Publications of Natascha M. Förster-Schreiber
All genres
Journal Article (252)
Journal Article
188, pp. 20 - 25 (2022)
The core of the matter — Spatially resolving active galactic nuclei with GRAVITY. The Messenger 42.
Journal Article
922 (2), 143 (2021)
Rotation curves in z ∼ 1–2 star-forming disks: comparison of dark matter fractions and disk properties for different fitting methods. The Astrophysical Journal 43.
Journal Article
655, A73 (2021)
The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - VII. The inner dusty disks of T Tauri stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 44.
Journal Article
654, A85 (2021)
A geometric distance to the supermassive black Hole of NGC 3783. Astronomy and Astrophysics 45.
Journal Article
654, A22 (2021)
Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A(*) with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR, and Chandra observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 46.
Journal Article
651, A37 (2021)
MOLsphere and pulsations of the Galactic Center’s red supergiant GCIRS 7 from VLTI/GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 47.
Journal Article
649, A31 (2021)
Kiloparsec view of a typical star-forming galaxy when the Universe was ∼1 Gyr old - I. Properties of outflow, halo, and interstellar medium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 48.
Journal Article
648, A117 (2021)
The central parsec of NGC 3783: a rotating broad emission line region, asymmetric hot dust structure, and compact coronal line region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 49.
Journal Article
503 (4), pp. 5134 - 5160 (2021)
Incidence, scaling relations and physical conditions of ionized gas outflows in MaNGA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 50.
Journal Article
647, A59 (2021)
Improved GRAVITY astrometric accuracy from modeling optical aberrations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 51.
Journal Article
909 (1), 78 (2021)
The KMOS3D Survey: investigating the origin of the elevated electron densities in star-forming Ggalaxies at 1 ≲ z ≲ 3. The Astrophysical Journal 52.
Journal Article
909 (1), L11 (2021)
The diverse molecular gas content of massive galaxies undergoing quenching at z ~ 1. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 53.
Journal Article
645, A127 (2021)
Detection of faint stars near Sagittarius A* with GRAVITY. Astronomy and Astrophysics 54.
Journal Article
905 (1), 33 (2020)
Determining subparsec supermassive black hole binary orbits with infrared interferometry. The Astrophysical Journal 55.
Journal Article
643, A154 (2020)
The spatially resolved broad line region of IRAS 09149-6206. Astronomy and Astrophysics 56.
Journal Article
500 (4), pp. 4597 - 4619 (2020)
The kinematics and dark matter fractions of TNG50 galaxies at z=2 from an observational perspective. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 57.
Journal Article
643, A56 (2020)
Dynamically important magnetic fields near the event horizon of Sgr A*. Astronomy and Astrophysics 58.
Journal Article
902 (2), 98 (2020)
Rotation curves in z ~ 1–2 star-forming disks: evidence for cored dark matter distributions. The Astrophysical Journal 59.
Journal Article
901 (1), 74 (2020)
Structural evolution in massive galaxies at z~ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 60.
Journal Article
899 (1), 87 (2020)
The kinematics of massive quiescent galaxies at 1.4 < z < 2.1: dark matter fractions, IMF variation, and the relation to local early-type galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal