Hochenergie-Astrophysik am MPE

Publikationen von Christian Rab

Zeitschriftenartikel (25)

Derkink, A.; Ginski, C.; Pinilla, P.; Kurtovic, N.; Kaper, L.; de Koter, A.; Valegard, P.-G.; Mamajek, E.; Backs, F.; Benisty, M. et al.; Birnstiel, T.; Columba, G.; Dominik, C.; Garufi, A.; Hogerheijde, M.; van Holstein, R.; Huang, J.; Menard, F.; Rab, C.; Ramirez-Tannus, M. C.; Ribas, A.; Williams, J. P.; Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): PDS 111, an old T Tauri star with a young-looking disk. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 688, A149 (2024)
Ginski, C.; Garufi, A.; Benisty, M.; Tazaki, R.; Dominik, C.; Ribas, A.; Engler, N.; Birnstiel, T.; Chauvin, G.; Columba, G. et al.; Facchini, S.; Goncharov, A.; Hagelberg, J.; Henning, T.; Hogerheijde, M.; van Holstein, R. G.; Huang, J.; Muto, T.; Pinilla, P.; Kanagawa, K.; Kim, S.; Kurtovic, N. T.; Langlois, M.; Manara, C.; Milli, J.; Momose, M.; Orihara, R.; Pawellek, N.; Pinte, C.; Rab, C.; Schmidt, T. O. B.; Snik, F.; Wahhaj, Z.; Williams, J.; Zurlo, A.: The SPHERE view of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region - The full census of planet-forming disks with GTO and DESTINYS programs. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685, A52 (2024)
Valegard, P. -.; Ginski, C.; Derkink, A.; Garufi, A.; Dominik, C.; Ribas, A.; Williams, J. P.; Benisty, M.; Birnstiel, T.; Facchini, S. et al.; Columba, G.; Hogerheijde, M.; van Holstein, R. G.; Huang, J.; Kenworthy, M.; Manara, C. F.; Pinilla, P.; Rab, C.; Sulaiman, R.; Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): The SPHERE view of the Orion star-forming region. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 685, A54 (2024)
Yoshida, T. C.; Nomura, H.; Furuya, K.; Teague, R.; Law, C. J.; Tsukagoshi, T.; Lee, S.; Rab, C.; Oberg, K. I.; Loomis, R. A.: The First Spatially Resolved Detection of 13CN in a Protoplanetary Disk and Evidence for Complex Carbon Isotope Fractionation. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 966 (1), 63 (2024)
Guadarrama, R.; Vorobyov, E. I.; Rab, C.; Guedel, M.; Garatti, A. C. O.; Sobolev, A. M.: The influence of accretion bursts on methanol and water in massive young stellar objects. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 684, A51 (2024)
Columba, G.; Rigliaco, E.; Gratton, R.; Mesa, D.; D’Orazi, V.; Ginski, C.; Engler, N.; Williams, J. P.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M. et al.; Birnstiel, T.; Delorme, P.; Dominik, C.; Facchini, S.; Menard, F.; Pinilla, P.; Rab, C.; Ribas, Á.; Squicciarini, V.; van Holstein, R. G.; Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): HD 34700 A unveils an inner ring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A19 (2024)
Kanwar, J.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; Rab, C.; Thi, W. F.; Min, M.: Hydrocarbon chemistry in the inner regions of planet-forming disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A22 (2024)
Brunn, V.; Rab, C.; Marcowith, A.; Sauty, C.; Padovani, M.; Meskini, C.: Impacts of energetic particles from T Tauri flares on inner protoplanetary discs. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 530 (4), S. 3669 - 3687 (2024)
Rab, C.; Weber, M. L.; Picogna, G.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.: High-resolution [O i] Line Spectral Mapping of TW Hya Consistent with X-Ray-driven Photoevaporation. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 955 (1), L11 (2023)
Portilla-Revelo, B.; Kamp, I.; Facchini, S.; Dishoeck, E. F. v.; Law, C.; Rab, C.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M.; Öberg, K.; Teague, R.: Constraining the gas distribution in the PDS 70 disc as a method to assess the effect of planet-disc interactions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A76 (2023)
Dubey, D.; Grübel, F.; Arenales-Lope, R.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Ercolano, B.; Rab, C.; Trapp, O.: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in exoplanet atmospheres - I. Thermochemical equilibrium models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 678, A53 (2023)
Zhang, Y.; Ginski, C.; Huang, J.; Zurlo, A.; Beust, H.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M.; Garufi, A.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; van Holstein, R. G. et al.; Kenworthy, M.; Langlois, M.; Manara, C. F.; Pinilla, P.; Rab, C.; Ribas, Á.; Rosotti, G. P.; Williams, J.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Diverse outcomes of binary-disk interactions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 672, A145 (2023)
Backs, F.; Poorta, J.; Rab, C.; Derkink, A. R.; de Koter, A.; Kaper, L.; Ramírez-Tannus, M. C.; Kamp, I.: Massive pre-main-sequence stars in M17 - Modelling hydrogen and dust in MYSO disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, A13 (2023)
Brunn, V.; Marcowith, A.; Sauty, C.; Padovani, M.; Rab, C.; Meskini, C.: Ionization of inner T Tauri star discs: effects of in situ energetic particles produced by strong magnetic reconnection events. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519 (4), S. 5673 - 5688 (2023)
Oberg, N.; Kamp, I.; Cazaux, S.; Rab, C.; Czoske, O.: Observing circumplanetary disks with METIS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, A74 (2023)
Valegård, P.-G.; Ginski, C.; Dominik, C.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M.; Birnstiel, T.; Facchini, S.; Garufi, A.; Hogerheijde, M.; van Holstein, R. G. et al.; Langlois, M.; Manara, C. F.; Pinilla, P.; Rab, C.; Ribas, Á.; Waters, L. B. F. M.; Williams, J.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Scattered light detection of a possible disk wind in RY Tau. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668, A25 (2022)
Guadarrama, R.; Vorobyov, E. I.; Rab, C.; Güdel, M.: The effect of metallicity on the abundances of molecules in protoplanetary disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, A28 (2022)
Arabhavi, A. M.; Woitke, P.; Cazaux, S. M.; Kamp, I.; Rab, C.; Thi, W.-F.: Ices in planet-forming disks: Self-consistent ice opacities in disk models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, A139 (2022)
Weber, M. L.; Ercolano, B.; Picogna, G.; Rab, C.: The interplay between forming planets and photoevaporating discs I: forbidden line diagnostics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517 (3), S. 3598 - 3612 (2022)
Huang, J.; Ginski, C.; Benisty, M.; Ren, B.; Bohn, A. J.; Choquet, É.; Öberg, K. I.; Ribas, Á.; Bae, J.; Bergin, E. A. et al.; Birnstiel, T.; Boehler, Y.; Facchini, S.; Harsono, D.; Hogerheijde, M.; Long, F.; Manara, C. F.; Ménard, F.; Pinilla, P.; Pinte, C.; Rab, C.; Williams, J. P.; Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): A panchromatic view of DO Tau's complex kilo-astronomical-unit environment. The Astrophysical Journal 930 (2), 171 (2022)
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