Publikationen von Albrecht Poglitsch

Konferenzbeitrag (44)

Roelfsema, P.; Giard, M.; Najarro, F.; Wafelbakker, K.; Jellema, W.; Jackson, B.; Swinyard, B.; Audard, M.; Doi, Y.; Griffin, M. et al.; Helmich, F.; Kerschbaum, F.; Meyer, M.; Naylor, D.; Nielsen, H.; Olofsson, G.; Poglitsch, A.; Spinoglio, L.; Vandenbussche, B.; Isaak, K.; Goicoechea, J. R.: The SAFARI imaging spectrometer for the SPICA space observatory. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 84420R, S. 1 - 15 (Hg. Clampin, M. C.; Fazio, G. G.; MacEwen, H. A.; Oschmann, J. M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 01. Juli 2012 - 06. Juli 2012. (2012)
Griffin, M. J.; Helmich, F. P.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Poglitsch, A.: Investigating galaxy evolution with FIR observatories: Herschel and beyond. In: Galaxy Evolution: Infrared to Millimeter Wavelength Perspective, S. 23 - 33 (Hg. Wang, W.; Yang, Z.; Lu, J.). Galaxy Evolution: Infrared to Millimeter Wavelength Perspective, Guilin, China, 25. Oktober 2010 - 29. Oktober 2010. (2011)
Madden, S.C.; Galametz, M.; Cormier, D.; Lebouteiller, V.; Galliano, F.; Hony, S.; Rémy, A.; Sauvage, M.; Contursi, A.; Sturm, E. et al.; Poglitsch, A.; Pohlen, M.; Smith, M.W.L.; Bendo, G.; O’Halloran, B.; The SPIRE SAG 2 and PACS consortia: The elusive ISM of dwarf galaxies: excess submillimetre emission & CO-dark molecular gas. In: The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, S. 95 - 101 (Hg. Röllig, M.; Simon, R.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.). The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, Zermatt, Switzerland, 19. September 2010 - 24. September 2010. (2011)
Sturm, E.; Poglitsch, A.; Contursi, A.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Fischer, J.; González-Alfonso, E.; Genzel, R.; Hailey-Dunsheath, S.; Lutz, D.; Tacconi, L. et al.; De Jong, J.; Sternberg, A.; Verma, A.; Madden, S.; Vigroux, L.; Cormier, D.; Klaas, U.; Nielbock, M.; Krause, O.; Schreiber, J.; Haas, M.: Star formation and the ISM in infrared bright galaxies - SHINING. In: The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, S. 55 - 61 (Hg. Röllig, M.; Simon, R.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.). The 5th Zermatt ISM-Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond, Zermatt, Switzerland, 19. September 2010 - 24. September 2010. (2011)
Billot, N.; Sauvage, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Horeau, B.; Kiss, C.; Aussel, H.; Okumura, K.; Boulade, O.; Altieri, B.; Poglitsch, A. et al.; Agnèse, P.: CEA bolometer arrays: the first year in space. In: Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 774102, S. 1 - 11 (Hg. Holland, W. S.; Zmuidzinas, J.). Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V , San Diego, CA, USA, 29. Juni 2010 - 02. Juli 2010. (2010)
Klein, R.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Geis, N.; Hamidouche, M.; Looney, L. W.; Hönle, R.; Nishikida, K.; Genzel, R.; Henning, T. K.: FIFI LS getting ready to fly aboard SOFIA. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, 77351T, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Ramsay, S. K.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, San Diego, CA, USA, 27. Juni 2010 - 02. Juli 2010. (2010)
Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Hönle, R.; Barl, L.: Development of a large scale stressed Ge:Ga detector array for SAFARI. In: Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 77410C, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. Holland, W. S.; Zmuidzinas, J.). Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V , San Diego, CA, USA, 29. Juni 2010 - 02. Juli 2010. (2010)
Shirahata, M.; Kamiya, S.; Matsuura, S.; Kawada, M.; Sawayama, Y.; Doi, Y.; Nakagawa, T.; Wada, T.; Kawada, H.; Creten, Y. et al.; Okcan, B.; Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.: Development of a far-infrared Ge:Ga monolithic array for a possible application to SPICA. In: Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 77410B, S. 1 - 12 (Hg. Holland, W. S.; Zmuidzinas, J.). Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V , San Diego, CA, USA, 29. Juni 2010 - 02. Juli 2010. (2010)
Poglitsch, A.; Altieri, B.: The PACS instrument. In: Astronomy in the Submillimeter and Far Infrared Domains with the Herschel Space Observatory, S. 43 - 62 (Hg. Pagani, L.; Gerin, M.). Astronomy in the Submillimeter and Far Infrared Domains with the Herschel Space Observatory, Les Houches, France, 23. April 2007 - 04. Mai 2007. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis cedex A, France (2009)
Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Höhnle, R.; Barl, L.: Development of a large scale stressed Ge:Ga detector array for SAFARI. In: The Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics Revealing the Origins of Planets and Galaxies, S. 1 - 4 (Hg. Heras, A.M.; Swinyard, B.M.; Isaak, K.G.; Goicoechea, J.R.). SPICA Workshop: A Joint European/Japanese Workshop on the SPICA Mission, Oxford, UK, 06. Juli 2009 - 08. Juli 2009. EDP Sciences (2009)
Griffin, M.; de Graauw, T.; Pilbratt, G.; Poglitsch, A.: Herschel and beyond: FIR and submillimetre space missions and possible synergies with antarctic astronomy. In: 2nd ARENA Conference: The Astrophysical Science Cases at Dome C, S. 63 - 70 (Hg. Zinnecker, H.; Epchtein, N.; Rauer, H.). 2nd ARENA Conference: The Astrophysical Science Cases at Dome C, Potsdam, Germany, 17. September 2007 - 21. September 2007. EAS, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France (2008)
Poglitsch, A.; Waelkens, C.; Bauer, O. H.; Cepa, J.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Henning, T.; van Hoof, C.; Kerschbaum, F.; Krause, O.; Renotte, E. et al.; Rodriguez, L.; Saraceno, P.; Vandenbussche, B.: The Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) for the Herschel space observatory. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Optical, Infrared and Millimeter, S. 701005-1 - 701005-12 (Hg. Oschmann, J.M.; de Graauw, M.W.M.; MacEwen, H.A.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008 - Optical, Infrared and Millimeter, Marseille, France, 23. Juni 2008 - 28. Juni 2008. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2008)
Schweitzer, M.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Klein, R.; Hönle, R.; Geis, N.; Genzel, R.; Looney, L. W.; Hamidouche, M.; Henning, T. K.: Verification of the optical system performance of FIFI-LS: the Field-Imaging Far-Infrared Line Spectrometer for SOFIA. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, S. 70140Z-1 - 70140Z-10 (Hg. McLean, I.S.; Casali, M.M.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, Marseille, France, 23. Juni 2008 - 28. Juni 2008. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2008)
Klein, R.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Geis, N.; Hamidouche, M.; Looney, L. W.; Hönle, R.; Schweitzer, M.; Viehhauser, W.; Genzel, R. et al.; Haller, E. E.; Henning, T.: FIFI LS: The Far-infrared Integral Field Spectrometer for SOFIA. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, S. 62691F-1 - 62691F-10 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Iye, M.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25. Mai 2006 - 29. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Poglitsch, A.; Waelkens, C.; Bauer, O. H.; Cepa, J.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Henning, T.; van Hoof, C.; Kerschbaum, F.; Lemke, D.; Renotte, E. et al.; Rodriguez, L.; Saraceno, P.; Vandenbussche, B.: The Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) for the Herschel Space Observatory. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, S. 62650B-1 - 62650B-12 (Hg. Mather, J. C.; MacEwen, H. A.; de Graauw, M. W.M.). Space Telescopes and Instrumentation I: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter, Orlando, Florida, USA, 24. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Klein, R.; Hoenle, R.; Schweizer, M.; Viehhauser, W.; Geis, N.; Genzel, R.; Looney, L. W.; Hamidouche, M. et al.; Henning, T.; Haller, E. E.: Characterizing the system performance of FIFI LS: the field-imaging far-infrared line spectrometer for SOFIA. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, S. 62691G-1 - 62691G-10 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Iye, M.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25. Mai 2006 - 29. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Wash., USA (2006)
Katterloher, R.; Barl, L.; Poglitsch, A.; Royer, P.; Stegmaier, J.: Proton irradiation of PACS stressed Ge:Ga detector arrays to simulate L2-orbit conditions. In: Millimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy III, S. 627515-1 - 627515-11 (Hg. Zmuidzinas, J.; Holland, W.S.; Withington, S.; Duncan, W.D.). Millimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy III, Orlando, FL, USA, 29. Mai 2006 - 31. Mai 2006. The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, USA (2006)
Poglitsch, A.; Waelkens, C.; Bauer, O. H.; Cepa, J.; Hennig, T.; van Hoof, C.; Katterloher, R.; Kerschbaum, F.; Lemke, D.; Renotte, E. et al.; Rodriguez, L.; Royer, P.; Saraceno, P.: The photodetector array camera & spectrometer (ACS) for the Herschel space observatory. In: Proceedings of the dusty and molecular universe, S. 11 - 16 (Hg. Wilson, A.). The dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, Paris, France, 27. Oktober 2004 - 29. Oktober 2004. ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands (2005)
Klaassen, T. O.; Hovenier, J. N.; Fischer, J.; Jakob, G.; Poglitsch, A.; Sternberg, O.: Terahertz calorimetry: an absolute power meter for terahertz radation and the absorptivity of the Herschel Space Observatory telescope mirror coating. In: Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics III, S. 159 - 167 (Hg. Hwu, R. J.). Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics III, San Jose, Calif., USA, 25. Januar 2004 - 26. Januar 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
Birkmann, S. M.; Eberle, K.; Grözinger, U.; Lemke, D.; Schreiber, J.; Barl, L.; Katterloher, R.; Poglitsch, A.; Schubert, J.; Richter, H.: Characterization of high and low-stressed Ge:Ga array cameras for Herschels's PACS instrument. In: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, S. 437 - 447 (Hg. Mather, J. C.). Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 21. Juni 2004 - 25. Juni 2004. SPIE, Bellingham (2004)
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