Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von Bo Zhao

Zeitschriftenartikel (30)

Zamponi, J.; Maureira, M. J.; Liu, H. B.; Zhao, B.; Segura-Cox, D.; Ko, C.-L.; Caselli, P.: Exploring the dust grain size and polarization mechanism in the hot and massive Class 0 disk IRAS 16293-2422 B. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A56 (2024)
Nolan, C. A.; Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.; Li, Z. Y.: On the importance of disc chemistry in the formation of protoplanetary disc rings. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (4), S. 5450 - 5467 (2023)
II, N. J. E.; Yang, Y.-L.; Green, J. D.; Zhao, B.; Francesco, J. D.; Lee, J.-E.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Choi, M.; Myers, P. C.; Mardones, D.: Models of rotating infall for the B335 protostar. The Astrophysical Journal 943 (2), 90 (2023)
Imai, M.; Oya, Y.; Svoboda, B.; Liu, H. B.; Lefloch, B.; Viti, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Chandler, C. J. et al.; Sakai, N.; Aikawa, Y.; Alves, F. O.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Bouvier, M.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Charnley, S.; Choudhury, S.; Cuello, N.; Simone, M. D.; Dulieu, F.; Durán, A.; Evans, L.; Favre, C.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Fontani, F.; Francis, L.; Hama, T.; Hanawa, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirano, S.; Hirota, T.; Isella, A.; Jímenez-Serra, I.; Johnstone, D.; Kahane, C.; Le Gal, R.; Loinard, L.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Menard, F.; Mercimek, S.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Mori, S.; Murillo, N. M.; Nakatani, R.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; O’Donoghue, R.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Pineda, J.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Segura-Cox, D.; Shirley, Y.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Vastel, C.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Witzel, A.; Xue, C.; Zhao, B.; Yamamoto, S.: Chemical and physical characterization of the isolated protostellar source CB68: FAUST IV. The Astrophysical Journal 934 (1), 70 (2022)
Caselli, P.; Pineda, J. E.; Sipilä, O.; Zhao, B.; Redaelli, E.; Spezzano, S.; Maureira, M. J.; Alves, F.; Bizzocchi, L.; Bourke, T. L.: The Central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. - II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 929 (1), 13 (2022)
Caselli, P.; Pineda, J. E.; Sipilä, O.; Zhao, B.; Redaelli, E.; Spezzano, S.; Maureira, M. J.; Alves, F. O.; Bizzocchi, L.; Bourke, T. L. et al.; Chacón-Tanarro, A.; Friesen, R.; Galli, D.; Harju, J.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; Keto, E.; Li, Z.-Y.; Padovani, M.; Schmiedeke, A.; Tafalla, M.; Vastel, C.: The central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 929 (1), 13 (2022)
Ohashi, S.; Codella, C.; Sakai, N.; Chandler, C. J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Alves, F.; Fedele, D.; Hanawa, T.; Durán, A.; Favre, C. et al.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Loinard, L.; Mercimek, S.; Murillo, N. M.; Podio, L.; Zhang, Y.; Aikawa, Y.; Balucani, N.; Bianchi, E.; Bouvier, M.; Busquet, G.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Charnley, S.; Choudhury, S.; Cuello, N.; Simone, M. D.; Dulieu, F.; Evans, L.; Feng, S.; Fontani, F.; Francis, L.; Hama, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirano, S.; Hirota, T.; Imai, M.; Isella, A.; Jímenez-Serra, I.; Johnstone, D.; Kahane, C.; Le Gal, R.; Lefloch, B.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Menard, F.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Mori, S.; Nakatani, R.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; O’Donoghue, R.; Okoda, Y.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Segura-Cox, D.; Shirley, Y.; Svoboda, B.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Witzel, A.; Xue, C.; Zhao, B.; Yamamoto, S.: Misaligned rotations of the envelope, outflow, and disks in the multiple protostellar system of VLA 1623–2417: FAUST. III. The Astrophysical Journal 927 (1), 54 (2022)
Zamponi, J.; Maureira, M. J.; Zhao, B.; Liu, H. B.; Ilee, J. D.; Forgan, D.; Caselli, P.: The young protostellar disc in IRAS 16293−2422 B is hot and shows signatures of gravitational instability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 508 (2), S. 2583 - 2599 (2021)
Yen, H.-W.; Zhao, B.; Koch, P. M.; Gupta, A.: No impact of core-scale magnetic field, turbulence, or velocity gradient on sizes of protostellar disks in Orion A. The Astrophysical Journal 916 (2), 97 (2021)
Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.; Li, Z.-Y.; Krasnopolsky, R.; Shang, H.; Lam, K. H.: The interplay between ambipolar diffusion and Hall effect on magnetic field decoupling and protostellar disc formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (4), S. 5142 - 5163 (2021)
Silsbee, K.; Ivlev, A. V.; Sipilä, O.; Caselli, P.; Zhao, B.: Rapid elimination of small dust grains in molecular clouds. Astronomy and Astrophysics 641, A39 (2020)
Sipilä, O.; Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.: Effect of grain size distribution and size-dependent grain heating on molecular abundances in starless and pre-stellar cores. Astronomy and Astrophysics 640, A94 (2020)
Pineda, J. E.; Segura-Cox, D.; Caselli, P.; Cunningham, N.; Zhao, B.; Schmiedeke, A.; Maureira, M. J.; Neri, R.: A protostellar system fed by a streamer of 10,500 au length. Nature Astronomy 2020 (2020)
Bianchi, E.; Chandler, C. J.; Ceccarelli, C.; Codella, C.; Sakai, ‹. N.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Maud, L. T.; Moellenbrock, G.; Svoboda, B.; Watanabe, Y. et al.; Sakai, T.; Ménard, F.; Aikawa, Y.; Alves, F.; Balucani, N.; Bouvier, M.; Caselli, P.; Caux, E.; Charnley, S.; Choudhury, S.; Simone, M. D.; Dulieu, F.; Durán, A.; Evans, L.; Favre, C.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Fontani, F.; Francis, L.; Hama, T.; Hanawa, T.; Herbst, E.; Hirota, T.; Imai, M.; Isella, A.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; Johnstone, D.; Kahane, C.; Lefloch, B.; Loinard, L.; Maureira, M. J.; Mercimek, S.; Miotello, A.; Mori, S.; Nakatani, R.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Ospina-Zamudio, J.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.; Podio, L.; Rimola, A.; Cox, D. S.; Shirley, Y.; Taquet, V.; Testi, L.; Vastel, C.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Witzel, A.; Xue, C.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, B.; Yamamoto, S.: FAUST I. The hot corino at the heart of the prototypical Class I protostar L1551 IRS5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498 (1), S. L87 - L92 (2020)
Kuffmeier, M.; Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.: Ionization: a possible explanation for the difference of mean disk sizes in star-forming regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 639, A86 (2020)
Yen, H.-W.; Zhao, B.; Koch, P.; Krasnopolsky, R.; Li, Z.-Y.; Ohashi, N.; Shang, H.; Takakuwa, S.; Tang, Y.-W.: Transition from ordered pinched to warped magnetic field on a 100 au scale in the Class 0 protostar B335. The Astrophysical Journal 893 (1), 54 (2020)
Zhao, B.; Tomida, K.; Hennebelle, P.; Tobin, J. J.; Maury, A.; Hirota, T.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Kuiper, R.; Rosen, A.; Bhandare, A. et al.; Padovani, M.; Lee, Y.-N.: Formation and evolution of disks around young stellar objects. Space Science Reviews 216 (3), 43 (2020)
Gong, M.; Ivlev, A. V.; Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.: Impact of magneto-rotational instability on grain growth in protoplanetary disks: I. Relevant turbulence properties. The Astrophysical Journal 891 (2), 172 (2020)
Zhao, B.; Caselli, P.; Li, Z.-Y.; Krasnopolsky, R.; Shang, H.; Lam, K. H.: Hall effect in protostellar disc formation and evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (3), S. 3375 - 3395 (2020)
Alves, F. O.; Caselli, P.; Girart, J. M.; Segura-Cox, D.; Franco, G. A. P.; Schmiedeke, A.; Zhao, B.: Gas flow and accretion via spiral streamers and circumstellar disks in a young binary protostar. Science 366 (6461), S. 90 - 94 (2019)
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