Publications of R. Herrera-Camus
All genres
Journal Article (33)
Journal Article
: An ∼600 pc view of the strongly lensed, massive main-sequence galaxy J0901: A baryon-dominated, thick turbulent rotating disk with a clumpy cold gas ring at z = 2.259. The Astrophysical Journal 942 (2), 98 (2023)
Journal Article
: Molecular gas properties of Q1700-MD94: A massive main-sequence galaxy at z ≈ 2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 657, L15 (2022)
Journal Article
: From nuclear to circumgalactic: zooming in on AGN-driven outflows at z ∼ 2.2 with SINFONI. The Astrophysical Journal 894 (1), 28 (2020)
Journal Article
: The regulation of galaxy growth along the size–mass relation by star formation, as traced by Hα in KMOS3D galaxies at 0.7 ≲ z ≲ 2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 892 (1), 1 (2020)
Journal Article
: Molecular outflows in local galaxies: Method comparison and a role of intermittent AGN driving. Astronomy and Astrophysics 633, A134 (2020)
Journal Article
: The evolution and origin of ionized gas velocity dispersion from z ~ 2.6 to z ~ 0.6 with KMOS3D. The Astrophysical Journal 880 (1), 48 (2019)
Journal Article
: The KMOS3D Survey: Demographics and Properties of Galactic Outflows at z = 0.6–2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 875 (1), 21, pp. 1 - 26 (2019)
Journal Article
: Kiloparsec scale properties of star formation driven outflows at z ~ 2.3 in the SINS/zC-SINF AO survey. The Astrophysical Journal 873 (2), 122, pp. 1 - 22 (2019)
Journal Article
: Molecular and ionized gas phases of an AGN-driven outflow in a typical massive galaxy at z ≈ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 871 (1), 37 (2019)
Journal Article
: Comprehensive comparison of models for spectral energy distributions from 0.1 μm to 1 mm of nearby star-forming galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 621, A51, pp. 1 - 40 (2019)
Journal Article
: Witnessing the Early Growth and Life Cycle of Galaxies with KMOS3D. The Messenger 174, pp. 28 - 33 (2018)
Journal Article
: Far-infrared Herschel SPIRE spectroscopy of lensed starbursts reveals physical conditions of ionized gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481 (1), pp. 59 - 97 (2018)
Journal Article
: SHINING, a survey of far-infrared lines in nearby galaxies. - II. Line-deficit models, AGN impact, [C ii]–SFR scaling relations, and mass–metallicity relation in (U)LIRGs. The Astrophysical Journal 861 (2), 95 (2018)
Journal Article
: SHINING, a survey of far-infrared lines in nearby galaxies. - I. Survey description, observational trends, and line diagnostics. The Astrophysical Journal 861 (2), 94 (2018)
Journal Article
: The EDGE-CALIFA survey: molecular and ionized gas kinematics in nearby galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 860 (2), 92 (2018)
Journal Article
: Ionized and molecular gas kinematics in a z = 1.4 star-forming galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 854 (2), L24 (2018)
Journal Article
: First results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: the relationship between [C ii]-bright gas and CO-bright gas at low metallicity. The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 111 (2018)
Journal Article
: PHIBSS: unified scaling relations of gas depletion time and molecular gas fractions. The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 179 (2018)
Journal Article
609, A9 (2018)
Local Swift-BAT active galactic nuclei prefer circumnuclear star formation. Astronomy & Astrophysics 20.
Journal Article
: Interstellar medium conditions in z ~ 0.2 Lyman-break analogs. Astronomy & Astrophysics 606, A86 (2017)