Publikationen von F. Alves
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Zeitschriftenartikel (50)
684, A189 (2024)
FAUST: XI. Enhancement of the complex organic material in the shocked matter surrounding the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2.
678, A160 (2023)
FAUST - X. Formaldehyde in the protobinary system [BHB2007] 11: Small-scale deuteration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
954 (1), 99 (2023)
Submillimeter Observations of Magnetic Fields in Massive Star-forming Region W75N. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
522 (2), S. 2384 - 2392 (2023)
FAUST - VIII. The protostellar disc of VLA 1623-2417W and its streamers imaged by ALMA. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 5.
672, A72 (2023)
The kinematics of the magnetized protostellar core IRAS15398-3359. Astronomy and Astrophysics 6.
671, A35 (2023)
SOLIS - XVII. Jet candidate unveiled in OMC-2 and its possible link to the enhanced cosmic-ray ionisation rate. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
667, A119 (2022)
Tracing the contraction of the pre-stellar core L1544 with HC17O+ J = 1–0 emission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 8.
667, A6 (2022)
OMC-2 FIR 4 under the microscope: Shocks, filaments, and a highly collimated jet at 100 au scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics 9.
664, A171 (2022)
FAUST - V. Hot methanol in the [BHB2007] 11 protobinary system; hot corino versus shock origin. Astronomy and Astrophysics 10.
934 (1), 70 (2022)
Chemical and physical characterization of the isolated protostellar source CB68: FAUST IV. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
515 (1), S. 543 - 554 (2022)
FAUST VI. VLA1623-2417 B: a new laboratory for astrochemistry around protostars on 50 au scale. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 12.
662, A104 (2022)
SOLIS - XVI. Mass ejection and time variability in protostellar outflows: Cep E. Astronomy and Astrophysics 13.
929 (1), 13 (2022)
The Central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. - II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 14.
929 (1), 13 (2022)
The central 1000 au of a prestellar core revealed with ALMA. II. Almost complete freeze-out. The Astrophysical Journal 15.
927 (1), 54 (2022)
Misaligned rotations of the envelope, outflow, and disks in the multiple protostellar system of VLA 1623–2417: FAUST. III. The Astrophysical Journal 16.
657, A136 (2022)
SOLIS - XIII. Nitrogen fractionation towards the protocluster OMC-2 FIR4. Astronomy and Astrophysics 17.
657, A78 (2022)
Organic chemistry in the protosolar analogue HOPS-108: Environment matters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 18.
922 (1), 87 (2021)
Are massive dense clumps truly sub-virial? A new analysis using Gould Belt ammonia data. The Astrophysical Journal 19.
912 (1), 64 (2021)
Near-IR observations of the young star [BHB2007]-1: A substellar companion opening the gap in the disk. The Astrophysical Journal 20.
904 (1), L6 (2020)
A case of simultaneous star and planet formation. The Astrophysical Journal Letters