Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von A. Poglitsch

Zeitschriftenartikel (90)

Rodriguez, L.; Gevin, O.; Poglitsch, A.; Dussopt, L.; Reveret, V.; Navick, X. -.; Aliane, A.; de la Broise, X.; Goudon, V.; Vandeneynde, A. et al.; Delisle, C.; Lasfargues, G.; Tollet, T.; Kaya, H.; Demonti, A.: Instrument On-chip: All-Silicon Polarimetric Detectors in the Submillimeter Domain. SI 216 (1-2), S. 129 - 134 (2024)
Tollet, T.; Rodriguez, L.; Reveret, V.; Poglitsch, A.; Dussopt, L.; Aliane, A.; Delisle, C.; Goudon, V.; Lasfargues, G.: Tuneable Spectrometer for Submillimeter Astronomy Based on Silicon Fabry–Perot, Preliminary Results. SI 216 (1-2), S. 165 - 174 (2024)
Fadda, D.; Colditz, S.; Fischer, C.; Vacca, W. D.; Chu, J.; Clarke, M.; Klein, R.; Krabbe, A.; Minchin, R.; Poglitsch, A.: Characterization and Absolute Calibration of the Far-infrared Field Integral Line Spectrometer for SOFIA. The Astronomical Journal 166 (6), 237 (2023)
Aliane, A.; Hérault, E.; Dussopt, L.; Rodriguez, L.; Adami, O.-A.; Meilhan, J.; Goudon, V.; Kaya, H.; Vialle, C.; Agnèse, P. et al.; Sauvageot, J.-L.; Delisle, C.; Lasfargues, G.; Le Cocq, M.; Reveret, V.; Poglitsch, A.: Optical characterizations of polarization-sensitive millimeter-wave silicon bolometers. Journal of Low Temperature Physics (209), S. 322 - 329 (2022)
Dussopt, L.; Aliane, A.; Kaya, H.; Goudon, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Delisle, C.; Tollet, T.; Revéret, V.; Poglitsch, A.; Gümüs, E. et al.; Winkelmann, C. B.; Hamdi, M.: High-impedance surfaces for above-IC integration of cooled bolometer arrays at the 350-μm wavelength. Journal of Low Temperature Physics (209), S. 1258 - 1263 (2022)
Bigiel, F.; de Looze, I.; Krabbe, A.; Cormier, D.; Barnes, A. T.; Fischer, C.; Bolatto, A. D.; Bryant, A.; Colditz, S.; Geis, N. et al.; Herrera-Camus, R.; Iserlohe, C.; Klein, R.; Leroy, A. K.; Linz, H.; Looney, L. W.; Madden, S. C.; Poglitsch, A.; Stutzki, J.; Vacca, W. D.: SOFIA/FIFI-LS full-disk [C II] mapping and CO-dark molecular gas across the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946. The Astrophysical Journal 903 (1), 30 (2020)
Chevance, M.; Madden, S. C.; Fischer, C.; Vacca, W. D.; Lebouteiller, V.; Fadda, D.; Galliano, F.; Indebetouw, R.; Kruijssen, J. M. D.; Lee, M.-Y. et al.; Poglitsch, A.; Polles, F. L.; Cormier, D.; Hony, S.; Iserlohe, C.; Krabbe, A.; Meixner, M.; Sabbi, E.; Zinnecker, H.: The CO-dark molecular gas mass in 30 Doradus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (4), S. 5279 - 5292 (2020)
Aliane, A.; Adami, O.; Dussopt, L.; Rodriguez, L.; Rabaud, W.; Ouvrier‑Buffet, J.; Goudon, V.; Kaya, H.; Vialle, C.; Sauvageot, J. et al.; Reveret, V.; Becker, S.; Poglitsch, A.: Design, simulation and fabrication of highly sensitive cooled silicon bolometers for millimeter-wave detection. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 199, S. 56 - 64 (2020)
Iserlohe, C.; Bryant, A.; Krabbe, A.; Beckmann, S.; Colditz, S.; Fischer, C.; Fumi, F.; Geis, N.; Henning, T. K.; Hönle, R. et al.; Klein, R.; Looney, L. W.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Rebell, F.; Vacca, W. D.: FIFI-LS observations of the circumnuclear ring— probing the high-density phase of the PDR. The Astrophysical Journal 885 (2), 169 (2019)
André, P.; Hughes, A.; Guillet, V.; Boulanger, F.; Bracco, A.; Ntormousi, E.; Arzoumanian, D.; Maury, A.J.; Bernard, J.-P.; Bontemps, S. et al.; Ristorcelli, I.; Girart, J.M.; Motte, F.; Tassis, K.; Pantin, E.; Montmerle, T.; Johnstone, D.; Gabici, S.; Efstathiou, A.; Basu, S.; Béthermin, M.; Beuther, H.; Braine, J.; Francesco, J. D.; Falgarone, E.; Ferrière, K.; Fletcher, A.; Galametz, M.; Giard, M.; Hennebelle, P.; Jones, A.; Kepley, A. A.; Kwon, J.; Lagache, G.; Lesaffre, P.; Levrier, F.; Li, D.; Li, Z.-Y.; Mao, S. A.; Nakagawa, T.; Onaka, T.; Paladino, R.; Peretto, N.; Poglitsch, A.; Revéret, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Sauvage, M.; Soler, J. D.; Spinoglio, L.; Tabatabaei, F.; Tritsis, A.; van der Tak, F.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Wiesemeyer, H.; Ysard, N.; Zhang, H.: Probing the cold magnetised Universe with SPICA-POL (B-BOP). Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 36, e029 (2019)
Aliane, A.; Ouvrier-Buffet, J.-L.; Dussopt, L.; Goudon, V.; Rabaud, W.; Kaya, H.; Torrecillas, R.; Agnèse, P.; Adami, O.; Rodriguez, L. et al.; Reveret, V.; Poglitsch, A.: Mechanical modeling and characterization of suspended cooledsilicon bolometers for sub-millimeter and millimeter waves polarization detection. Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 296, S. 254 - 264 (2019)
Adami, O.-A.; Rodriguez, L.; Poglitsch, A.; Bounissou, S.; Reveret, V.; Aliane, A.; Goudon, V.; Dussopt, L.: Highly sensitive polarimetric camera (B-BOP) for the SPICA mission. Applied Optics 58 (2), S. 398 - 403 (2019)
Rodriguez, L.; Poglitsch, A.; Aliane, A.; Martignac, J.; Dubreuil, D.; Dussopt, L.; Revéret, V.; Goudon, V.; Bounissou, S.; Adami, O.-A. et al.; Delisle, C.; Gevin, O.; De La Broise, X.; Maffei, B.; Sauvageot, J.-L.: BRAHMS-sensitive bolometer arrays for the SPICA imaging polarimetry. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193 (3-4), S. 449 - 454 (2018)
Roelfsema, P. R.; Shibai, H.; Armus, L.; Arrazola, D.; Audard, M.; Audley, M. D.; Bradford, C.M.; Charles, I.; Dieleman, P.; Doi, Y. et al.; Duband, L.; Eggens, M.; Evers, J.; Funaki, I.; Gao, J. R.; Giard, M.; Giorgio, A. d.; González Fernández, L. M.; Griffin, M.; Helmich, F. P.; Hijmering, R.; Huisman, R.; Ishihara, D.; Isobe, N.; Jackson, B.; Jacobs, H.; Jellema, W.; Kamp, I.; Kaneda, H.; Kawada, M.; Kemper, F.; Kerschbaum, F.; Khosropanah, P.; Kohno, K.; Kooijman, P. P.; Krause, O.; van der Kuur, J.; Kwon, J.; Laauwen, W. M.; de Lange, G.; Larsson, B.; van Loon, D.; Madden, S. C.; Matsuhara, H.; Najarro, F.; Nakagawa, T.; Naylor, D.; Ogawa, H.; Onaka, T.; Oyabu, S.; Poglitsch, A.; Reveret, V.; Rodriguez, L.; Spinoglio, L.; Sakon, I.; Sato, Y.; Shinozaki, K.; Shipman, R.; Sugita, H.; Suzuki, T.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Torres Redondo, J.; Wada, T.; Wang, S. Y.; Wafelbakker, C. K.; van Weers, H.; Withington, S.; Vandenbussche, B.; Yamada, T.; Yamamura, I.: SPICA—A Large Cryogenic Infrared Space Telescope: unveiling the obscured Universe. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 35, e030 (2018)
Herrera-Camus, R.; Sturm, E.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Lutz, D.; Contursi, A.; Veilleux, S.; Fischer, J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Poglitsch, A.; Tacconi, L. et al.; Genzel, R.; Maiolino, R.; Sternberg, A.; Davies, R.; Verma, A.: SHINING, a survey of far-infrared lines in nearby galaxies. - II. Line-deficit models, AGN impact, [C ii]–SFR scaling relations, and mass–metallicity relation in (U)LIRGs. The Astrophysical Journal 861 (2), 95 (2018)
Herrera-Camus, R.; Sturm, E.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Lutz, D.; Contursi, A.; Veilleux, S.; Fischer, J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Poglitsch, A.; Tacconi, L. et al.; Genzel, R.; Maiolino, R.; Sternberg, A.; Davies, R.; Verma, A.: SHINING, a survey of far-infrared lines in nearby galaxies. - I. Survey description, observational trends, and line diagnostics. The Astrophysical Journal 861 (2), 94 (2018)
Colditz, S.; Beckmann, S.; Bryant, A.; Fischer, C.; Fumi, F.; Geis, N.; Hamidouche, M.; Henning, T.; Hönle, R.; Iserlohe, C. et al.; Klein, R.; Krabbe, A.; Looney, L.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Rebell, F.; Rosenthal, D.; Savage, M.; Schweitzer, M.; Vacca, W.: Spectral and spatial characterization and calibration of FIFI-LS — the field imaging spectrometer on SOFIA. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 07 (04), 1840004, S. 1 - 16 (2018)
Fischer, C.; Beckmann, S.; Bryant, A.; Colditz, S.; Fumi, F.; Geis, N.; Hamidouche, M.; Henning, T.; Hönle, R.; Iserlohe, C. et al.; Klein, R.; Krabbe, A.; Looney, L.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Rebell, F.; Rosenthal, D.; Savage, M.; Schweitzer, M.; Trinh, C.; Vacca, W.: FIFI-LS: The Field-Imaging Far-Infrared Line Spectrometer on SOFIA. Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 07 (04), 1840003, S. 1 - 14 (2018)
Contursi, A.; Baker, A. J.; Berta, S.; Magnelli, B.; Lutz, D.; Fischer, J.; Verma, A.; Nielbock, M.; Grácia Carpio, J.; Veilleux, S. et al.; Sturm, E.; Davies, R.; Genzel, R.; Hailey-Dunsheath, S.; Herrera-Camus, R.; Janssen, A.; Poglitsch, A.; Sternberg, A.; Tacconi, L. J.: Interstellar medium conditions in z ~ 0.2 Lyman-break analogs. Astronomy & Astrophysics 606, A86 (2017)
Janssen, A. W.; Christopher, N.; Sturm, E.; Veilleux, S.; Contursi, A.; González-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Davies, R.; Verma, A.; Graciá Carpio, J. et al.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Sternberg, A.; Tacconi, L.; Burtscher, L.; Poglitsch, A.: Broad [C II] line wings as tracer of molecular and multi-phase outflows in infrared bright galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 822 (1), 43, S. 1 - 16 (2016)
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