Publikationen von Peter Predehl

Konferenzbeitrag (83)

Stuffler, T.; Hofer, S.; Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.: The X-ray telescope ROSITA on its way to Orbit. In: UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, S. 222 - 231 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Turner, M. J. L.). UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 27. März 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Xu, D.; Komossa, S.; Burwitz, V.; Predehl, P.: Absorption components in the nucleus of NGC 3227. In: Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, S. 362 - 363 (Hg. Duc, P.-A.; Braine, J.; Brinks, E.). Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, Sydney, Australia, 14. Juli 2003 - 17. Juli 2003. International Astronomical Union, Ann Arbor, MI, USA (2004)
Goldwurm, A.; Brion, E.; Goldoni, P.; Ferrando, P.; Daigne, F.; Decourchelle, A.; Warwick, R. S.; Predehl, P.: A new X-ray flare from the Galactic nucleus detected with XMM-Newton. Galactic Center Workshop 2002, Kailua-Kona, USA, 03. November 2002 - 08. November 2002. The Central 300 Parsecs of the Milky Way: Proceedings of the Galactic Center Workshop 2002, S. 377 - 382 (2003)
Pfefferkorn, F.; Boller, T.; Burwitz, V.; Predehl, P.: CHANDRA observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809. In: MAXI Workshop on AGN Variability, S. 137 - 141 (Hg. Kawai; N.; Negoro; H.; Yoshida et al.). MAXI Workshop on AGN Variability, Saitama, Japan, 10. März 2001 - 11. März 2001. Seiyo Press, Saitama, Japan (2003)
Pfeffermann, E.; Bonerz, S.; Bräuninger, H.; Briel, U. G.; Friedrich, P.; Hartmann, R.; Hartner, G.; Hasinger, G.; Hippmann, H.; Kendziorra, E. et al.; Kettenring, G.; Kink, W.; Meidinger, N.; Müller, S.; Predehl, P.; Soltau, H.; Strüder, L.; Trümper, J.: Concept of the ROSITA X-ray camera. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 849 - 856 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Predehl, P.; Costantini, E.; Hasinger, G.; Tanaka, Y.: XMM-Newton observation of the galactic centre – evidence against the X-ray reflection nebulae model? X-Ray Surveys, in the Light of New Observatories, Santander, Spain, 04. September 2002 - 06. September 2002. Astronomische Nachrichten 324 (1-2), S. 73 - 76 (2003)
Predehl, P.; Friedrich, P.; Hasinger, G.; Pietsch, W.: ROSITA. X-Ray Surveys, in the Light of New Observatories, Santander, Spain, 04. September 2002 - 06. September 2002. Astronomy & Astrophysics 324 (1-2), DOI 10.1002/asna.200310033, S. 128 - 131 (2003)
Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.: ROSITA - scientific goal and mission concept. In: X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, S. 314 - 323 (Hg. Trümper, J. E.; Tananbaum, H. D.). X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 24. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.; Trümper, J.: ROSITA: Roentgen survey with an imaging telescope array. In: MAXI Workshop on AGN Variability, S. 35 - 40 (Hg. Kawai; N.; Negoro; H.; Yoshida et al.). MAXI Workshop on AGN Variability, Saitama, Japan, 10. März 2001 - 11. März 2001. Seiyo Press, Saitama, Japan (2003)
Wilms, J.; Nowak, M. A.; Pottschmidt, K.; Staubert, R.; Kendziorra, E.; Gleissner, T.; Predehl, P.: XMM observations of GX 339-4 and LMC X-1: EPIC data analysis. In: New Views on MICROQUASARS, S. 49 - 51 (Hg. Durouchoux, P.; Fuchs, Y.; Rodriguez, J.). Proceedings of the Fourth Microquasar Workshop, Cargèse, France, 27. Mai 2002 - 01. Juni 2002. Center for Space Physics, Kolkata, India (2003)
Boller, T.; Breitschwerdt, D.; Strüder, L.; Predehl, P.: The importance of soft X-ray spectroscopy in the 0.1-0.5 keV range with XEUS. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop XEUS - Studying the Evolution of the Hot Universe, S. 219 - 226 (Hg. Hasinger, G.; Boller, T.; Parmar, A. N.). Proceedings of the International Workshop XEUS - Studying the Evolution of the Hot Universe, Garching, Germany, 11. März 2002 - 13. März 2002. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching (2002)
Burwitz, V.; Reinsch, K.; Haberl, F.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Predehl, P.: Diagnostics of the accretion plasma in magnetic CVs from high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy. In: The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, S. 137 - 140 (Hg. Gänsicke, B.T.; Beuermann, K.; Reinsch, K.). The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Göttingen, Germany, 05. August 2001 - 10. August 2001. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2002)
Ness, J.-U.; Mewe, R.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Raassen, A. J. J.; van der Meer, R. L. J.; Burwitz, V.; Predehl, P.; Brinkman, A. C.: Coronal density diagnostics with Helium-like triplets: Chandra-LETG observations of Algol, Capella, Procyon, ε Eri, α Cen A&B, and UX Ari. In: Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era, S. 127 - 134 (Hg. Favata, F.; Drake, J. J.). Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era, Nordwijk, Netherlands, 25. Juni 2001 - 29. Juni 2001. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2002)
Stelzer, B.; Fernández, M.; Costa, V.; Grankin, K.; Henden, A.; Gameiro, J. F.; Fuenther, E.; Jayawardhana, R.; Mohanty, S.; Burwitz, V. et al.; Predehl, P.; Durisen, R. H.: Coordinated multi-wavelength observations of V410 Tau. In: Sunspots & Starspots, S. 83 - 85 (Hg. Strassmeier, K. G.; Washuettl, A.). 1st Potsdam Thinkshop, Potsdam, 06. Mai 2002 - 10. Mai 2002. Brandenburgische Universitätsdruckerei, Potsdam (2002)
Predehl, P.: ABRIXAS scientific goal and mission concept. In: EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, S. 172 - 183 (Hg. Siegmund, O.H.W.; Flanagan, K.A.). EUV, X-ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, Denver, Colorado, USA, 21. Juli 1999 - 23. Juli 1999. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (1999)
Greiner, J.; Predehl, P.; Harmon, B. A.: ROSAT observation of the 4U 1543-47 outburst in 1992. In: The Second COMPTON Symposium, S. 314 - 318 (Hg. Fichtel; C.E.; Gehrels; N.; Norris et al.). The Second COMPTON Symposium, College Park, MD, USA, 20. September 1993 - 22. September 1993. American Institute of Physics, Melville,NY (1994)

Bericht (1)

Merloni, A.; Predehl, P.; Becker, W. E.; Böhringer, H.; Boller, T.; Brunner, H.; Brusa, M.; Dennerl, K.; Freyberg, M.; Friedrich, P. et al.; Georgakakis, A.; Haberl, F.; Hasinger, G.; Meidinger, N.; Mohr, J.; Nandra, K.; Rau, A.; Reiprich, T.H.; Robrade, J.; Salvato, M.; Santangelo, A.; Sasaki, M.; Schwope, A.; Wilms, J.; Hasinger, G.; Nandra, K.: eROSITA science book: mapping the structure of the energetic universe. Max-Planck-Institut für extraterretrische Physik, Garchin (2012), 82 S.
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