Publications of Francesco Fontani

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Fontani, F.: Observations of phosphorus-bearing molecules in the interstellar medium. FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES 11, 1451127 (2024)
Journal Article
Sabatini, G.; Podio, L.; Codella, C.; Watanabe, Y.; De Simone, M.; Bianchi, E.; Ceccarelli, C.; Chandler, C. J.; Sakai, N.; Svoboda, B. et al.; Testi, L.; Aikawa, Y.; Balucani, N.; Bouvier, M.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Chahine, L.; Charnley, S.; Cuello, N.; Dulieu, F.; Evans, L.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Fontani, F.; Hama, T.; Hanawa, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirota, T.; Isella, A.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Johnstone, D.; Lefloch, B.; Le Gal, R.; Loinard, L.; Liu, H. B.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Menard, F.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Segura-Cox, D.; Shirley, Y.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z. E.; Yamamoto, S.: FAUST XIII. Dusty cavity and molecular shock driven by IRS7B in the Corona Australis cluster. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 684, L12 (2024)
Journal Article
Fontani, F.; Mininni, C.; Beltran, M. T.; Rivilla, V. M.; Colzi, L.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Lopez-Gallifa, A.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Viti, S.: The GUAPOS project: G31.41+0.31 Unbiased ALMA sPectral Observational Survey - IV. Phosphorus-bearing molecules and their relation to shock tracers. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A74 (2024)
Journal Article
Chahine, L.; Ceccarelli, C.; De Simone, M.; Chandler, C. J.; Codella, C.; Podio, L.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Sakai, N.; Loinard, L.; Bouvier, M. et al.; Caselli, P.; Vastel, C.; Bianchi, E.; Cuello, N.; Fontani, F.; Johnstone, D.; Sabatini, G.; Hanawa, T.; Zhang, Z. E.; Aikawa, Y.; Busquet, G.; Caux, E.; Duran, A.; Herbst, E.; Menard, F.; Segura-Cox, D.; Svoboda, B.; Balucani, N.; Charnley, S.; Dulieu, F.; Evans, L.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Hama, T.; Hirota, T.; Isella, A.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Lefloch, B.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Shirley, Y.; Testi, L.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yamamoto, S.: Multiple chemical tracers finally unveil the intricate NGC 1333 IRAS 4A outflow system. FAUST XVI. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 531 (2), pp. 2653 - 2668 (2024)
Journal Article
Imai, M.; Oya, Y.; Svoboda, B.; Liu, H. B.; Lefloch, B.; Viti, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Chandler, C. J. et al.; Sakai, N.; Aikawa, Y.; Alves, F. O.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Bouvier, M.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Charnley, S.; Choudhury, S.; Cuello, N.; Simone, M. D.; Dulieu, F.; Durán, A.; Evans, L.; Favre, C.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Fontani, F.; Francis, L.; Hama, T.; Hanawa, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirano, S.; Hirota, T.; Isella, A.; Jímenez-Serra, I.; Johnstone, D.; Kahane, C.; Le Gal, R.; Loinard, L.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Menard, F.; Mercimek, S.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Mori, S.; Murillo, N. M.; Nakatani, R.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; O’Donoghue, R.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Pineda, J.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Segura-Cox, D.; Shirley, Y.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Vastel, C.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Witzel, A.; Xue, C.; Zhao, B.; Yamamoto, S.: Chemical and physical characterization of the isolated protostellar source CB68: FAUST IV. The Astrophysical Journal 934 (1), 70 (2022)
Journal Article
Fontani, F.; Colzi, L.; Bizzocchi, L.; Rivilla, V. M.; Elia, D.; Beltrán, M. T.; Caselli, P.; Magrini, L.; Sánchez-Monge, A.; Testi, L. et al.; Romano, D.: CHEMOUT: CHEMical complexity in star-forming regions of the OUTer Galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A76 (2022)
Journal Article
Simone, M. D.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Neri, R.; Rivera-Ortiz, P. R.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Bianchi, E.; Fontani, F. et al.; Lefloch, B.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J. E.: A train of shocks at 3000-au scale? Exploring the clash of an expanding bubble into the NGC 1333 IRAS 4 region. SOLIS XIV. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (4), pp. 5214 - 5227 (2022)
Journal Article
Cheng, Y.; Tan, J. C.; Caselli, P.; Fissel, L.; Arce, H. G.; Fontani, F.; Goodson, M. D.; Liu, M.; Galitzki, N.: Star formation in a strongly magnetized cloud. The Astrophysical Journal 916 (2), 78 (2021)
Journal Article
Fontani, F.; Colzi, L.; Redaelli, E.; Sipilä, O.; Caselli, P.: First survey of HCNH+ in high-mass star-forming cloud cores. Astronomy and Astrophysics 651, A94 (2021)
Journal Article
Barnes, A. T.; Henshaw, J. D.; Fontani, F.; Pineda, J. E.; Cosentino, G.; Tan, J. C.; Caselli, P.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Law, C. Y.; Avison, A. et al.; Bigiel, F.; Feng, S.; Kong, S.; Longmore, S. N.; Moser, L.; Parker, R. J.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Argelander, K. W.: ALMA–IRDC: dense gas mass distribution from cloud to core scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (3), pp. 4601 - 4626 (2021)
Journal Article
Fontani, F.; Barnes, A. T.; Caselli, P.; Henshaw, J. D.; Cosentino, G.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Tan, J. C.; Pineda, J. E.; Law, C. Y.: ALMA–IRDC – II. First high-angular resolution measurements of the 14N/15N ratio in a large sample of infrared-dark cloud cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (3), pp. 4320 - 4335 (2021)
Journal Article
Viti, S.; Fontani, F.; Jiménez-Serra, I.: A chemical study of carbon fractionation in external galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (4), pp. 4333 - 4345 (2020)
Journal Article
Feng, S.; Codella, C.; Ceccarelli, C.; Caselli, P.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Neri, R.; Fontani, F.; Podio, L.; Lefloch, B.; Liu, H. B. et al.; Bachiller, R.; Viti, S.: Seeds of Life in Space SOLIS. IX. Chemical segregation of SO2 and SO toward the low-mass protostellar shocked region of L1157. The Astrophysical Journal 896 (1), 37 (2020)
Journal Article
Favre, C.; Vastel, C.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Quénard, D.; Caselli, P.; Ceccarelli, C.; Chacón-Tanarro, A.; Fontani, F.; Holdship, J.; Oya, Y. et al.; Punanova, A.; Sakai, N.; Spezzano, S.; Yamamoto, S.; Neri, R.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Alves, F.; Bachiller, R.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Bizzocchi, L.; Codella, C.; Caux, E.; Simone, M. D.; Romero, J. E.; Dulieu, F.; Feng, S.; Al-Edhari, A. J.; Lefloch, B.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Pineda, J.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Segura-Cox, D.; Sims, I. R.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Theulé, P.; Ugliengo, P.; Vasyunin, A. I.; Vazart, F.; Viti, S.; Witzel, A.: Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS): VII. Discovery of a cold dense methanol blob toward the L1521F VeLLO system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 635, A189 (2020)
Journal Article
Fontani, F.; Quaia, G.; Ceccarelli, C.; Colzi, L.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Favre, C.; Kahane, C.; Caselli, P.; Codella, C.; Podio, L. et al.; Viti, S.: No nitrogen fractionation on 600 au scale in the Sun progenitor analogue OMC–2 FIR4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493 (3), pp. 3412 - 3421 (2020)
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