Publikationen von Davide Fedele

Zeitschriftenartikel (17)

Chahine, L.; Ceccarelli, C.; De Simone, M.; Chandler, C. J.; Codella, C.; Podio, L.; Lopez-Sepulcre, A.; Sakai, N.; Loinard, L.; Bouvier, M. et al.; Caselli, P.; Vastel, C.; Bianchi, E.; Cuello, N.; Fontani, F.; Johnstone, D.; Sabatini, G.; Hanawa, T.; Zhang, Z. E.; Aikawa, Y.; Busquet, G.; Caux, E.; Duran, A.; Herbst, E.; Menard, F.; Segura-Cox, D.; Svoboda, B.; Balucani, N.; Charnley, S.; Dulieu, F.; Evans, L.; Fedele, D.; Feng, S.; Hama, T.; Hirota, T.; Isella, A.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Lefloch, B.; Maud, L. T.; Maureira, M. J.; Miotello, A.; Moellenbrock, G.; Nomura, H.; Oba, Y.; Ohashi, S.; Okoda, Y.; Oya, Y.; Pineda, J.; Rimola, A.; Sakai, T.; Shirley, Y.; Testi, L.; Viti, S.; Watanabe, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yamamoto, S.: Multiple chemical tracers finally unveil the intricate NGC 1333 IRAS 4A outflow system. FAUST XVI. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 531 (2), S. 2653 - 2668 (2024)
Murillo, N. M.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Tobin, J. J.; Fedele, D.: Do siblings always form and evolve simultaneously? Testing the coevality of multiple protostellar systems through SEDs. Astronomy & Astrophysics 592, A56, S. 1 - 23 (2016)
Fedele, D.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Kama, M.; Bruderer, S.; Hogerheijde, M. R.: Probing the 2D temperature structure of protoplanetary disks with Herschel observations of high-J CO lines. Astronomy & Astrophysics 591, A95, S. 1 - 13 (2016)
Kama, M.; Bruderer, S.; Carney, M.; Hogerheijde, M.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Fedele, D.; Baryshev, A.; Boland, W.; Güsten, R.; Aikutalp, A. et al.; Choi, Y.; Endo, A.; Frieswijk, W.; Karska, A.; Klaassen, P.; Koumpia, E.; Kristensen, L.; Leurini, S.; Nagy, Z.; Perez Beaupuits, J.-P.; Risacher, C.; van der Marel, N.; van Kempen, T. A.; van Weeren, R. J.; Wyrowski, F.; Yıldız, U. A.: Observations and modelling of CO and [C i] in protoplanetary disks - First detections of [C i] and constraints on the carbon abundance. Astronomy & Astrophysics 588, A108 (2016)
Manara, C. F.; Fedele, D.; Herczeg, G. J.; Teixeira, P. S.: X-Shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I. Astronomy & Astrophysics 585, A136, S. 1 - 18 (2016)
Fedele, D.; Bruderer, S.; van den Ancker, M. E.; Pascucci, I.: On the asymmetry of the OH ro-vibrational lines in HD 100546. The Astrophysical Journal 800 (1), 23 (2015)
Karska, A.; Kristensen, L. E.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Drozdovskaya, M. N.; Mottram, J. C.; Herczeg, G. J.; Bruderer, S.; Cabrit, S.; Evans II, N. J.; Fedele, D. et al.; Gusdorf, A.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Kaufman, M. J.; Melnick, G. J.; Neufeld, D. A.; Nisini, B.; Santangelo, G.; Tafalla, M.; Wampfler, S. F.: Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel/PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus. Astronomy & Astrophysics 572, A9 (2014)
Fang, M.; Sicilia-Aguilar, A.; Roccatagliata, V.; Fedele, D.; Henning, T.; Eiroa, C.; Müller, A.: GW Orionis: Inner disk readjustments in a triple system. Astronomy & Astrophysics 570, A118 (2014)
Karska, A.; Herpin, F.; Bruderer, S.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Herczeg, G. J.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; San José-García, I.; Contursi, A.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Fedele, D. et al.; Baudry, A.; Braine, J.; Chavarría, L.; Cernicharo, J.; van der Tak, F. F. S.; Wyrowski, F.: Far-infrared molecular lines from low- to high-mass star forming regions observed with Herschel. Astronomy & Astrophysics 562, A45, S. 1 - 22 (2014)
Fedele, D.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Carr, J.; Herczeg, G. J.; Salyk, C.; Evans, N. J.; Bouwman, J.; Meeus, G.; Henning, T. et al.; Green, J.; Najita, J. R.; Güdel, M.: DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary disks I. [O i], [C ii], OH, H2O, and CH+. Astronomy & Astrophysics 559, A77, S. 1 - 22 (2013)
Meeus, G.; Salyk, C.; Bruderer, S.; Fedele, D.; Maaskant, K.; Evans, N. J.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Montesinos, B.; Herczeg, G.; Bouwman, J. et al.; Green, J. D.; Dominik, C.; Henning, T.; Vicente, S.; and the DIGIT team: DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary discs - II. CO. Astronomy & Astrophysics 559, A84, S. 1 - 20 (2013)
Fedele, D.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Panic, O.; Brown, J. M.; Henning, T.: Probing the radial temperature structure of protoplanetary disks with Herschel/HIFI. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 776 (1), L3, S. 1 - 5 (2013)
Müller, A.; Roccatagliata, V.; Henning, T.; Fedele, D.; Pasquali, A.; Caffau, E.; Rodríguez-Ledesma, M. V.; Mohler-Fischer, M.; Seemann, U.; Klement, R. J.: Reanalysis of the FEROS observations of HIP 11952. Astronomy & Astrophysics 556, A3, S. 1 - 7 (2013)
Green, J. D.; Evans, N. J.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Herczeg, G. J.; Kristensen, L. E.; Lee, J.-E.; Dionatos, O.; Yildiz, U. A.; Salyk, C.; Meeus, G. et al.; Bouwman, J.; Visser, R.; Bergin, E. A.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Rascati, M. R.; Karska, A.; van Kempen, T. A.; Dunham, M. M.; Lindberg, J. E.; Fedele, D.: Embedded protostars in the Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time (DIGIT) Herschel Key Program: continuum SEDs, and an inventory of characteristic far-infrared lines from PACS spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal 770 (2), 123 (2013)
Dent, W. R. F.; Thi, W. F.; Kamp, I.; Williams, J. P.; Menard, F.; Andrews, S.; Ardila, D.; Aresu, G.; Augereau, J.-C.; Barrado y Navascues, D. et al.; Brittain, S.; Carmona, A.; Ciardi, D.; Danchi, W.; Donaldson, J.; Duchene, G.; Eiroa, C.; Fedele, D.; Grady, C.; de Gregorio-Molsalvo, I.; Howard, C.; Huélamo, N.; Krivov, A.; Lebreton, J.; Liseau, R.; Martin-Zaidi, C.; Mathews, G.; Meeus, G.; Mendigutía, I.; Montesinos, B.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Mora, A.; Nomura, H.; Pantin, E.; Pascucci, I.; Phillips, N.; Pinte, C.; Podio, L.; Ramsay, S. K.; Riaz, B.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Solano, E.; Tilling, I.; Torrelles, J. M.; Vandenbusche, B.; Vicente, S.; White, G. J.; Woitke, P.: GASPS—A Herschel survey of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks: summary and initial statistics. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 125 (927), S. 477 - 505 (2013)
Karska, A.; Herczeg, G. J.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Wampfler, S. F.; Kristensen, L. E.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Visser, R.; Nisini, B.; San José-García, I.; Bruderer, S. et al.; Śniady, P.; Doty, S.; Fedele, D.; Yıldız, U. A.; Benz, A. O.; Bergin, E.; Caselli, P.; Herpin, F.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Johnstone, D.; Jørgensen, J. K.; Liseau, R.; Tafalla, M.; van der Tak, F.; Wyrowski, F.: Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH) - III. Far-infrared cooling lines in low-mass young stellar objects. Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A141, S. 1 - 48 (2013)
Fedele, D.; Bruderer, S.; Van Dishoeck, E. F.; Herczeg, G. J.; Evans, N. J.; Bouwman, J.; Henning, T.; Green, J.: Warm H2O and OH in the disk around the Herbig star HD 163296. Astronomy & Astrophysics 544, L9, S. 1 - 5 (2012)
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