Publications of O. Sipilä
All genres
Journal Article (49)
Journal Article
690, A280 (2024)
Impact of ice growth on the physical and chemical properties of dense cloud cores - I. Monodisperse grains. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2.
Journal Article
690, L5 (2024)
Probing the physics of star formation (ProPStar) - III. No evidence of dissipation of turbulence down to 20 mpc (4000 au) scale. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 3.
Journal Article
686, A162 (2024)
Probing the physics of star formation (ProPStar) - I. First resolved maps of the electron fraction and cosmic-ray ionization rate in NGC 1333. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 4.
Journal Article
685, A149 (2024)
Fractionation in young cores: Direct determinations of nitrogen and carbon fractionation in HCN. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 5.
Journal Article
678, A120 (2023)
Combined model for 15N, 13C, and spin-state chemistry in molecular clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 6.
Journal Article
676, A78 (2023)
Similar levels of deuteration in the pre-stellar core L1544 and the protostellar core HH211. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
Journal Article
675, A69 (2023)
First detection of deuterated methylidyne (CD) in the interstellar medium. Astronomy and Astrophysics 8.
Journal Article
668, A131 (2022)
Chemistry and dynamics of the prestellar core L1544. Astronomy and Astrophysics 9.
Journal Article
667, A119 (2022)
Tracing the contraction of the pre-stellar core L1544 with HC17O+ J = 1–0 emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 10.
Journal Article
665, A131 (2022)
Multiline observations of CH3OH, c-C3H2, and HNCO toward L1544 - Dissecting the core structure with chemical differentiation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 11.
Journal Article
664, L12 (2022)
Nitrogen fractionation towards a pre-stellar core traces isotope-selective photodissociation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 12.
Journal Article
515 (4), pp. 5219 - 5234 (2022)
A survey of deuterated ammonia in the Cepheus star-forming region L1251. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13.
Journal Article
163 (6), 294 (2022)
An interferometric view of H-MM1 - I. Direct observation of NH3 depletion. Astronomical Journal 14.
Journal Article
661, A111 (2022)
H2CS deuteration maps towards the pre-stellar core L1544. Astronomy and Astrophysics 15.
Journal Article
929 (1), 13 (2022)
The Central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. - II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 16.
Journal Article
929 (1), 13 (2022)
The central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 17.
Journal Article
656, A109 (2021)
The cosmic-ray ionisation rate in the pre-stellar core L1544 star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 18.
Journal Article
922 (2), 126 (2021)
A revised description of the cosmic ray induced desorption of interstellar ices. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
Journal Article
651, A94 (2021)
First survey of HCNH+ in high-mass star-forming cloud cores. Astronomy and Astrophysics 20.
Journal Article
901 (2), 145 (2020)
The chemical structure of young high-mass star-forming clumps: (II) parsec-scale CO depletion and deuterium fraction of HCO+. The Astrophysical Journal