Publikationen von Paolo Mazzali
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Zeitschriftenartikel (13)
683, A223 (2024)
1100 days in the life of the supernova 2018ibb: The best pair-instability supernova candidate, to date. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 2.
617, A122, S. 1 - 22 (2018)
The optical/NIR afterglow of GRB 111209A: Complex yet not unprecedented. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
853 (1), 62 (2018)
The early detection and follow-up of the highly obscured Type II supernova 2016ija/DLT16am. The Astrophysical Journal 4.
848 (2), L12 (2017)
Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 5.
602, A9, S. 1 - 22 (2017)
The evolution of superluminous supernova LSQ14mo and its interacting host galaxy system. Astronomy & Astrophysics 6.
1, 0034, S. 1 - 8 (2016)
Corrigendum: The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole. Nature Astronomy 7.
1, 0002, S. 1 - 8 (2016)
The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole. Nature Astronomy 8.
828 (2), L18 (2016)
Superluminous supernova SN 2015bn in the nebular phase: evidence for the engine-powered explosion of a stripped massive star. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 9.
458 (4), S. 3455 - 3465 (2016)
Spectrum formation in superluminous supernovae (Type I). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
523 (7559), S. 189 - 192 (2015)
A very luminous magnetar-powered supernova associated with an ultra-long γ-ray burst. Nature 11.
805 (2), 187, S. 1 - 8 (2015)
A missing-link in the supernova-GRB connection: the case of SN 2012ap. The Astrophysical Journal 12.
442 (3), S. 2768 - 2779 (2014)
Optical follow-up observations of PTF10qts, a luminous broad-lined type Ic supernova found by the Palomar Transient Factory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13.
753 (1), 67, S. 1 - 13 (2012)
The highly energetic expansion of SN 2010bh associated with GRB 100316D. The Astrophysical Journal