Publikationen von Nelson Padilla

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Cuesta-Lazaro, C.; Paillas, E.; Yuan, S.; Cai, Y.-C.; Nadathur, S.; Percival, W. J.; Beutler, F.; de Mattia, A.; Eisenstein, D. J.; Forero-Sanchez, D. et al.; Padilla, N.; Pinon, M.; Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.; Sanchez, A. G.; Valogiannis, G.; Zarrouk, P.: SUNBIRD: a simulation-based model for full-shape density-split clustering. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 531 (3), S. 3336 - 3356 (2024)
Salazar-Albornoz, S.; Sánchez, A. G.; Padilla, N.; Baugh, C. M.: Clustering tomography: measuring cosmological distances through angular clustering in thin redshift shells. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443 (4), S. 3612 - 3623 (2014)
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