Publikationen von Minju M. Lee
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Zeitschriftenartikel (23)
952 (1), 9 (2023)
The 300 pc Resolution Imaging of a z=8.31 Galaxy: Turbulent Ionized Gas and Potential Stellar Feedback 600 Million Years after the Big Bang. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
942 (2), 98 (2023)
An ∼600 pc view of the strongly lensed, massive main-sequence galaxy J0901: A baryon-dominated, thick turbulent rotating disk with a clumpy cold gas ring at z = 2.259. The Astrophysical Journal 3.
932 (2), 77 (2022)
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: ALMA-Herschel joint study of lensed dusty star-forming galaxies across z ≃ 0.5 – 6. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
929 (2), 159 (2022)
An ALMA Spectroscopic Survey of the brightest submillimeter galaxies in the SCUBA-2-COSMOS field (AS2COSPEC): Survey description and first results. The Astrophysical Journal 5.
929 (1), 100 (2022)
Multiwavelength and multi-CO view of the minor merger driven star formation in the nearby LIRG NGC 3110. The Astrophysical Journal 6.
922 (2), 143 (2021)
Rotation curves in z ∼ 1–2 star-forming disks: comparison of dark matter fractions and disk properties for different fitting methods. The Astrophysical Journal 7.
917 (2), 94 (2021)
Physical characterization of serendipitously uncovered millimeter-wave line-emitting galaxies at z ∼ 2.5 behind the local luminous infrared galaxy VV 114. The Astrophysical Journal 8.
162 (3), 106 (2021)
Reducing ground-based astrometric errors with Gaia and Gaussian processes. Astronomical Journal 9.
913 (1), 41 (2021)
Dense and warm neutral gas in BR 1202-0725 at z = 4.7 as traced by the [O I] 145 μm line. The Astrophysical Journal 10.
911 (2), 99 (2021)
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Bright [C ii] 158 μm lines from a multiply imaged sub-L* galaxy at z = 6.0719. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
909 (2), 181 (2021)
Revisited cold gas content with atomic carbon [C I] in z=2.5 protocluster galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 12.
909 (1), 78 (2021)
The KMOS3D Survey: investigating the origin of the elevated electron densities in star-forming Ggalaxies at 1 ≲ z ≲ 3. The Astrophysical Journal 13.
909 (1), L11 (2021)
The diverse molecular gas content of massive galaxies undergoing quenching at z ~ 1. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 14.
908 (2), 146 (2021)
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: an ALMA galaxy signposting a MUSE galaxy group at z=4.3 behind 'El Gordo'. The Astrophysical Journal 15.
505 (4), S. 4838 - 4846 (2021)
ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: a strongly lensed multiply imaged dusty system at z ≥ 6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 16.
902 (2), 98 (2020)
Rotation curves in z ~ 1–2 star-forming disks: evidence for cored dark matter distributions. The Astrophysical Journal 17.
895 (1), 73 (2020)
A massive molecular torus inside a gas-poor circumnuclear disk in the radio galaxy NGC 1052 discovered with ALMA. The Astrophysical Journal 18.
894 (1), 28 (2020)
From nuclear to circumgalactic: zooming in on AGN-driven outflows at z ∼ 2.2 with SINFONI. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
493 (3), S. 4294 - 4307 (2020)
ALMA uncovers the [C ii] emission and warm dust continuum in a z = 8.31 Lyman break galaxy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 20.
889 (2), 141 (2020)
A noncorotating gas component in an extreme starburst at z = 4.3. The Astrophysical Journal