Publications of K. Silsbee

Journal Article (18)

Journal Article
Obolentseva, M.; Ivlev, A. V.; Silsbee, K.; Neufeld, D. A.; Caselli, P.; Edenhofer, G.; Indriolo, N.; Bisbas, T. G.; Lomeli, D.: Reevaluation of the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate in Diffuse Clouds. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 973 (2), 142 (2024)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.: Planetesimal Drift in Eccentric Disks: Possible Outward Migration. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 969 (2), 87 (2024)
Journal Article
Maureira, M. J.; Gong, M.; Pineda, J. E.; Liu, H. B.; Silsbee, K.; Caselli, P.; Zamponi, J.; Segura-Cox, D. M.; Schmiedeke, A.: Dust hot spots at 10 au scales around the class 0 binary IRAS 16293–2422 A: a departure from the passive irradiation model. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 942 (2), L23 (2023)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Akimkin, V.; Ivlev, A. V.; Testi, L.; Gong, M.; Caselli, P.: Dust grains cannot grow to millimeter sizes in protostellar envelopes. The Astrophysical Journal 940 (2), 188 (2022)
Journal Article
Kalvāns, J.; Silsbee, K.: Icy molecule desorption in interstellar grain collisions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 515 (1), pp. 785 - 794 (2022)
Journal Article
Sipilä, O.; Silsbee, K.; Caselli, P.: A revised description of the cosmic ray induced desorption of interstellar ices. The Astrophysical Journal 922 (2), 126 (2021)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Gong, M.: Thermal damping of weak magnetosonic turbulence in the interstellar medium. The Astrophysical Journal 922 (1), 10 (2021)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Caselli, P.; Ivlev, A. V.: Ice mantles on dust grains: dramatic variation of thickness with grain size. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507 (4), pp. 6205 - 6214 (2021)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Rafikov, R. R.: Planet formation in stellar binaries: global simulations of planetesimal growth. Astronomy and Astrophysics 652, A104 (2021)
Journal Article
Axen, M. F.; Offner, S. S. S.; Gaches, B. A. L.; Fryer, C. L.; Hungerford, A.; Silsbee, K.: Transport of protostellar cosmic rays in turbulent dense cores. The Astrophysical Journal 915 (1), 43 (2021)
Journal Article
Ivlev, A. V.; Silsbee, K.; Padovani, M.; Galli, D.: Rigorous theory for secondary cosmic-ray ionization. The Astrophysical Journal 909 (2), 107 (2021)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.: Exclusion of cosmic rays from molecular clouds by self-generated electric fields. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 902 (1), L25 (2020)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Sipilä, O.; Caselli, P.; Zhao, B.: Rapid elimination of small dust grains in molecular clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A39 (2020)
Journal Article
Rafikov, R. R.; Silsbee, K.; Booth, R. A.: A fast O(N2) fragmentation algorithm. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 247 (2), 65 (2020)
Journal Article
Ivlev, A. V.; Silsbee, K.; Sipilä, O.; Caselli, P.: Gas and dust temperature in prestellar cores revisited: New limits on cosmic-ray ionization rate. The Astrophysical Journal 884 (2), 176 (2019)
Journal Article
Gong, M.; Zheng, X.; Lin, D. N. C.; Silsbee, K.; Baruteau, C.; Mao, S.: Chondrule formation by the Jovian sweeping secular resonance. The Astrophysical Journal 883 (2), 164 (2019)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.: Diffusive versus free-streaming cosmic-ray transport in molecular clouds. The Astrophysical Journal 879 (1), 14 (2019)
Journal Article
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Padovani, M.; Caselli, P.: Magnetic mirroring and focusing of cosmic rays. The Astrophysical Journal 863 (2), 188 (2018)
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