Publikationen von M. Kuster

Konferenzbeitrag (13)

Kuster, M.; Bräuninger, H.; Englhauser, J.; Friedrich, P.; Hartmann, R.; Kotthaus, R.; Lutz, G.; Serber, W.; Strüder, L.; Kang, D. et al.: The X-ray mirror telescope and the pn-CCD detector of CAST. In: Gravitational Wave and Particle Astrophysics Detectors, S. 139 - 146 (Hg. Hough, J.; Sanders, G. H.). Gravitational Wave and Particle Astrophysics Detectors, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 23. Juni 2003 - 24. Juni 2003. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Irastorza, I. G.; Andriamonje, S.; Arik, E.; Autiero, D.; Avignone, F.; Barth, K.; Bräuninger, H.; Brodzinski, R.; Carmona, J.; Cebrian, S. et al.: The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST: status and prospects. Proceedings of the XXXth International Meeting of Fundamentals Physics, Jaca (Huesca), Spain, 28. Januar 2002 - 01. Februar 2002. Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) (1), S. 75 - 80 (2003)
Irastorza, I. G.; Andriamonje, S.; Arik, E.; Autiero, D.; Avignone, F.; Barth, K.; Brauninger, H.; Brodzinski, R.; Carmona, J.; Cebrian, S. et al.: The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): status and prospects. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, S. 402 - 407 (Hg. Spooner, N. J.C.; Kudryavtsev, V.). 4th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter, York, UK, 02. September 2002 - 06. September 2002. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2003)
Kendziorra, E.; Kuster, M.; Kirsch, M.; Risse, P.; Staubert, R.; Becker, W.; Strüder, L.; Treis, J.; Lechner, P.; Holl, P.: High-time resolution spectroscopy with XMM-Newton and Xeus. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 801 - 811 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kuster, M.: Combined spectral and temporal analysis of Her X-1 turn on. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen (2004)