003)
Reid, M. J.; Menten, K. M.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Schödel, R.; Brunthaler, A.: The position, motion, and mass of Sgr A*. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 15. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 505 - 511 (2003)
Schödel, R.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Eckart, A.: The Galactic Center stellar cluster: the central arcsecond. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 08. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 535 - 541 (2003)
Davies, R. I.; Bonaccini, D.; Rabien, S.; Hackenberg, W.; Ott, T.; Hippler, S.; Neumann, U.; Barden, M.; Lehnert, M.; Eisenhauer, F. et al.; Genzel, R.: Multi-conjugate adaptive optics with laser guide stars. In: Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation, S. 158 - 163 (Hg. Bergeron, J.; Monnet, G.). Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation, Garching, 11. Juni 2001 - 15. Juni 2001. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2002)
Neuhäuser, R.; Guenther, E.; Brandner, W.; Huelamo, N.; Ott, T.; Alves, J.; Comerón, F.; Cuby, J.-G.; Eckart, A.: Direct imaging and spectroscopy of substellar companions next to young nearby stars in TWA. In: The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View, S. 383 - 388 (Hg. Alves, J. F.; McCaughrean, M. J.). The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View, Garching, 24. April 2001 - 27. April 2001. Springer-Verlag, 2002 (2002)
Rabien, S.; Davies, R. I.; Ott, T.; Hippler, S.; Neumann, U.: PARSEC, the laser for the VLT. In: Adaptive Optics Systems and Technology II, S. 325 - 335 (Hg. Tyson, R. K.; Bonaccini, D.; Roggemann, M. C.). Adaptive Optics Systems and Technology II, San Diego, 30. Juli 2001 - 01. August 2001. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham (2002)
Eckart, A.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Eisenhauer, F.: Stellar proper motions and the dark mass in the galactic center. In: Extragalactic Astronomy in the Infrared, S. 271 - 276 (Hg. Mamon, G.A.; Thuan, T. X.; Van, J. T. T.). XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond - XVIIth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, Les Arcs, France, 15. März 1997 - 22. März 1997. Edition Frontieres, Paris, France (1997)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ott, T.: Entwicklung des Laser-Leitsternsystems ALFA und Nahinfrarot-Beobachtungen des galaktischen Zentrums. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München (2003)
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