Publikationen von Jens Thomas
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Zeitschriftenartikel (63)
530 (1), S. 1035 - 1053 (2024)
Triaxial Schwarzschild models of NGC 708: a 10-billion solar mass black hole in a low-dispersion galaxy with a Kroupa IMF. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 2.
528 (4), S. 7338 - 7357 (2024)
Stellar populations of massive early-type galaxies observed by MUSE. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 3.
958 (1), 100 (2023)
Composite Bulges. III. A Study of Nuclear Star Clusters in Nearby Spiral Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
950 (1), 15 (2023)
The isotropic center of NGC 5419 -- A core in formation? The Astrophysical Journal 5.
948 (2), 79 (2023)
Detailed Shapes of the Line-of-sight Velocity Distributions in Massive Early-type Galaxies from Nonparametric Spectral Models. The Astrophysical Journal 6.
519 (2), S. 2004 - 2016 (2023)
Accuracy and precision of triaxial orbit models I: SMBH mass, stellar mass, and dark-matter halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 7.
517 (3), S. 3445 - 3458 (2022)
Accuracy and precision of triaxial orbit models - II. Viewing angles, shape, and orbital structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 8.
933 (2), 215 (2022)
Intrinsic shapes of brightest cluster galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 9.
514 (4), S. 6203 - 6214 (2022)
A simple data-driven method to optimize the penalty strengths of penalized models and its application to non-parametric smoothing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
921 (2), 107 (2021)
Dynamical analysis of the dark matter and central black hole mass in the dwarf spheroidal Leo I. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
508 (3), S. 4610 - 4624 (2021)
The two phases of core formation - orbital evolution in the centres of ellipticals with supermassive black hole binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 12.
504 (3), S. 4599 - 4625 (2021)
A novel approach to optimize the regularization and evaluation of dynamical models using a model selection framework. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13.
502 (2), S. 2446 - 2473 (2021)
Composite bulges – II. Classical bulges and nuclear discs in barred galaxies: the contrasting cases of NGC 4608 and NGC 4643. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 14.
500 (1), S. 1437 - 1465 (2020)
SMART: a new implementation of Schwarzschild's Orbit Superposition technique for triaxial galaxies and its application to an N-body merger simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 15.
496 (3), S. 3076 - 3100 (2020)
Non-parametric triaxial deprojection of elliptical galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 16.
891 (1), 65 (2020)
The MASSIVE Survey XIV – Stellar velocity profiles and kinematic misalignments from 200 pc to 20 kpc in massive early-type galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 17.
887 (2), 195 (2019)
A 40-billion solar mass black hole in the extreme core of Holm 15A, the central galaxy of Abell 85. The Astrophysical Journal 18.
878 (1), 57 (2019)
The MASSIVE Survey XIII. Spatially resolved stellar kinematics in the central 1 kpc of 20 massive elliptical galaxies with the GMOS-North integral field spectrograph. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
874 (1), 66, S. 1 - 22 (2019)
The MASSIVE Survey - XII. Connecting stellar populations of early-type galaxies to kinematics and environment. The Astrophysical Journal 20.
872 (2), L17, S. 1 - 7 (2019)
The simultaneous formation of cored, tangentially biased, and kinematically decoupled centers in massive early-type galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal Letters