Publikationen von P. Predehl

Konferenzbeitrag (83)

Pavlinsky, M.; Sunyaev, R.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M.; Vikhlinin, A.; Hasinger, G.; Predehl, P.; Mitsuda, K.; Kelley, R.; McCammon, D. et al.; Ohashi, T.; den Herder, J. W.; Ramsey, B.; Gubarev, M.; O'Dell, S.; Fujimoto, R.: Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma astrophysical mission. In: Space Telecopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 70110H-1 - 70110H-14 (Hg. Turner, M.J.L.; Flanagan, K.A.). Space Telecopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Marseille, France, 23. Juni 2008 - 28. Juni 2008. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2008)
Tiedemann, L.; Eder, J.; Fürmetz, M.; Predehl, P.: Thermal storage at -80° for the eRosita telescope. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Environmental Systems. 38th International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco, California, USA, 29. Juni 2008 - 02. Juli 2008. SAE International, Warrendale, PA, USA (2008)
Vongehr, M.; Friedrich, P.; Predehl, P.; Bräuninger, H.: Development of slumped glass mirror segments for large X-ray telescopes. In: Space Telecopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 701115-1 - 701115-7 (Hg. Turner, M.J.L.; Flanagan, K.A.). Space Telecopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Marseille, France, 23. Juni 2008 - 28. Juni 2008. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2008)
Braig, C.; Predehl, P.: A diffraction limited dual-band X-ray telescope. In: Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy III, S. 668808-1 - 668808-10 (Hg. O'Dell, S.L.; Pareschi, G.). Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy III, San Diego, CA, USA, 29. August 2007 - 30. August 2007. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2007)
Meidinger, N.; Andritschke, R.; Hälker, O.; Hartmann, R.; Hasinger, G.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Kimmel, N.; Pfeffermann, E.; Predehl, P. et al.; Reich, C.; Schächner, G.; Soltau, H.; Strüder, L.: Fast large-area spectroscopic and imaging CCD detectors for X-ray astronomy with eROSITA and for exploration of the nanocosmos. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, S. 6686H-1 - 6686H-10 (Hg. Siegmund, O.H.W.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, San Diego, CA, USA, 26. August 2007 - 27. August 2007. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2007)
Predehl, P.; Andritschke, R.; Bornemann, W.; Bräuninger, H.; Briel, U.; Brunner, H.; Burkert, W.; Dennerl, K.; Eder, J.; Freyberg, M. et al.; Friedrich, P.; Fürmetz, M.; Hartmann, R.; Hartner, G.; Hasinger, G.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Huber, H.; Kendziorra, E.; Kink, W.; Meidinger, N.; Müller, S.; Pavlinsky, M.; Pfeffermann, E.; Rohe, C.; Santangelo, A.; Schmitt, J.; Schwope, A.; Steinmetz, M.; Strüder, L.; Sunyaev, R.; Tiedemann, L.; Vongehr, M.; Wilms, J.; Erhard, M.; Gutruf, S.; Jugler, D.; Kampf, D.; Graue, R.; Citterio, O.; Valsecci, G.; Vernani, D.; Zimmermann, M.: eROSITA. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, S. 668617-1 - 668617-9 (Hg. Siegmund, O.H.W.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, San Diego, CA, USA, 26. August 2007 - 27. August 2007. SPIE, Bellingham, WA (2007)
Friedrich, P.; Aschenbach, B.; Braig, C.; Bräuninger, H.; Budau, B.; Burkert, W.; Freyberg, M. J.; Hartner, G.; Hasinger, G.; Predehl, P. et al.; Vongehr, M.; Basso, S.; Citterio, O.; Ghigo, M.; Mazzoleni, F.; Pareschi, G.; Dinger, U.; Egle, W.; Lenke, R.; Luichtel, G.; Schwarz, H.: Manufacturing of Wolter-I mirror segments with slumped glass. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 62661G-1 - 62661G-8 (Hg. Turner, M. J.L.; Hasinger, G.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Meidinger, N.; Andritschke, R.; Hälker, O.; Hartmann, R.; Hartner, G.; Hasinger, G.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Hyde, E.; Kimmel, N. et al.; Pfeffermann, E.; Predehl, P.; Soltau, H.; Strüder, L.: Systematic testing and results of X-ray CCDs developed for eROSITA and other applications. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy II, S. 627618-1 - 627618-11 (Hg. Dorn, D. A.; Holland, A. D.). High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy II, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 27. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Pavlinsky, M.; Hasinger, G.; Parmar, A.; Fraser, G.; Churazov, E.; Gilfanov, M.; Sunyaev, R.; Vikhlinin, A.; Predehl, P.; Piro, L. et al.; Arefiev, V.; Tkachenko, A.; Pinchuk, V.; Gorobets, D.: Spectrum-RG/eROSITA/Lobster astrophysical mission. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 62660O-1 - 62660O-11 (Hg. Turner, M. J.L.; Hasinger, G.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.; Böhringer, H.; Briel, U.; Brunner, H.; Churazov, E.; Freyberg, M.; Friedrich, P.; Kendziorra, E.; Lutz, D. et al.; Meidinger, N.; Pavlinsky, M.; Pfeffermann, E.; Santangelo, A.; Schmitt, J.; Schuecker, P.; Schwope, A.; Steinmetz, M.; Strüder, L.; Sunyaev, R.; Wilms, J.: eROSITA. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 62660P-1 - 62660P-10 (Hg. Turner, M. J.L.; Hasinger, G.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Vongehr, M.; Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.: Development of a metrology to characterize EUV optics at 13.5nm. In: Photon Management II, S. 618709-1 - 618709-9 (Hg. Sheridan, J. T.; Wyrowski, F.). Photon Management II, Strasbourg, France, 03. April 2006 - 04. April 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Porquet, D.; Grosso, N.; Bélanger, G.; Goldwurm, A.; Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Warwick, R. S.; Predehl, P.: Discovery of X-ray eclipses from the transient source located at only 0.1PC from SGR A*. In: Proceedings of the X-ray Universe 2005, S. 281 - 282 (Hg. Wilson, A.). The X-ray Universe 2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain, 26. September 2005 - 30. September 2005. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2006)
Friedrich, P.; Predehl, P.; Meidinger, N.; Strüder, L.; Vongehr, M.; Burkert, W.; Freyberg, M.; Hartner, G.; Bräuninger, H.; Hasinger, G. et al.; Hofer, S.; Stuffler, T.; Hagl, F.; Hollerith, C.: Results from a contamination experiment on the ISS. In: Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II, S. 59000N-1 - 59000N-12 (Hg. Citterio, O.; O'Dell, S. L.). Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II, San Diego, CA, USA, 03. August 2005 - 04. August 2005. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham (2005)
Pfeffermann, E.; Deresch, A.; Friedrich, P.; Hartmann, R.; Hartner, G.; Hasinger, G.; Herrmann, S.; Hippmann, H.; Kendziorra, E.; Kettenring, G. et al.; Kink, W.; Meidinger, N.; Müller, S.; Predehl, P.; Rohe, C.; Strüder, L.: The focal plane instrumentation of the ROSITA telescope. In: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2005, S. 453 - 457 (Hg. Yu, B.). Nuclear Science Symposium/ Medical Imaging Conference, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 23. Oktober 2005 - 29. Oktober 2005. IEEE, New York (2005)
Braig, C.; Predehl, P.: X-ray astronomy with ultra-high angular resolution. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, S. 601 - 612 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 24. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Friedrich, P.; Predehl, P.; Böhringer, H.; Hartmann, R.; Hasinger, G.; Hippmann, H.; Kettenring, G.; Kink, W.; Meidinger, N.; Müller, S. et al.; Pfeffermann, E.; Strüder, L.; Kendziorra, E.; Griffiths, R.; Petre, R.; White, N. E.; Jordan, S.; Egle, W.: The Dark Universe Observatory (DUO)- telescope concept. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, S. 837 - 848 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 24. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Goldoni, P.; Goldwurm, A.; Brion, E.; Ferrando, P.; Decourchelle, A.; Porquet, D.; Predehl, P.; Aschenbach, B.: EPIC detection of SgrA* flares. Advances of X-ray astronomy with XMM-Newton, Palermo, Italy, 14. Oktober 2003 - 16. Oktober 2003. Advances of X-ray astronomy with XMM-Newton: Proceedings of the 2003 EPIC Consortium Meeting, S. 492 - 495 (2004)
Griffiths, R.; Petre, R.; Hasinger, G.; Predehl, P.; White, N. E.; Aschenbach, B.; Barcons, X.; Böhringer, H.; Briel, U.; Cominsky, L. et al.; Corcoran, M. F.; Dinger, U.; Egle, W.; Friedrich, P.; Haiman, Z.; Hartmann, R.; Henry, J. P.; Hippmann, H.; Ingersoll, J.; Jahoda, K.; Jenstrom, D.; Jordan, S.; Kendziorra, E.; Kettenring, G.; Kink, W.; Meidinger, N.; Miyaji, T.; Mueller, S.; Mushotzky, R.; Pfeffermann, E.; Schuecker, P.; Schwope, A.; Shannon, M.; Strüder, L.; Varlese, S.: DUO - the Dark Universe Observatory. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, S. 209 - 221 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 24. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Meidinger, N.; Bonerz, S.; Englhauser, J.; Hasinger, G.; Hartmann, R.; Herrmann, S.; Holl, P.; Kettenring, G.; Kimmel, N.; Lutz, G. et al.; Pfeffermann, E.; Predehl, P.; Soltau, H.; Strüder, L.: CCD detector development for the DUO and the ROSITA mission. In: High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, S. 66 - 76 (Hg. Holland, A. D.). High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 22. Juni 2004 - 23. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Pfeffermann, E.; Friedrich, P.; Freyberg, M.; Kettenring, G.; Krämer, L.; Meidinger, N.; Predehl, P.; Strüder, L.: Shielding of cosmic ray induced background in CCD detectors for X-ray astronomy. In: High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, S. 304 - 311 (Hg. Holland, A. D.). High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 22. März 2004 - 23. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
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