Publikationen von Leslie W. Looney

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Federman, S. A.; Megeath, S. T.; Rubinstein, A. E.; Gutermuth, R.; Narang, M.; Tyagi, H.; Manoj, P.; Anglada, G.; Atnagulov, P.; Beuther, H. et al.; Bourke, T. L.; Brunken, N.; Garatti, A. C. O.; Evans, N. J.; Fischer, W. J.; Furlan, E.; Green, J. D.; Habel, N.; Hartmann, L.; Karnath, N.; Klaassen, P.; Linz, H.; Looney, L. W.; Osorio, M.; Muzerolle Page, J.; Nazari, P.; Pokhrel, R.; Rahatgaonkar, R.; Rocha, W. R. M.; Sheehan, P.; Slavicinska, K.; Stanke, T.; Stutz, A. M.; Tobin, J. J.; Tychoniec, L.; Dishoeck, E. F. v.; Watson, D. M.; Wolk, S.; Yang, Y.-L.: Investigating Protostellar Accretion-driven Outflows across the Mass Spectrum: JWST NIRSpec Integral Field Unit 3-5 μm Spectral Mapping of Five Young Protostars. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 966 (1), 41 (2024)
Reynolds, N. K.; Tobin, J. J.; Sheehan, P. D.; Sadavoy, S. I.; Looney, L. W.; Kratter, K. M.; Li, Z.-Y.; Segura-Cox, D. M.; Kaib, N. A.: The Disk Orientations of Perseus Protostellar Multiples at ∼8 au Resolution. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 963 (2), 164 (2024)
Looney, L. W.; Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Geis, N.: Realizing integral field spectroscopy in the far-infrared. The Astrophysical Journal 597, S. 628 - 643 (2003)
Hardcastle, M. J.; Birkinshaw, M.; Cameron, R. A.; Harris, D. E.; Looney, L. W.; Worrall, D. M.: Magnetic field strengths in the hot spots and lobes of three powerful Fanaroff-Riley type II radio sources. The Astrophysical Journal 581 (2), S. 948 - 973 (2002)

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Looney, L. W.; Raab, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Geis, N.; Rosenthal, D.; Hönle, R.; Klein, R.; Fumi, F.; Genzel, R.; Henning, T.: FIFI LS: a far-infrared 3D spectral imager for SOFIA. In: Airborne Telescope System II, S. 47 - 55 (Hg. Melugin, R. K.; Röser, H.-P.). Airborne Telescope System II, Waikoloa, 27. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingham (2003)
Raab, W.; Looney, W.; Poglitsch, A.; Geis, N.; Hoenle, R.; Rosenthal, D.; Genzel, R.: FIFI LS: the optical design and diffraction analysis. In: Airborne Telescope System II, S. 166 - 174 (Hg. Melugin, R. K.; Röser, H.-P.). Airborne Telescope System II, Waikoloa, 25. August 2002 - 28. August 2002. SPIE, Bellingsham (2003)
Looney, L. W.; Mundy, L. G.; Welch, W. J.: Sub-arcsecond millimeter imaging of disks and envelopes: probing the density structure. In: The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View, S. 303 - 308 (Hg. Alves, J. F.; McCaughrean, M. J.). The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View, Garching, 24. April 2001 - 27. April 2001. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2002)
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