Publikationen von Roland Diehl
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Konferenzbeitrag (132)
14, 020305, S. 020305-1 - 020305-3 (Hg. Kubono, S.; Kajino, T.; Nishimura, S.; Isobe, T.; Nagataki, S. et al.). Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), Niigata, Japan, 19. Juni 2016 - 24. Juni 2016. The Physical Society of Japan, Tokyo (2017)
The 26Al Gamma-ray Line from Massive-Star Regions. In: JPS Conference Proceedings, Bd. 162.
The e-ASTROGAM space mission: a major step forward for supernova physics. In: Supernova 1987A:30 years later - Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and their aftermaths (IAU Symposium 331), S. 351 - 356 (Hg. Marcowith, A.; Renaud, M.; Dubner, G.; Ray, A.; Bykov, A.). 331st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains, La Reunion Island, France, 20. Februar 2017 - 24. Februar 2017. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2017)
14, 010306, S. 010306-1 - 010306-4 (Hg. Kubono, S.; Kajino, T.; Nishimura, S.; Isobe, T.; Nagataki, S. et al.). Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC2016), Niigata, Japan, 19. Juni 2016 - 24. Juni 2016. The Physical Society of Japan (2017)
Soft gamma-ray observation of SN2014J with Suzaku. In: JPS Conference Proceedings, Bd. 164.
665, 012011, S. 1 - 7 (2016)
Gamma-rays from nucleosynthesis ejecta. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VI (NPA6), Lisbon, Portugal, 19. Mai 2013 - 24. Mai 2013. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 165.
703, 012001, S. 1 - 22 (2016)
New insights from cosmic gamma rays. 8th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (Santa Tecla School), Santa Tecla, Italy, 13. September 2015 - 20. September 2015. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 166.
The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space mission. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 99052N, S. 1 - 11 (Hg. Den Herder, J.-W. A.; Takahashi, T.; Bautz, M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 26. Juni 2016. (2016)
Gamma-ray lines from SN2014J. In: 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky - Integral2014, PoS(Integral2014)002, S. 1 - 12. 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky - Integral2014, Annapolis, MD, USA, 15. September 2014 - 19. September 2014. (2015)
The Galactic distribution of the 511 keV e+/e- annihilation radiation. In: 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky - Integral2014, PoS(Integral2014)054, S. 1 - 10. 10th INTEGRAL Workshop: A Synergistic View of the High-Energy Sky - Integral2014, Annapolis, MD, USA, 15. September 2014 - 19. September 2014. (2015)
How did globular clusters lose their gas? In: Highlights of Astronomy as presented at the XXVIII IAU General Assembly, 2012, S. 255 - 256 (Hg. Montmerle, T.). XXVIII IAU General Assembly, Beijing, 20. August 2012 - 31. August 2012. (2014)
Cosmic radioactivity and INTEGRAL results. In: Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies 2013, S. 109 - 116 (Hg. Jeong, S.; Imai, N.; Miyatake, H.; Kajino, T.). 12th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG), Tsukuba, Japan, 18. November 2013 - 21. November 2013. (2014)
Nucleosynthesis line studies with SPI. In: An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years) - 9th INTEGRAL Workshop and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch - INTEGRAL 2012, PoS (INTEGRAL 2012) 107, S. 1 - 7. An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years) - 9th INTEGRAL Workshop and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch, Paris, France, 15. Oktober 2012 - 19. Oktober 2012. (2013)
Observations of SN2011fe with INTEGRAL. In: An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years) - 9th INTEGRAL Workshop and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch - INTEGRAL 2012, PoS (INTEGRAL 2012) 103, S. 1 - 8. An INTEGRAL view of the high-energy sky (the first 10 years) - 9th INTEGRAL Workshop and celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch, Paris, France, 15. Oktober 2012 - 19. Oktober 2012. (2013)
Molecular cloud disruption and chemical enrichment of the ISM caused by massive star feedback. In: Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome, S. 25 - 28 (Hg. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Limongi, M.; Tornambè, A.). Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome, Cefalù, Italy, 13. Juni 2011 - 17. Juni 2011. (2012)
GBM long and short GRB lightcurve decomposition analysis. In: Gamma Ray Bursts 2010, S. 9 - 12 (Hg. McEnery, J. E.; Racusin, J. L.; Gehrels, N.). Gamma Ray Bursts 2010, Annapolis, MD, USA, 01. November 2010 - 04. November 2010. (2011)
Massive-star nucleosynthesis and INTEGRAL. 8th INTEGRAL Workshop “The Restless Gamma-ray Universe” , Dublin, Ireland, 27. September 2010 - 30. September 2010. Proceedings of Science PoS(INTEGRAL 2010)022, S. 1 - 7 (2011)
GRIPS and the perspective of next-generation gamma-ray surveys. 8th INTEGRAL Workshop “The Restless Gamma-ray Universe” , Dublin, Ireland, 27. September 2010 - 30. September 2010. Proceedings of Science PoS(INTEGRAL 2010)035, S. 1 - 7 (2011)
Nucleosynthesis and gamma-ray line spectroscopy with INTEGRAL. The Extreme and Variable High Energy Sky - extremesky2011, Chia Laguna (Cagliari), Italy, 19. September 2011 - 23. September 2011. Proceedings of Science - POS PoS(Extremesky 2011)037, S. 1 - 10 (2011)
When a standard candle flickers. 8th INTEGRAL Workshop “The Restless Gamma-ray Universe” , Dublin, Ireland, 27. September 2010 - 30. September 2010. Proceedings of Science PoS(INTEGRAL 2010)031, S. 1 - 6 (2011)
Massive-star nucleosynthesis: lessons from INTEGRAL. In: The 10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, S. 144 - 153 (Hg. Tanihara, I.; Shima, T.; Ong , H. J.; Tamii, A.; Kishimoto, T. .. et al.). The 10th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, Osaka, Japan, 08. März 2010 - 10. März 2010. (2010)
202, 012032, S. 1 - 4 (2010)
Observations of cosmic nuclear gamma-ray lines. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IV , Frascati, Italy, 08. Juni 2009 - 12. Juni 2009. Journal of Physics: Conference Series