Publikationen von J. Graciá-Carpio
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Zeitschriftenartikel (91)
802 (2), 81, S. 1 - 17 (2015)
High-J CO sleds in nearby infrared bright galaxies observed by Herschel/PACS. The Astrophysical Journal 62.
800 (1), 25 (2015)
Chemically distinct nuclei and outflowing shocked molecular gas in Arp 220. The Astrophysical Journal 63.
800 (1), 20 (2015)
Combined CO and dust scaling relations of depletion time and molecular gas fractions with cosmic time, specific star-formation rate, and stellar mass. The Astrophysical Journal 64.
800 (1), 69 (2015)
High-lying OH absorption, [C ii] deficits, and extreme LFIR/MH2 ratios in galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 65.
568, A62 (2014)
The applicability of far-infrared fine-structure lines as star formation rate tracers over wide ranges of metallicities and galaxy types. Astronomy & Astrophysics 66.
562, A21, S. 1 - 25 (2014)
Massive molecular outflows and evidence for AGN feedback from CO observations. Astronomy & Astrophysics 67.
437 (1), S. L16 - L20 (2014)
Herschel observations and a model for IRAS 08572+3915: a candidate for the most luminous infrared galaxy in the local (z < 0.2) Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 68.
561, A27, S. 1 - 19 (2014)
The Mrk 231 molecular outflow as seen in OH. Astronomy & Astrophysics 69.
776 (1), 27, S. 1 - 21 (2013)
Fast molecular outflows in luminous galaxy mergers: evidence for quasar feedback from Herschel. The Astrophysical Journal 70.
434 (2), S. 978 - 991 (2013)
Molecular gas in type 2 quasars at z ∼ 0.2–0.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 71.
773 (1), 68, S. 1 - 12 (2013)
Phibss: Molecular gas, extinction, star formation, and kinematics in the z = 1.5 star-forming galaxy EGS13011166. The Astrophysical Journal 72.
553, A130, S. 1 - 6 (2013)
Towards a resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt law at high redshift. Astronomy & Astrophysics 73.
768 (1), 74, S. 1 - 22 (2013)
Phibss: molecular gas content and scaling relations in z ~ 1-3 massive, main-sequence star-forming galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 74.
550, A25, S. 1 - 23 (2013)
Excited OH+, H2O+, and H3O+ in NGC 4418 and Arp 220. Astronomy & Astrophysics 75.
549, A118, S. 1 - 26 (2013)
Spectroscopic FIR mapping of the disk and galactic wind of M 82 with Herschel-PACS. Astronomy & Astrophysics 76.
548, A22, S. 1 - 15 (2012)
Dust temperature and CO → H2 conversion factor variations in the SFR-M∗ plane. Astronomy & Astrophysics 77.
758 (2), 73, S. 1 - 17 (2012)
The impact of interactions, bars, bulges, and active galactic nuclei on star formation efficiency in local massive galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 78.
755 (1), 57, S. 1 - 19 (2012)
Herschel-PACS observations of far-IR CO line emission in NGC 1068: highly excited molecular gas in the circumnuclear disk. The Astrophysical Journal 79.
424 (3), S. 1963 - 1976 (2012)
Physical properties of dense molecular gas in centres of Seyfert galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 80.
541, A4, S. 1 - 30 (2012)
Herschel/PACS spectroscopy of NGC 4418 and Arp 220: H2O, H218O, OH, 18OH, O I, HCN, and NH3. Astronomy & Astrophysics