Publikationen von Dieter Lutz

Konferenzbeitrag (56)

Lutz, D.; PEP consortium: A Herschel view on galaxy/AGN co-evolution. In: Galaxy Evolution: Infrared to Millimeter Wavelength Perspective, S. 193 - 207 (Hg. Wang, W.; Yang, Z.; Lu, J.). Galaxy Evolution: Infrared to Millimeter Wavelength Perspective, Guilin, China, 25. Oktober 2010 - 29. Oktober 2010. (2011)
Lutz, D.; the PEP consortium: Galaxy formation from deep surveys with Herschel-PACS. In: The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, S. 47 - 53 (Hg. Röllig, M.; Simon, R.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.). The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, Zermatt, Switzerland, 19. September 2010 - 24. September 2010. (2011)
Sani, E.; Lutz, D.; Risaliti, G.; Netzer, H.; Gallo, L.; Trakhtenbrot, B.; Sturm, E.; Boller, T.: Enhanced star formation in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and their place in the Universe , Milano, Italy, 04. April 2011 - 06. April 2011. Proceedings of Science PoS(NLS1)010, S. 1 - 9 (2011)
Sturm, E.; Poglitsch, A.; Contursi, A.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Fischer, J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Genzel, R.; Hailey-Dunsheath, S.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L. et al.; De Jong, J.; Sternberg, A.; Verma, A.; Madden, S.; Vigroux, L.; Cormier, D.; Klaas, U.; Nielbock, M.; Krause, O.; Schreiber, J.; Haas, M.: Star formation and the ISM in infrared bright galaxies - SHINING. In: The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, S. 55 - 61 (Hg. Röllig, M.; Simon, R.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.). The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, Zermatt, Switzerland, 19. September 2010 - 24. September 2010. (2011)
Dasyra, K. M.; Peterson, B. M.; Tacconi, L.; Netzer, H.; Ho, L. C.; Helou, G.; Armus, L.; Lutz, D.; Davies, R.; Watson, L.: On the relation between black hole mass and velocity dispersion in type 1 and type 2 AGN. In: Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxies, S. 172 - 176. 267th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10. August 2009 - 14. August 2009. (2010)
Davies, R.; Ageorges, N.; Barl, L.; Bedin, L.; Bender, R.; Bernardi, P.; Chapron, F.; Clenet, Y.; Deep, A.; Deul, E. et al.; Drost, M.; Eisenhauer, F.; Falomo, R.; Fiorentino, G.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gratadour, D.; Greggio, L.; Grupp, F.; Held, E.; Herbst, T.; Hess, H.-J.; Hubert, Z.; Jahnke, K.; Kuijken, K.; Lutz, D.; Magrin, D.; Muschielok, B.; Navarro, R.; Noyola, E.; Paumard, T.; Piotto, G.; Ragazzoni, R.; Renzini, A.; Rousset, G.; Rix, H.-W.; Saglia, R.; Tacconi, L.; Thiel, M.; Tolstoy, E.; Trippe, S.; Tromp, N.; Valentijn, E. A.; Verdoes Kleijn, G.; Wegner, M.: Science and adaptive optics requirements of MICADO, the E-ELT adaptive optics imaging camera. In: 1st AO4ELT Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, 01002, S. 1 - 6 (Hg. Clénet, Y.; Conan, J.-M.; Fusco, T.; Rousset, G.). 1st AO4ELT Conference, Paris, France, 22. Juni 2009 - 26. Juni 2009. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex A, France (2010)
Davies, R.; Ageorges, N.; Barl, L.; Bedin, L. R.; Bender, R.; Bernardi, P.; Chapron, F.; Clenet, Y.; Deep, A.; Deul, E. et al.; Drost, M.; Eisenhauer, F.; Falomo, R.; Fiorentino, G.; Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gratadour, D.; Greggio, L.; Grupp, F.; Held, E.; Herbst, T.; Hess, H.-J.; Hubert, Z.; Jahnke, K.; Kuijken, K.; Lutz, D.; Magrin, D.; Muschielok, B.; Navarro, R.; Noyola, E.; Paumard, T.; Piotto, G.; Ragazzoni, R.; Renzini, A.; Rousset, G.; Rix, H.-W.; Saglia, R.; Tacconi, L.; Thiel, M.; Tolstoy, E.; Trippe, S.; Tromp, N.; Valentijn, E. A.; Verdoes Kleijn, G.; Wegner, M.: MICADO: the E-ELT adaptive optics imaging camera. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 77352A, S. 1 - 12 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Ramsay, S. K.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, San Diego, CA, USA, 27. Juni 2010 - 02. Juli 2010. (2010)
Rovilos, E.; Burwitz, V.; Bouche, N.; Berta, S.; Lutz, D.; Genzel, R.; Szokoly, G.; Hasinger, G.; Salvato, M.; Egami, E.: The Lockman hole multi-wavelength survey. In: Advances in Hellenic astronomy during the IYA09, S. 271 - 276 (Hg. Tsinganos, K.; Hatzidimitriou, D.; Matsakos, T.). 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, Athens, Greece, 20. September 2009 - 24. September 2009. (2010)
Shapiro, K. L.; Genzel, R.; Bouché, N.; Buschkamp, P.; Cresci, G.; Davies, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Genel, S.; Hicks, E. et al.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L.: Star-forming galaxies at z∼2: an emerging picture of galaxy dynamics and assembly. In: Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges, S. 60 - 65 (Hg. Jogee, S.; Marinova, I.; Hao, L.; Blanc, G.A.). Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges, Austin, Texas, USA, 11. November 2008 - 14. November 2008. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Wieprecht, E.; Schreiber, J.; De Jong, J.; Jacobson, J.; Liu, C.; Morien, B.; Wetzstein, M.; Ali, B.; Frayer, D.; Lutz, D. et al.; Okumura, K.; Popesso, P.; Sauvage, M.: The Herschel/Pacs photometer pipeline. In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, S. 531 - 535 (Hg. Bohlender, D. A.; Durand, D.; Dowler, P.). Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, Quebec City, QC, Canada, 02. November 2008 - 05. November 2008. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009)
Dannerbauer, H.; Rigopoulou, D.; Lutz, D.; Genzel, R.; Sturm, E.; Moorwood, A. F. M.: Follow-up NIR spectroscopy of ULIRGs observed by ISO. In: The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, S. 275 - 278 (Hg. Chary, R.-R.; Teplitz, H.I.; Sheth, K.). The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, California, USA, 14. November 2005 - 16. November 2005. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2008)
Sturm, E.; Lutz, D.; Genzel, R.; Hasinger, G.; Mainieri, V.; Tacconi, L. J.; Lehnert, M.; Lehmann, I.: The mid-infrared spectra of X-ray selected type 2 QSOs. In: The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, S. 391 - 397 (Hg. Chary, R.-R.; Teplitz, H.I.; Sheth, K.). The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution, Pasadena, California, USA, 14. November 2005 - 16. November 2005. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2008)
Rupke, D.; Veilleux, S.; Kim, D.; Sturm, E.; Contursi, A.; Lutz, D.; Netzer, H.; Sternberg, A.; Maoz, D.: Uncovering the active galactic nuclei in low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions with Spitzer. In: The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, S. 525 - 528 (Hg. Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M.). The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, Xi'an, China, 16. Oktober 2006 - 21. Oktober 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific , San Francsisco, CA (US) (2007)
Schinnerer, E.; Bertoldi, F.; Carilli, C. L.; Smolcic, V.; Scoville, N. Z.; Menten, K.; Voss, H.; Blain, A.; Lutz, D.: Radio and millimeter observations of the COSMOS field. In: From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies, S. 123 - 129 (Hg. Baker, A.J.; Glenn, J.; Harris, A.I.; Mangum, J.G.; Yun, M.S.). From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 12. Januar 2006 - 14. Januar 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific , San Francsisco, CA (US) (2007)
Schweitzer, M.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Genzel, R.; Veilleux, S.; Rupke, D.; Kim, D.-C.; Baker, A. J.; Groves, B.; Tomono, D. et al.; Netzer, H.; Sternberg, A.: Silicate emission in AGN: Emission from the Torus or (and) extended emission? In: The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, S. 501 - 504 (Hg. Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M.). The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, Xi'an, China, 16. Oktober 2006 - 21. Oktober 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific , San Francsisco, CA (US) (2007)
Valiante, E.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Lehnert, M. D.; Baker, A. J.: A mid-infrared spectroscopic study of submillimeter galaxies. In: At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, S. 417 - 420 (Hg. Afonso, J.; Ferguson, H.C.; Mobasher, B.; Norris, R.). At the Edge of the Universe: Latest Results from the Deepest Astronomical Surveys, Sintra, Portugal, 09. Oktober 2006 - 13. Oktober 2006. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA (2007)
Dasyra, K. M.; Tacconi, L. J.; Davies, R. I.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Naab, T.; Sanders, D. B.; Veilleux, S.; Baker, A. J.: Probing for evolutionary links between local ULIRGs and QSOs using NIR spectroscopy. International Workshop on QSO Host Galaxies, Leiden, The Netherlands, 22. August 2005 - 26. August 2005. QSO Host Galaxies: Evolution and Environments, Workshop on QSO Host Galaxies: Evolution and Environments, S. 720 - 724 (2006)
Predehl, P.; Hasinger, G.; Böhringer, H.; Briel, U.; Brunner, H.; Churazov, E.; Freyberg, M.; Friedrich, P.; Kendziorra, E.; Lutz, D. et al.; Meidinger, N.; Pavlinsky, M.; Pfeffermann, E.; Santangelo, A.; Schmitt, J.; Schuecker, P.; Schwope, A.; Steinmetz, M.; Strüder, L.; Sunyaev, R.; Wilms, J.: eROSITA. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, S. 62660P-1 - 62660P-10 (Hg. Turner, M. J.L.; Hasinger, G.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Balestra, I.; Boller, T.; Gallo, L.; Lutz, D.; Hess, S.: A combined XMM-Newton and chandra study of the ULIRG MRK 273. In: Proceedings of the X-ray Universe 2005, S. 593 - 594 (Hg. Wilson, A.). The X-ray Universe 2005, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain, 26. September 2005 - 30. September 2005. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2006)
Dasyra, K. M.; Tacconi, L. J.; Davies, R. I.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Naab, T.; Burkert, A.: Evolution of local ultraluminous mergers from NIR spectroscopy. In: The fabulous destiniy of galaxies: briding past and present, S. 475 - 480 (Hg. Le Brun, V.; Mazure, A.; Arnouts, S.; Burgarella, D.). Vth Marseille International Cosmology Conférence, Marseille, France, 20. Juni 2005 - 24. Juni 2005. Frontier Group, Paris (2006)
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