Publikationen von G. Weidenspointner

Zeitschriftenartikel (36)

Martin, A.V.; Loh, N.D.; Hampton, C.Y.; Sierra, R.G.; Wang, F.; Aquila, A.; Bajt, S.; Barthelmess, M.; Bostedt, C.; Bozek, J.D. et al.: Femtosecond dark-field imaging with an X-ray free electron laser. Optics Express 20 (12), S. 13501 - 13512 (2012)
Johansson, L. C.; Arnlund, D.; White, T. A.; Katona, G.; DePonte, D. P.; Weierstall, U.; Doak, R. B.; Shoeman, R. L.; Lomb, L.; Malmerberg, E. et al.: Lipidic phase membrane protein serial femtosecond crystallography. Nature Methods 9 (3), S. 263 - 265 (2012)
Koopmann, R.; Cupelli, K.; Redecke, L.; Nass, K.; DePonte, D. P.; White, T. A.; Stellato, F.; Rehders, D.; Liang, M.; Andreasson, J. et al.: In vivo protein crystallization opens new routes in structural biology. Nature Methods 9 (3), S. 259 - 262 (2012)
Kassemeyer, S.; Steinbrener, J.; Lomb, L.; Hartmann, E.; Aquila, A.; Barty, A.; Martin, A. V.; Hampton, C. Y.; Bajt, S.; Barthelmess, M. et al.: Femtosecond free-electron laser x-ray diffraction data sets for algorithm development. Optics Express 20 (4), S. 4149 - 4158 (2012)
Aquila, A.; Hunter, M. S.; Doak, R. B.; Kirian, R. A.; Fromme, P.; White, T. A.; Andreasson, J.; Arnlund, D.; Bajt, S.; Barends, T. R. M. et al.: Time-resolved protein nanocrystallography using an X-ray free-electron laser. Optics Express 20 (3), S. 2706 - 2716 (2012)
Barty, A.; Caleman, C.; Aquila, A.; Timneanu, N.; Lomb, L.; White, T. A.; Andreasson, J.; Arnlund, D.; Bajt, S.; Barends, T. R. M. et al.: Self-terminating diffraction gates femtosecond X-ray nanocrystallography measurements. Nature Photonics 6 (1), S. 35 - 40 (2012)
Lomb, L.; Barends, T. R. M.; Kassemeyer, S.; Aquila, A.; Epp, S. W.; Erk, B.; Foucar, L.; Hartmann, R.; Rudek, B.; Rolles, D. et al.: Radiation damage in protein serial femtosecond crystallography using an X-ray free-electron laser. Physical Review B 84 (21), 214111, S. 1 - 6 (2011)
Prantzos, N.; Boehm, C.; Bykov, A. M.; Diehl, R.; Ferrière, K.; Guessoum, N.; Jean, P.; Knoedlseder, J.; Marcowith, A.; Moskalenko, I. V. et al.: The 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the galaxy. Reviews of Modern Physics 83 (3), S. 1001 - 1056 (2011)
Yoon, C. H.; Schwander, P.; Abergel, C.; Andersson, I.; Andreasson, J.; Aquila, A.; Bajt, S.; Barthelmess, M.; Barty, A.; Bogan, M. J. et al.: Unsupervised classification of single-particle X-ray diffraction snapshots by spectral clustering. Optics Express 19 (17), S. 16542 - 16549 (2011)
Mereghetti, S.; Tiengo, A.; Esposito, P.; Vianello, G.; De Luca, A.; Götz, D.; Weidenspointner, G.; von Kienlin, A.; Israel, G.L.; Stella, L. et al.: Two magnetars: SGR 1627–41 and 1E 1547–5408. Advances in Space Research 47 (8), S. 1312 - 1316 (2011)
Chapman, H. N.; Fromme, P.; Barty, A.; White, T. A.; Kirian, R. A.; Aquila, A.; Hunter, M. S.; Schulz, J.; DePonte, D. P.; Weierstall, U. et al.: Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography. Nature 470 (7332), S. 73 - 77 (2011)
Seibert, M. M.; Ekeberg, T.; Maia, F. R. N. C.; Svenda, M.; Andreasson, J.; Jönsson, O.; Odić, D.; Iwan, B.; Rocker, A.; Westphal, D. et al.: Single mimivirus particles intercepted and imaged with an X-ray laser. Nature 470 (7332), S. 78 - 81 (2011)
Strüder, L.; Epp, S.; Rolles, D.; Hartmann, R.; Holl, P.; Lutz, G.; Soltau, H.; Eckart, R.; Reich, C.; Heinzinger, K. et al.: Large-format, high-speed, X-ray pnCCDs combined with electron and ion imaging spectrometers in a multipurpose chamber for experiments at 4th generation light sources. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 614 (3), S. 483 - 496 (2010)
Pia, M. G.; Weidenspointner, G.; Augelli, M.; Quintieri, L.; Saracco, P.; Sudhakar, M.; Zoglauer, A.: PIXE simulation with Geant4. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (6 Part 2), S. 3614 - 3649 (2009)
Mereghetti, S.; Götz, D.; Weidenspointner, G.; Kienlin, A. v.; Esposito, P.; Tiengo, A.; Vianello, G.; Israel, G. L.; Stella, L.; Turolla, R. et al.: Strong bursts from the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1547.0–5408 observed with the INTEGRAL/SPI anti-coincidence shield. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 696 (1), S. L74 - L78 (2009)
Weidenspointner, G.; Skinner, G.; Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J.; von Ballmoos, P.; Bignami, G.; Diehl, R.; Strong, A. W.; Cordier, B.; Schanne, S. et al.: An asymmetric distribution of positrons in the galactic disk revealed by big gamma-rays. Nature 451 (7175), S. 159 - 162 (2008)

Konferenzbeitrag (29)

Choi, C.; Han, M. C.; Hoff, G.; Kim, C. H.; Kim, S. H.; Pia, M. G.; Saracco, P.; Weidenspointner, G.: Testable physics by design. 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP2015), Okinawa, Japan, 13. April 2015 - 17. April 2015. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 664, 062047, S. 1 - 8 (2015)
Batic, M.; Begalli, M.; Han, M. C.; Hauf, S.; Hoff, G.; Kim, C. H.; Kim, H. S.; Pia, M. G.; Saracco, P.; Weidenspointner, G.: Photons revisited. In: SNA + MC 2013 - Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo, 02104 (Hg. Caruge, D.; Calvin, C.; Diop, C. M.; Malvagi, F.; Trama, J.-C.). SNA + MC 2013 - Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo, Paris, France, 27. Oktober 2013 - 31. Oktober 2013. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis Cedex (2014)
Batic, M.; Pia, M. G.; Saracco, P.; Weidenspointner, G.: PIXE simulation: models, methods and technologies. In: Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: Twenty-Second International Conference, S. 288 - 294 (Hg. McDaniel, F. D.; Doyle, B. L.; Glass, G. A.; Wang, Y.). Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: Twenty-Second International Conference, Ft. Worth, TX, USA, 05. August 2012 - 10. August 2012. (2013)
Meidinger, N.; Andritschke, R.; Aschauer, F.; Bornemann, W.; Emberger, V.; Eraerds, T.; Fürmetz, M.; Hälker, O.; Hartner, G.; Kink, W. et al.: Progress of the X-ray CCD camera development for the eROSITA telescope. In: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVIII, 88590B, S. 1 - 12 (Hg. Siegmund, O. H.). UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVIII, San Diego, California, USA, 25. August 2013 - 26. August 2013. (2013)