Publikationen von Peter Erwin

Zeitschriftenartikel (60)

Anderson, S. R.; Gough-Kelly, S.; Debattista, V. P.; Du, M.; Erwin, P.; Cuomo, V.; Caruana, J.; Hernquist, L.; Vogelsberger, M.: The interplay between accretion, downsizing, and the formation of box/peanut bulges in TNG50. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (2), S. 2919 - 2939 (2024)
Dattathri, S.; Valluri, M.; Vasiliev, E.; Wheeler, V.; Erwin, P.: Deprojection and stellar dynamical modelling of boxy/peanut bars in edge-on discs. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 530 (1), S. 1195 - 1217 (2024)
Erwin, P.: The frequency and sizes of inner bars and nuclear rings in barred galaxies and their dependence on galaxy properties. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 528 (2), S. 3613 - 3628 (2024)
Tahmasebzadeh, B.; Zhu, L.; Shen, J.; Gadotti, D. A.; Valluri, M.; Thater, S.; van de Ven, G.; Jin, Y.; Gerhard, O.; Erwin, P. et al.; Jethwa, P.; Zocchi, A.; Lilley, E. J.; Fragkoudi, F.; de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Mendez-Abreu, J.; Neumann, J.; Guo, R.: Schwarzschild modelling of barred s0 galaxy NGC 4371. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 534 (1), S. 861 - 882 (2024)
Ashok, A.; Seth, A.; Erwin, P.; Debattista, V. P.; de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.; Gadotti, D. A.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Beckman, J. E.; Bender, R.; Drory, N. et al.; Fisher, D.; Hopp, U.; Kluge, M.; Kolcu, T.; Maciejewski, W.; Mehrgan, K.; Parikh, T.; Saglia, R.; Seidel, M.; Thomas, J.: Composite Bulges. III. A Study of Nuclear Star Clusters in Nearby Spiral Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 958 (1), 100 (2023)
Silva, L. B. e.; Debattista, V. P.; Anderson, S. R.; Valluri, M.; Erwin, P.; Daniel, K. J.; Deg, N.: Orbital Support and Evolution of Flat Profiles of Bars (Shoulders). The Astrophysical Journal 955 (1), 38 (2023)
Erwin, P.; Debattista, V. P.; Anderson, S. R.: The profiles of bars in spiral galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 (2), S. 3166 - 3183 (2023)
Kolcu, T.; Maciejewski, W.; Gadotti, D. A.; Fragkoudi, F.; Erwin, P.; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Neumann, J.; de Ven, G. V.; de Sá-Freitas, C.; Longmore, S. et al.; Debattista, V. P.: Composite bulges – IV. Detecting signatures of gas inflows in the IFU data: the MUSE view of ionized gas kinematics in NGC 1097. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 (1), S. 207 - 223 (2023)
Anderson, S. R.; Debattista, V. P.; Erwin, P.; Liddicott, D. J.; Deg, N.; Silva, L. B. e.: The secular growth of bars revealed by flat (peak + shoulders) density profiles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513 (2), S. 1642 - 1661 (2022)
Erwin, P.; Seth, A.; Debattista, V. P.; Seidel, M.; Kianusch, M.; Thomas, J.; Saglia, R.; de Lorenzo-Caceres, A.; Maciejewski, W.; Fabricius, M. et al.; Mendez-Abreu, J.; Hopp, U.; Kluge, M.; Beckman, J. E.; Bender, R.; Drory, N.; Fisher, D.: Composite bulges – II. Classical bulges and nuclear discs in barred galaxies: the contrasting cases of NGC 4608 and NGC 4643. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (2), S. 2446 - 2473 (2021)
Kianusch, M.; Thomas, J.; Saglia, R.; Mazzalay, X.; Erwin, P.; Bender, R.; Kluge, M.; Fabricius, M.: A 40-billion solar mass black hole in the extreme core of Holm 15A, the central galaxy of Abell 85. The Astrophysical Journal 887 (2), 195 (2019)
Kruk, S. J.; Erwin, P.; Debattista, V. P.; Lintott, C.: Revealing the cosmic evolution of boxy/peanut-shaped bulges from HST COSMOS and SDSS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (4), S. 4721 - 4739 (2019)
Erwin, P.: What determines the sizes of bars in spiral galaxies? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489 (3), S. 3553 - 3564 (2019)
Du, M.; Debattista, V. P.; Ho, L. C.; Côté, P.; Spengler, C.; Erwin, P.; Wadsley, J. W.; Norris, M. A.; Earp, S. W. F.; Quinn, T. R. et al.; Fiteni, K.; Caruana, J.: The formation of compact elliptical galaxies in the vicinity of a massive galaxy: The role of ram-pressure confinement. The Astrophysical Journal 875 (1), 58, S. 1 - 10 (2019)
Blaña Díaz, M.; Gerhard, O.; Wegg, C.; Portail, M.; Opitsch, M.; Saglia, R.; Fabricius, M.; Erwin, P.; Bender, R.: Sculpting Andromeda – made-to-measure models for M31’s barand composite bulge: dynamics, stellar and dark matter mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 481 (3), S. 3210 - 3243 (2018)
Xie, L.; Lucia, G. D.; Wilman, D. J.; Fossati, M.; Erwin, P.; Gutiérrez, L.; Kulkarni, S. K.: On the influence of environment on star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (3), S. 3812 - 3825 (2018)
Coccato, L.; Fabricius, M. H.; Saglia, R. P.; Bender, R.; Erwin, P.; Drory, N.; Morelli, L.: Spectroscopic decomposition of NGC 3521: unveiling the properties of the bulge and disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477 (2), S. 1958 - 1969 (2018)
Erwin, P.: The dependence of bar frequency on galaxy mass, colour, and gas content – and angular resolution – in the local universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (4), S. 5372 - 5392 (2018)
Erwin, P.; Thomas, J.; Saglia, R. P.; Fabricius, M.; Rusli, S. P.; Seitz, S.; Bender, R.: NGC 307 and the effects of dark-matter haloes on measuring supermassive black holes in disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473 (2), S. 2251 - 2274 (2018)
Du, M.; Debattista, V. P.; Shen, J.; Ho, L. C.; Erwin, P.: Black hole growth in disk galaxies mediated by the secular evolution of short bars. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 844 (2), L15 (2017)
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